
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "net/websockets/websocket_channel.h"

#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/auth.h"
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/ip_address.h"
#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
#include "net/base/isolation_info.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h"
#include "net/cookies/site_for_cookies.h"
#include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_info.h"
#include "net/storage_access_api/status.h"
#include "net/test/test_with_task_environment.h"
#include "net/traffic_annotation/network_traffic_annotation.h"
#include "net/traffic_annotation/network_traffic_annotation_test_helper.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_context_builder.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_test_util.h"
#include "net/websockets/websocket_errors.h"
#include "net/websockets/websocket_event_interface.h"
#include "net/websockets/websocket_handshake_request_info.h"
#include "net/websockets/websocket_handshake_response_info.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"

// Hacky macros to construct the body of a Close message from a code and a
// string, while ensuring the result is a compile-time constant string.
// Use like CLOSE_DATA(NORMAL_CLOSURE, "Explanation String")
#define CLOSE_DATA(code, string)

namespace net {

class WebSocketBasicHandshakeStream;
class WebSocketHttp2HandshakeStream;

// Printing helpers to allow GoogleMock to print frames. These are explicitly
// designed to look like the static initialisation format we use in these
// tests. They have to live in the net namespace in order to be found by
// GoogleMock; a nested anonymous namespace will not work.

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const WebSocketFrameHeader& header) {}

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const WebSocketFrame& frame) {}

std::ostream& operator<<(
    std::ostream& os,
    const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<WebSocketFrame>>& frames) {}

std::ostream& operator<<(
    std::ostream& os,
    const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<WebSocketFrame>>* vector) {}

namespace {



// A selection of characters that have traditionally been mangled in some
// environment or other, for testing 8-bit cleanliness.
constexpr char kBinaryBlob[] =;
constexpr size_t kBinaryBlobSize =;

constexpr int kVeryBigTimeoutMillis =;

// TestTimeouts::tiny_timeout() is 100ms! I could run halfway around the world
// in that time! I would like my tests to run a bit quicker.
constexpr int kVeryTinyTimeoutMillis =;

constexpr ChannelState CHANNEL_ALIVE =;
constexpr ChannelState CHANNEL_DELETED =;

// This typedef mainly exists to avoid having to repeat the "NOLINT" incantation
// all over the place.
Checkpoint;  // NOLINT

// This mock is for testing expectations about how the EventInterface is used.
class MockWebSocketEventInterface : public WebSocketEventInterface {};

// This fake EventInterface is for tests which need a WebSocketEventInterface
// implementation but are not verifying how it is used.
class FakeWebSocketEventInterface : public WebSocketEventInterface {};

// This fake WebSocketStream is for tests that require a WebSocketStream but are
// not testing the way it is used. It has minimal functionality to return
// the |protocol| and |extensions| that it was constructed with.
class FakeWebSocketStream : public WebSocketStream {};

// To make the static initialisers easier to read, we use enums rather than
// bools.
enum IsFinal {};

enum IsMasked {};

// This is used to initialise a WebSocketFrame but is statically initialisable.
struct InitFrame {};

// For GoogleMock
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const InitFrame& frame) {}

template <size_t N>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const InitFrame (&frames)[N]) {}

// Convert a const array of InitFrame structs to the format used at
// runtime. Templated on the size of the array to save typing.
template <size_t N>
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<WebSocketFrame>> CreateFrameVector(
    const InitFrame (&source_frames)[N],
    std::vector<scoped_refptr<IOBuffer>>* result_frame_data) {}

// A GoogleMock action which can be used to respond to call to ReadFrames with
// some frames. Use like ReadFrames(_, _).WillOnce(ReturnFrames(&frames,
// &result_frame_data_)); |frames| is an array of InitFrame. |frames| needs to
// be passed by pointer because otherwise it will be treated as a pointer and
// the array size information will be lost.
ACTION_P2(ReturnFrames, source_frames, result_frame_data) {}

