
// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Linaro Limited
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the MIT License which accompanies
// this distribution, and is available at
// Contributors:
//     Alexandros Frantzis <[email protected]>
//     Jesse Barker <[email protected]>
#include <istream>
#include <memory>

#include "shader-source.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "vec.h"
#include "util.h"


bool is_valid_precision_value(ShaderSource::PrecisionValue precision_value)

bool is_valid_shader_type(ShaderSource::ShaderType shader_type)


 * Holds default precision values for all shader types
 * (even the unknown type, which is hardwired to default precision values)
ShaderSource::default_precision_(ShaderSource::ShaderTypeUnknown + 1);

 * Loads the contents of a file into a string.
 * @param filename the name of the file
 * @param str the string to put the contents of the file into
ShaderSource::load_file(const std::string& filename, std::string& str)

 * Appends a string to the shader source.
 * @param str the string to append
ShaderSource::append(const std::string &str)

 * Appends the contents of a file to the shader source.
 * @param filename the name of the file to append
ShaderSource::append_file(const std::string &filename)

 * Replaces a string in the source with another string.
 * @param remove the string to replace
 * @param insert the string to replace with
ShaderSource::replace(const std::string &remove, const std::string &insert)

 * Replaces a string in the source with the contents of a file.
 * @param remove the string to replace
 * @param filename the name of the file to read from
ShaderSource::replace_with_file(const std::string &remove, const std::string &filename)

 * Adds a string (usually containing a constant definition) at
 * global (per shader) scope.
 * The string is placed after any default precision qualifiers.
 * @param str the string to add
ShaderSource::add_global(const std::string &str)

 * Adds a string (usually containing a constant definition) at
 * global (per shader) scope.
 * The string is placed after any default precision qualifiers.
 * @param function the function to add the string into
 * @param str the string to add
ShaderSource::add_local(const std::string &str, const std::string &function)

 * Adds a string (usually containing a constant definition) to a shader source
 * If the function parameter is empty, the string will be added to global
 * scope, after any precision definitions.
 * @param str the string to add
 * @param function if not empty, the function to add the string into
ShaderSource::add(const std::string &str, const std::string &function)

 * Adds a float constant definition.
 * @param name the name of the constant
 * @param f the value of the constant
 * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, float f,
                        const std::string &function)

 * Adds a float array constant definition.
 * Note that various GLSL versions (including ES) don't support
 * array constants.
 * @param name the name of the constant
 * @param v the value of the constant
 * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, std::vector<float> &array,
                        const std::string &function)

 * Adds a vec2 constant definition.
 * @param name the name of the constant
 * @param v the value of the constant
 * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec2 &v,
                        const std::string &function)

 * Adds a vec3 constant definition.
 * @param name the name of the constant
 * @param v the value of the constant
 * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec3 &v,
                        const std::string &function)

 * Adds a vec4 constant definition.
 * @param name the name of the constant
 * @param v the value of the constant
 * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::vec4 &v,
                        const std::string &function)

 * Adds a mat3 constant definition.
 * @param name the name of the constant
 * @param v the value of the constant
 * @param function if not empty, the function to put the definition in
ShaderSource::add_const(const std::string &name, const LibMatrix::mat3 &m,
                        const std::string &function)

 * Adds a float array declaration and initialization.
 * @param name the name of the array
 * @param array the array values
 * @param init_function the function to put the initialization in
 * @param decl_function if not empty, the function to put the declaration in
ShaderSource::add_array(const std::string &name, std::vector<float> &array,
                        const std::string &init_function,
                        const std::string &decl_function)

 * Gets the ShaderType for this ShaderSource.
 * If the ShaderType is unknown, an attempt is made to infer
 * the type from the shader source contents.
 * @return the ShaderType

 * Helper function that emits a precision statement.
 * @param ss the stringstream to add the statement to
 * @param val the precision value
 * @param type_str the variable type to apply the precision value to
ShaderSource::emit_precision(std::stringstream& ss, ShaderSource::PrecisionValue val,
                             const std::string& type_str)

 * Gets a string containing the complete shader source.
 * Precision statements are applied at this point.
 * @return the shader source

 * Sets the precision that will be used for this shader.
 * This overrides any default values set with ShaderSource::default_*_precision().
 * @param precision the precision to set
ShaderSource::precision(const ShaderSource::Precision& precision)

 * Gets the precision that will be used for this shader.
 * @return the precision
const ShaderSource::Precision&

 * Sets the default precision that will be used for a shaders type.
 * If type is ShaderTypeUnknown the supplied precision is used for all
 * shader types.
 * This can be overriden per ShaderSource object by using ::precision().
 * @param precision the default precision to set
 * @param type the ShaderType to use the precision for
ShaderSource::default_precision(const ShaderSource::Precision& precision,
                                ShaderSource::ShaderType type)

 * Gets the default precision that will be used for a shader type.
 * It is valid to use a type of ShaderTypeUnknown. This will always
 * return a Precision with default values.
 * @param type the ShaderType to get the precision of
 * @return the precision
const ShaderSource::Precision&
ShaderSource::default_precision(ShaderSource::ShaderType type)

 * ShaderSource::Precision constructors *

 * Creates a ShaderSource::Precision with default precision values.
ShaderSource::Precision::Precision() :{}

 * Creates a ShaderSource::Precision using the supplied precision values.
ShaderSource::Precision::Precision(ShaderSource::PrecisionValue int_p,
                                   ShaderSource::PrecisionValue float_p,
                                   ShaderSource::PrecisionValue sampler2d_p,
                                   ShaderSource::PrecisionValue samplercube_p) :{}

 * Creates a ShaderSource::Precision from a string representation of
 * precision values.
 * The string format is:
 * "<int>,<float>,<sampler2d>,<samplercube>"
 * Each precision value is one of "high", "medium", "low" or "default".
 * @param precision_values the string representation of the precision values
ShaderSource::Precision::Precision(const std::string& precision_values) :{}