// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "ppapi/c/ppb_input_event.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/resource.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/touch_point.h"
/// @file
/// This file defines the API used to handle mouse and keyboard input events.
namespace pp {
class FloatPoint;
class InstanceHandle;
class Point;
class Var;
/// This class represents an input event resource. Normally you will get passed
/// this object through the HandleInputEvent() function on the
/// <code>Instance</code> object.
/// Typically you would check the type of the event and then create the
/// appropriate event-specific object to query the properties.
/// <strong>Example:</strong>
/// @code
/// bool MyInstance::HandleInputEvent(const pp::InputEvent& event) {
/// switch (event.GetType()) {
/// pp::MouseInputEvent mouse_event(event);
/// return HandleMouseDown(mouse_event.GetMousePosition());
/// }
/// default:
/// return false;
/// }
/// @endcode
class InputEvent : public Resource {
/// Default constructor that creates an is_null() InputEvent object.
/// This constructor constructs an input event from the provided input event
/// resource ID. The InputEvent object will be is_null() if the given
/// resource is not a valid input event.
/// @param[in] input_event_resource A input event resource ID.
explicit InputEvent(PP_Resource input_event_resource);
/// GetType() returns the type of input event for this input event
/// object.
/// @return A <code>PP_InputEvent_Type</code> if successful,
/// PP_INPUTEVENT_TYPE_UNDEFINED if the resource is invalid.
PP_InputEvent_Type GetType() const;
/// GetTimeStamp() returns the time that the event was generated. The time
/// will be before the current time since processing and dispatching the
/// event has some overhead. Use this value to compare the times the user
/// generated two events without being sensitive to variable processing time.
/// The return value is in time ticks, which is a monotonically increasing
/// clock not related to the wall clock time. It will not change if the user
/// changes their clock or daylight savings time starts, so can be reliably
/// used to compare events. This means, however, that you can't correlate
/// event times to a particular time of day on the system clock.
/// @return A <code>PP_TimeTicks</code> containing the time the event was
/// generated.
PP_TimeTicks GetTimeStamp() const;
/// GetModifiers() returns a bitfield indicating which modifiers were down
/// at the time of the event. This is a combination of the flags in the
/// <code>PP_InputEvent_Modifier</code> enum.
/// @return The modifiers associated with the event, or 0 if the given
/// resource is not a valid event resource.
uint32_t GetModifiers() const;
/// This class handles mouse events.
class MouseInputEvent : public InputEvent {
/// Constructs an is_null() mouse input event object.
/// This constructor constructs a mouse input event object from the provided
/// generic input event. If the given event is itself is_null() or is not
/// a mouse input event, the mouse object will be is_null().
/// @param event An <code>InputEvent</code>.
explicit MouseInputEvent(const InputEvent& event);
/// This constructor manually constructs a mouse event from the provided
/// parameters.
/// @param[in] instance The instance for which this event occurred.
/// @param[in] type A <code>PP_InputEvent_Type</code> identifying the type of
/// input event.
/// @param[in] time_stamp A <code>PP_TimeTicks</code> indicating the time
/// when the event occurred.
/// @param[in] modifiers A bit field combination of the
/// <code>PP_InputEvent_Modifier</code> flags.
/// @param[in] mouse_button The button that changed for mouse down or up
/// events. This value will be <code>PP_EVENT_MOUSEBUTTON_NONE</code> for
/// mouse move, enter, and leave events.
/// @param[in] mouse_position A <code>Point</code> containing the x and y
/// position of the mouse when the event occurred.
/// @param[in] click_count
// TODO(brettw) figure out exactly what this means.
/// @param[in] mouse_movement The change in position of the mouse.
MouseInputEvent(const InstanceHandle& instance,
PP_InputEvent_Type type,
PP_TimeTicks time_stamp,
uint32_t modifiers,
PP_InputEvent_MouseButton mouse_button,
const Point& mouse_position,
int32_t click_count,
const Point& mouse_movement);
/// GetButton() returns the mouse position for a mouse input event.
/// @return The mouse button associated with mouse down and up events. This
/// value will be PP_EVENT_MOUSEBUTTON_NONE for mouse move, enter, and leave
/// events, and for all non-mouse events.
PP_InputEvent_MouseButton GetButton() const;
/// GetPosition() returns the pixel location of a mouse input event. When
/// the mouse is locked, it returns the last known mouse position just as
/// mouse lock was entered.
/// @return The point associated with the mouse event, relative to the upper-
/// left of the instance receiving the event. These values can be negative for
/// mouse drags. The return value will be (0, 0) for non-mouse events.
Point GetPosition() const;
// TODO(brettw) figure out exactly what this means.
int32_t GetClickCount() const;
/// Returns the change in position of the mouse. When the mouse is locked,
/// although the mouse position doesn't actually change, this function
/// still provides movement information, which indicates what the change in
/// position would be had the mouse not been locked.
/// @return The change in position of the mouse, relative to the previous
/// position.
Point GetMovement() const;
class WheelInputEvent : public InputEvent {
/// Constructs an is_null() wheel input event object.
/// This constructor constructs a wheel input event object from the
/// provided generic input event. If the given event is itself
/// is_null() or is not a wheel input event, the wheel object will be
/// is_null().
/// @param[in] event A generic input event.
explicit WheelInputEvent(const InputEvent& event);
/// Constructs a wheel input even from the given parameters.
/// @param[in] instance The instance for which this event occurred.