// The implementation of a GoogleMock matcher which can be used to compare a
// std::vector<std::unique_ptr<WebSocketFrame>>* against an expectation defined
// as an
// array of InitFrame objects. Although it is possible to compose built-in
// GoogleMock matchers to check the contents of a WebSocketFrame, the results
// are so unreadable that it is better to use this matcher.
template <size_t N>
class EqualsFramesMatcher : public ::testing::MatcherInterface<
                                std::vector<std::unique_ptr<WebSocketFrame>>*> {};

// The definition of EqualsFrames GoogleMock matcher. Unlike the ReturnFrames
// action, this can take the array by reference.
template <size_t N>
::testing::Matcher<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<WebSocketFrame>>*> EqualsFrames(
    const InitFrame (&frames)[N]) {}

// A GoogleMock action to run a Closure.
ACTION_P(InvokeClosure, test_closure) {}

// A FakeWebSocketStream whose ReadFrames() function returns data.
class ReadableFakeWebSocketStream : public FakeWebSocketStream {};

// A FakeWebSocketStream where writes always complete successfully and
// synchronously.
class WriteableFakeWebSocketStream : public FakeWebSocketStream {};

// A FakeWebSocketStream where writes always fail.
class UnWriteableFakeWebSocketStream : public FakeWebSocketStream {};

// A FakeWebSocketStream which echoes any frames written back. Clears the
// "masked" header bit, but makes no other checks for validity. Tests using this
// must run the MessageLoop to receive the callback(s). If a message with opcode
// Close is echoed, then an ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED is returned in the next
// callback. The test must do something to cause WriteFrames() to be called,
// otherwise the ReadFrames() callback will never be called.
class EchoeyFakeWebSocketStream : public FakeWebSocketStream {};

// A FakeWebSocketStream where writes trigger a connection reset.
// This differs from UnWriteableFakeWebSocketStream in that it is asynchronous
// and triggers ReadFrames to return a reset as well. Tests using this need to
// run the message loop. There are two tricky parts here:
// 1. Calling the write callback may call Close(), after which the read callback
//    should not be called.
// 2. Calling either callback may delete the stream altogether.
class ResetOnWriteFakeWebSocketStream : public FakeWebSocketStream {};

// This mock is for verifying that WebSocket protocol semantics are obeyed (to
// the extent that they are implemented in WebSocketCommon).
class MockWebSocketStream : public WebSocketStream {};

class MockWebSocketStreamRequest : public WebSocketStreamRequest {};

struct WebSocketStreamCreationCallbackArgumentSaver {};

std::vector<char> AsVector(std::string_view s) {}

// Converts a std::string_view to a IOBuffer. For test purposes, it is
// convenient to be able to specify data as a string, but the
// WebSocketEventInterface requires the IOBuffer type.
scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> AsIOBuffer(std::string_view s) {}

class FakeSSLErrorCallbacks
    : public WebSocketEventInterface::SSLErrorCallbacks {};

// Base class for all test fixtures.
class WebSocketChannelTest : public TestWithTaskEnvironment {};

// enum of WebSocketEventInterface calls. These are intended to be or'd together
// in order to instruct WebSocketChannelDeletingTest when it should fail.
enum EventInterfaceCall {};

// Base class for tests which verify that EventInterface methods are called
// appropriately.
class WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest : public WebSocketChannelTest {};

// Base class for tests which verify that WebSocketStream methods are called
// appropriately by using a MockWebSocketStream.
class WebSocketChannelStreamTest : public WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest {};

// Fixture for tests which test UTF-8 validation of sent Text frames via the
// EventInterface.
class WebSocketChannelSendUtf8Test
    : public WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest {};

// Fixture for tests which test UTF-8 validation of received Text frames using a
// mock WebSocketStream.
class WebSocketChannelReceiveUtf8Test : public WebSocketChannelStreamTest {};

