
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

// Tests for WebSocketBasicStream. Note that we do not attempt to verify that
// frame parsing itself functions correctly, as that is covered by the
// WebSocketFrameParser tests.

#include "net/websockets/websocket_basic_stream.h"

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>  // for memcpy() and memset().

#include <iterator>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>

#include "base/containers/heap_array.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/numerics/byte_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/base/network_anonymization_key.h"
#include "net/base/privacy_mode.h"
#include "net/base/request_priority.h"
#include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h"
#include "net/dns/public/secure_dns_policy.h"
#include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h"
#include "net/socket/client_socket_pool.h"
#include "net/socket/connect_job.h"
#include "net/socket/socket_tag.h"
#include "net/socket/socket_test_util.h"
#include "net/test/gtest_util.h"
#include "net/test/test_with_task_environment.h"
#include "net/traffic_annotation/network_traffic_annotation.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/scheme_host_port.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"


namespace net {
namespace {


constexpr size_t kLargeFrameHeaderSize =;
// This frame encodes a payload length of 7 in two bytes, which is always
// invalid.
// Control frames must have the FIN bit set. This one does not.
// Control frames must have a payload of 125 bytes or less. This one has
// a payload of 126 bytes.
constexpr WebSocketMaskingKey kNulMaskingKey =;
constexpr WebSocketMaskingKey kNonNulMaskingKey =;

// A masking key generator function which generates the identity mask,
// ie. "\0\0\0\0".
WebSocketMaskingKey GenerateNulMaskingKey() {}

// A masking key generation function which generates a fixed masking key with no
// nul characters.
WebSocketMaskingKey GenerateNonNulMaskingKey() {}

// A subclass of StaticSocketDataProvider modified to require that all data
// expected to be read or written actually is.
class StrictStaticSocketDataProvider : public StaticSocketDataProvider {};

// A fixture for tests which only perform normal socket operations.
class WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest : public TestWithTaskEnvironment {};

// A test fixture for the common case of tests that only perform a single read.
class WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest
    : public WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest {};

// A test fixture for tests that perform chunked reads.
class WebSocketBasicStreamSocketChunkedReadTest
    : public WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest {};

// Test fixture for write tests.
class WebSocketBasicStreamSocketWriteTest
    : public WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest {};

// A test fixture for tests that perform read buffer size switching.
class WebSocketBasicStreamSwitchTest : public WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest {};

TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest, ConstructionWorks) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, SyncReadWorks) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, AsyncReadWorks) {}

// ReadFrames will not return a frame whose header has not been wholly received.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketChunkedReadTest, HeaderFragmentedSync) {}

// The same behaviour applies to asynchronous reads.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketChunkedReadTest, HeaderFragmentedAsync) {}

// If it receives an incomplete header in a synchronous call, then has to wait
// for the rest of the frame, ReadFrames will return ERR_IO_PENDING.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest, HeaderFragmentedSyncAsync) {}

// An extended header should also return ERR_IO_PENDING if it is not completely
// received.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest, FragmentedLargeHeader) {}

// A frame that does not arrive in a single read should be broken into separate
// frames.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, LargeFrameFirstChunk) {}

// If only the header of a data frame arrives, we should receive a frame with a
// zero-size payload.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, HeaderOnlyChunk) {}

// If the header and the body of a data frame arrive seperately, we should see
// them as separate frames.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest, HeaderBodySeparated) {}

// Every frame has a header with a correct payload_length field.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketChunkedReadTest, LargeFrameTwoChunks) {}

// Only the final frame of a fragmented message has |final| bit set.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketChunkedReadTest, OnlyFinalChunkIsFinal) {}

// All frames after the first have their opcode changed to Continuation.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketChunkedReadTest, ContinuationOpCodeUsed) {}

// Multiple frames that arrive together should be parsed correctly.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, ThreeFramesTogether) {}

// ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED must be returned on close.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, SyncClose) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, AsyncClose) {}

