
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "cc/trees/commit_state.h"
#include "components/viz/common/frame_sinks/copy_output_request.h"

namespace cc {

CommitState::CommitState() = default;
CommitState::~CommitState() = default;
CommitState::CommitState(const CommitState& prev)

base::flat_set<viz::SurfaceRange> CommitState::SurfaceRanges() const {}

EventListenerProperties CommitState::GetEventListenerProperties(
    EventListenerClass listener_class) const {}

    MutatorHost* mh,
    const ProtectedSequenceSynchronizer& synchronizer)

ThreadUnsafeCommitState::~ThreadUnsafeCommitState() = default;

}  // namespace cc