// Simple test that everything that should be passed to the stream creation
// callback is passed to the argument saver.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelTest, EverythingIsPassedToTheCreatorFunction) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, ConnectSuccessReported) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, ConnectFailureReported) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, NonWebSocketSchemeRejected) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, ProtocolPassed) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, ExtensionsPassed) {}

// The first frames from the server can arrive together with the handshake, in
// which case they will be available as soon as ReadFrames() is called the first
// time.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, DataLeftFromHandshake) {}

// A remote server could accept the handshake, but then immediately send a
// Close frame.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, CloseAfterHandshake) {}

// Do not close until browser has sent all pending frames.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, ShouldCloseWhileNoDataFrames) {}

// A remote server could close the connection immediately after sending the
// handshake response (most likely a bug in the server).
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, ConnectionCloseAfterHandshake) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, NormalAsyncRead) {}

// Extra data can arrive while a read is being processed, resulting in the next
// read completing synchronously.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, AsyncThenSyncRead) {}

// Data frames are delivered the same regardless of how many reads they arrive
// as.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, FragmentedMessage) {}

// A message can consist of one frame with null payload.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, NullMessage) {}

// Connection closed by the remote host without a closing handshake.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, AsyncAbnormalClosure) {}

// A connection reset should produce the same event as an unexpected closure.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, ConnectionReset) {}

// RFC6455 5.1 "A client MUST close a connection if it detects a masked frame."
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, MaskedFramesAreRejected) {}

// RFC6455 5.2 "If an unknown opcode is received, the receiving endpoint MUST
// _Fail the WebSocket Connection_."
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, UnknownOpCodeIsRejected) {}

// RFC6455 5.4 "Control frames ... MAY be injected in the middle of a
// fragmented message."
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, ControlFrameInDataMessage) {}

// It seems redundant to repeat the entirety of the above test, so just test a
// Pong with null data.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, PongWithNullData) {}

// If a frame has an invalid header, then the connection is closed and
// subsequent frames must not trigger events.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, FrameAfterInvalidFrame) {}

// If a write fails, the channel is dropped.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, FailedWrite) {}

// OnDropChannel() is called exactly once when StartClosingHandshake() is used.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, SendCloseDropsChannel) {}

// StartClosingHandshake() also works before connection completes, and calls
// OnDropChannel.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, CloseDuringConnection) {}

// OnDropChannel() is only called once when a write() on the socket triggers a
// connection reset.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, OnDropChannelCalledOnce) {}

// When the remote server sends a Close frame with an empty payload,
// WebSocketChannel should report code 1005, kWebSocketErrorNoStatusReceived.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, CloseWithNoPayloadGivesStatus1005) {}

// A version of the above test with null payload.
       CloseWithNullPayloadGivesStatus1005) {}

// If ReadFrames() returns ERR_WS_PROTOCOL_ERROR, then the connection must be
// failed.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, SyncProtocolErrorGivesStatus1002) {}

// Async version of above test.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, AsyncProtocolErrorGivesStatus1002) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, StartHandshakeRequest) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, FailJustAfterHandshake) {}

// Any frame after close is invalid. This test uses a Text frame. See also
// test "PingAfterCloseIfRejected".
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, DataAfterCloseIsRejected) {}

// A Close frame with a one-byte payload elicits a specific console error
// message.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, OneByteClosePayloadMessage) {}

// A Close frame with a reserved status code also elicits a specific console
// error message.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, ClosePayloadReservedStatusMessage) {}

// A Close frame with invalid UTF-8 also elicits a specific console error
// message.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, ClosePayloadInvalidReason) {}

// The reserved bits must all be clear on received frames. Extensions should
// clear the bits when they are set correctly before passing on the frame.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, ReservedBitsMustNotBeSet) {}

// The closing handshake times out and sends an OnDropChannel event if no
// response to the client Close message is received.
       ClientInitiatedClosingHandshakeTimesOut) {}