// The result should be the same if the socket returns
// ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED. This is not expected to happen on an established
// connection; a Read of size 0 is the expected behaviour. The key point of this
// test is to confirm that ReadFrames() behaviour is identical in both cases.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, SyncCloseWithErr) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, AsyncCloseWithErr) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, SyncErrorsPassedThrough) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, AsyncErrorsPassedThrough) {}

// If we get a frame followed by a close, we should receive them separately.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketChunkedReadTest, CloseAfterFrame) {}

// Synchronous close after an async frame header is handled by a different code
// path.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest, AsyncCloseAfterIncompleteHeader) {}

// When Stream::Read returns ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED we get the same result via a
// slightly different code path.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest, AsyncErrCloseAfterIncompleteHeader) {}

// An empty first frame is not ignored.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, EmptyFirstFrame) {}

// An empty frame in the middle of a message is ignored.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest, EmptyMiddleFrame) {}

// An empty frame in the middle of a message that arrives separately is still
// ignored.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest, EmptyMiddleFrameAsync) {}

// An empty final frame is not ignored.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, EmptyFinalFrame) {}

// An empty middle frame is ignored with a final frame present.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest, ThreeFrameEmptyMessage) {}

// If there was a frame read at the same time as the response headers (and the
// handshake succeeded), then we should parse it.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest, HttpReadBufferIsUsed) {}

// Check that a frame whose header partially arrived at the end of the response
// headers works correctly.
       PartialFrameHeaderInHttpResponse) {}

// Check that a control frame which partially arrives at the end of the response
// headers works correctly.
       PartialControlFrameInHttpResponse) {}

// Check that a control frame which partially arrives at the end of the response
// headers works correctly. Synchronous version (unlikely in practice).
       PartialControlFrameInHttpResponseSync) {}

// Check that an invalid frame results in an error.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, SyncInvalidFrame) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, AsyncInvalidFrame) {}

// A control frame without a FIN flag is invalid and should not be passed
// through to higher layers. RFC6455 5.5 "All control frames ... MUST NOT be
// fragmented."
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, ControlFrameWithoutFin) {}

// A control frame over 125 characters is invalid. RFC6455 5.5 "All control
// frames MUST have a payload length of 125 bytes or less". Since we use a
// 125-byte buffer to assemble fragmented control frames, we need to detect this
// error before attempting to assemble the fragments.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketSingleReadTest, OverlongControlFrame) {}

// A control frame over 125 characters should still be rejected if it is split
// into multiple chunks.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketChunkedReadTest, SplitOverlongControlFrame) {}

       AsyncSplitOverlongControlFrame) {}

// In the synchronous case, ReadFrames assembles the whole control frame before
// returning.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketChunkedReadTest, SyncControlFrameAssembly) {}

// In the asynchronous case, the callback is not called until the control frame
// has been completely assembled.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketChunkedReadTest, AsyncControlFrameAssembly) {}

// A frame with a 1MB payload that has to be read in chunks.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketChunkedReadTest, OneMegFrame) {}

// A frame with reserved flag(s) set that arrives in chunks should only have the
// reserved flag(s) set on the first chunk when split.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketChunkedReadTest, ReservedFlagCleared) {}

// Check that writing a frame all at once works.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketWriteTest, WriteAtOnce) {}

// Check that completely async writing works.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketWriteTest, AsyncWriteAtOnce) {}

// Check that writing a frame to an extremely full kernel buffer (so that it
// ends up being sent in bits) works. The WriteFrames() callback should not be
// called until all parts have been written.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketWriteTest, WriteInBits) {}

// Check that writing a Pong frame with a nullptr body works.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketWriteTest, WriteNullptrPong) {}

// Check that writing with a non-nullptr mask works correctly.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest, WriteNonNulMask) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest, GetExtensionsWorks) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSocketTest, GetSubProtocolWorks) {}

// Check that the read buffer size initialization works correctly.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSwitchTest, GetInitialReadBufferSize) {}

// Check that the case where the start time and the end time are the same.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSwitchTest, ZeroSecondRead) {}

// Check that the read buffer size is switched for high throughput connection.
TEST_F(WebSocketBasicStreamSwitchTest, CheckSwitch) {}

}  // namespace
}  // namespace net