
// Copyright 2021 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// JsonSerializer_unittests.cpp: Unit tests for the JSON based serializer

#    error RapidJSON must be available to build this file.
#endif  // !defined(ANGLE_HAS_RAPIDJSON)

#include "JsonSerializer.h"

#include <gtest/gtest.h>

class JsonSerializerTest : public ::testing::Test

// Test writing one integer value
TEST_F(JsonSerializerTest, NamedIntValue1)

// Test writing one long value
TEST_F(JsonSerializerTest, NamedLongValue)

// Test writing one unsigned long value
TEST_F(JsonSerializerTest, NamedULongValue)

// Test writing another integer value
TEST_F(JsonSerializerTest, NamedIntValue2)

// Test writing one string value
TEST_F(JsonSerializerTest, NamedStringValue)

// Test writing one byte array
// Since he serialiter is only used for testing we don't store
// the whole byte array, but only it's SHA1 checksum
TEST_F(JsonSerializerTest, ByteArrayValue)

// Test writing one vector of integer values
TEST_F(JsonSerializerTest, IntVectorValue)

// Test writing one vector of integer values
TEST_F(JsonSerializerTest, IntVectorAsBlobValue)

// Test unsorted input gets sorted
TEST_F(JsonSerializerTest, SortValues1)

// Test writing one vector of short integer values
TEST_F(JsonSerializerTest, ShortVectorAsBlobValue)

// Test adding the same key twice
TEST_F(JsonSerializerTest, KeyUsedTwice)

// Test writing boolean values
TEST_F(JsonSerializerTest, NamedBoolValues)

// test writing two values in a sub-group
TEST_F(JsonSerializerTest, GroupedIntValue)

void JsonSerializerTest::SetUp()

void JsonSerializerTest::check(const std::string &expect)