// The closing handshake times out and sends an OnDropChannel event if a Close
// message is received but the connection isn't closed by the remote host.
       ServerInitiatedClosingHandshakeTimesOut) {}

// We should stop calling ReadFrames() when data frames are pending.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, PendingDataFrameStopsReadFrames) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, SingleFrameMessage) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, EmptyMessage) {}

// A close frame should not overtake data frames.
       CloseFrameShouldNotOvertakeDataFrames) {}

// RFC6455 5.1 "a client MUST mask all frames that it sends to the server".
// WebSocketChannel actually only sets the mask bit in the header, it doesn't
// perform masking itself (not all transports actually use masking).
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, SentFramesAreMasked) {}

// RFC6455 5.5.1 "The application MUST NOT send any more data frames after
// sending a Close frame."
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, NothingIsSentAfterClose) {}

// RFC6455 5.5.1 "If an endpoint receives a Close frame and did not previously
// send a Close frame, the endpoint MUST send a Close frame in response."
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, CloseIsEchoedBack) {}

// The converse of the above case; after sending a Close frame, we should not
// send another one.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, CloseOnlySentOnce) {}

// Invalid close status codes should not be sent on the network.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, InvalidCloseStatusCodeNotSent) {}

// A Close frame with a reason longer than 123 bytes cannot be sent on the
// network.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, LongCloseReasonNotSent) {}

// We generate code 1005, kWebSocketErrorNoStatusReceived, when there is no
// status in the Close message from the other side. Code 1005 is not allowed to
// appear on the wire, so we should not echo it back. See test
// CloseWithNoPayloadGivesStatus1005, above, for confirmation that code 1005 is
// correctly generated internally.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, Code1005IsNotEchoed) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, Code1005IsNotEchoedNull) {}

// Receiving an invalid UTF-8 payload in a Close frame causes us to fail the
// connection.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, CloseFrameInvalidUtf8) {}

// RFC6455 5.5.2 "Upon receipt of a Ping frame, an endpoint MUST send a Pong
// frame in response"
// 5.5.3 "A Pong frame sent in response to a Ping frame must have identical
// "Application data" as found in the message body of the Ping frame being
// replied to."
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, PingRepliedWithPong) {}

// A ping with a null payload should be responded to with a Pong with a null
// payload.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, NullPingRepliedWithNullPong) {}

TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, PongInTheMiddleOfDataMessage) {}

// WriteFrames() may not be called until the previous write has completed.
// WebSocketChannel must buffer writes that happen in the meantime.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, WriteFramesOneAtATime) {}

// WebSocketChannel must buffer frames while it is waiting for a write to
// complete, and then send them in a single batch. The batching behaviour is
// important to get good throughput in the "many small messages" case.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, WaitingMessagesAreBatched) {}

// For convenience, most of these tests use Text frames. However, the WebSocket
// protocol also has Binary frames and those need to be 8-bit clean. For the
// sake of completeness, this test verifies that they are.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, WrittenBinaryFramesAre8BitClean) {}

// Test the read path for 8-bit cleanliness as well.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, ReadBinaryFramesAre8BitClean) {}

// Invalid UTF-8 is not permitted in Text frames.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelSendUtf8Test, InvalidUtf8Rejected) {}

// A Text message cannot end with a partial UTF-8 character.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelSendUtf8Test, IncompleteCharacterInFinalFrame) {}

// A non-final Text frame may end with a partial UTF-8 character (compare to
// previous test).
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelSendUtf8Test, IncompleteCharacterInNonFinalFrame) {}

// UTF-8 parsing context must be retained between frames.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelSendUtf8Test, ValidCharacterSplitBetweenFrames) {}

// Similarly, an invalid character should be detected even if split.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelSendUtf8Test, InvalidCharacterSplit) {}

// An invalid character must be detected in continuation frames.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelSendUtf8Test, InvalidByteInContinuation) {}

// However, continuation frames of a Binary frame will not be tested for UTF-8
// validity.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelSendUtf8Test, BinaryContinuationNotChecked) {}

// Multiple text messages can be validated without the validation state getting
// confused.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelSendUtf8Test, ValidateMultipleTextMessages) {}

// UTF-8 validation is enforced on received Text frames.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, ReceivedInvalidUtf8) {}

// Invalid UTF-8 is not sent over the network.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, InvalidUtf8TextFrameNotSent) {}

// The rest of the tests for receiving invalid UTF-8 test the communication with
// the server. Since there is only one code path, it would be redundant to
// perform the same tests on the EventInterface as well.

// If invalid UTF-8 is received in a Text frame, the connection is failed.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelReceiveUtf8Test, InvalidTextFrameRejected) {}

// A received Text message is not permitted to end with a partial UTF-8
// character.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelReceiveUtf8Test, IncompleteCharacterReceived) {}

// However, a non-final Text frame may end with a partial UTF-8 character.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelReceiveUtf8Test, IncompleteCharacterIncompleteMessage) {}

// However, it will become an error if it is followed by an empty final frame.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelReceiveUtf8Test, TricksyIncompleteCharacter) {}

// UTF-8 parsing context must be retained between received frames of the same
// message.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelReceiveUtf8Test, ReceivedParsingContextRetained) {}

// An invalid character must be detected even if split between frames.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelReceiveUtf8Test, SplitInvalidCharacterReceived) {}

// An invalid character received in a continuation frame must be detected.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelReceiveUtf8Test, InvalidReceivedIncontinuation) {}

// Continuations of binary frames must not be tested for UTF-8 validity.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelReceiveUtf8Test, ReceivedBinaryNotUtf8Tested) {}

// Multiple Text messages can be validated.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelReceiveUtf8Test, ValidateMultipleReceived) {}

// A new data message cannot start in the middle of another data message.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, BogusContinuation) {}

// A new message cannot start with a Continuation frame.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, MessageStartingWithContinuation) {}

// A frame passed to the renderer must be either non-empty or have the final bit
// set.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, DataFramesNonEmptyOrFinal) {}

// Calls to OnSSLCertificateError() must be passed through to the event
// interface with the correct URL attached.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, OnSSLCertificateErrorCalled) {}

// Calls to OnAuthRequired() must be passed through to the event interface.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, OnAuthRequiredCalled) {}

// If we receive another frame after Close, it is not valid. It is not
// completely clear what behaviour is required from the standard in this case,
// but the current implementation fails the connection. Since a Close has
// already been sent, this just means closing the connection.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, PingAfterCloseIsRejected) {}

// A protocol error from the remote server should result in a close frame with
// status 1002, followed by the connection closing.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, ProtocolError) {}

// Set the closing handshake timeout to a very tiny value before connecting.
class WebSocketChannelStreamTimeoutTest : public WebSocketChannelStreamTest {};

// In this case the server initiates the closing handshake with a Close
// message. WebSocketChannel responds with a matching Close message, and waits
// for the server to close the TCP/IP connection. The server never closes the
// connection, so the closing handshake times out and WebSocketChannel closes
// the connection itself.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTimeoutTest, ServerInitiatedCloseTimesOut) {}

// In this case the client initiates the closing handshake by sending a Close
// message. WebSocketChannel waits for a Close message in response from the
// server. The server never responds to the Close message, so the closing
// handshake times out and WebSocketChannel closes the connection.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTimeoutTest, ClientInitiatedCloseTimesOut) {}

// In this case the client initiates the closing handshake and the server
// responds with a matching Close message. WebSocketChannel waits for the server
// to close the TCP/IP connection, but it never does. The closing handshake
// times out and WebSocketChannel closes the connection.
TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTimeoutTest, ConnectionCloseTimesOut) {}

}  // namespace
}  // namespace net