/// @param[in] time_stamp A <code>PP_TimeTicks</code> indicating the time
/// when the event occurred.
/// @param[in] modifiers A bit field combination of the
/// <code>PP_InputEvent_Modifier</code> flags.
/// @param[in] wheel_delta The scroll wheel's horizontal and vertical scroll
/// amounts.
/// @param[in] wheel_ticks The number of "clicks" of the scroll wheel that
/// have produced the event.
/// @param[in] scroll_by_page When true, the user is requesting to scroll
/// by pages. When false, the user is requesting to scroll by lines.
WheelInputEvent(const InstanceHandle& instance,
PP_TimeTicks time_stamp,
uint32_t modifiers,
const FloatPoint& wheel_delta,
const FloatPoint& wheel_ticks,
bool scroll_by_page);
/// GetDelta() returns the amount vertically and horizontally the user has
/// requested to scroll by with their mouse wheel. A scroll down or to the
/// right (where the content moves up or left) is represented as positive
/// values, and a scroll up or to the left (where the content moves down or
/// right) is represented as negative values.
/// This amount is system dependent and will take into account the user's
/// preferred scroll sensitivity and potentially also nonlinear acceleration
/// based on the speed of the scrolling.
/// Devices will be of varying resolution. Some mice with large detents will
/// only generate integer scroll amounts. But fractional values are also
/// possible, for example, on some trackpads and newer mice that don't have
/// "clicks".
/// @return The vertical and horizontal scroll values. The units are either in
/// pixels (when scroll_by_page is false) or pages (when scroll_by_page is
/// true). For example, y = -3 means scroll up 3 pixels when scroll_by_page
/// is false, and scroll up 3 pages when scroll_by_page is true.
FloatPoint GetDelta() const;
/// GetTicks() returns the number of "clicks" of the scroll wheel
/// that have produced the event. The value may have system-specific
/// acceleration applied to it, depending on the device. The positive and
/// negative meanings are the same as for GetDelta().
/// If you are scrolling, you probably want to use the delta values. These
/// tick events can be useful if you aren't doing actual scrolling and don't
/// want or pixel values. An example may be cycling between different items in
/// a game.
/// @return The number of "clicks" of the scroll wheel. You may receive
/// fractional values for the wheel ticks if the mouse wheel is high
/// resolution or doesn't have "clicks". If your program wants discrete
/// events (as in the "picking items" example) you should accumulate
/// fractional click values from multiple messages until the total value
/// reaches positive or negative one. This should represent a similar amount
/// of scrolling as for a mouse that has a discrete mouse wheel.
FloatPoint GetTicks() const;
/// GetScrollByPage() indicates if the scroll delta x/y indicates pages or
/// lines to scroll by.
/// @return true if the event is a wheel event and the user is scrolling
/// by pages, false if not or if the resource is not a wheel event.
bool GetScrollByPage() const;
class KeyboardInputEvent : public InputEvent {
/// Constructs an is_null() keyboard input event object.
/// Constructs a keyboard input event object from the provided generic input
/// event. If the given event is itself is_null() or is not a keyboard input
/// event, the keybaord object will be is_null().
/// @param[in] event A generic input event.
explicit KeyboardInputEvent(const InputEvent& event);
/// Constructs a keyboard input even from the given parameters.
/// @param[in] instance The instance for which this event occurred.
/// @param[in] type A <code>PP_InputEvent_Type</code> identifying the type of
/// input event.
/// @param[in] time_stamp A <code>PP_TimeTicks</code> indicating the time
/// when the event occurred.
/// @param[in] modifiers A bit field combination of the
/// <code>PP_InputEvent_Modifier</code> flags.
/// @param[in] key_code This value reflects the DOM KeyboardEvent
/// <code>keyCode</code> field. Chrome populates this with the Windows-style
/// Virtual Key code of the key.
/// @param[in] character_text This value represents the typed character as a
/// UTF-8 string.
KeyboardInputEvent(const InstanceHandle& instance,
PP_InputEvent_Type type,
PP_TimeTicks time_stamp,
uint32_t modifiers,
uint32_t key_code,
const Var& character_text);
/// Constructs a keyboard input even from the given parameters.
/// @param[in] instance The instance for which this event occurred.
/// @param[in] type A <code>PP_InputEvent_Type</code> identifying the type of
/// input event.
/// @param[in] time_stamp A <code>PP_TimeTicks</code> indicating the time
/// when the event occurred.
/// @param[in] modifiers A bit field combination of the
/// <code>PP_InputEvent_Modifier</code> flags.
/// @param[in] key_code This value reflects the DOM KeyboardEvent
/// <code>keyCode</code> field. Chrome populates this with the Windows-style
/// Virtual Key code of the key.
/// @param[in] character_text This value represents the typed character as a
/// UTF-8 string.
/// @param[in] code This value reflects the DOM KeyboardEvent
/// <code>code</code> field, which identifies the physical key associated
/// with the event.
KeyboardInputEvent(const InstanceHandle& instance,
PP_InputEvent_Type type,
PP_TimeTicks time_stamp,
uint32_t modifiers,
uint32_t key_code,
const Var& character_text,
const Var& code);
/// Returns the DOM keyCode field for the keyboard event.
/// Chrome populates this with the Windows-style Virtual Key code of the key.
uint32_t GetKeyCode() const;
/// Returns the typed character for the given character event.
/// @return A string var representing a single typed character for character
/// input events. For non-character input events the return value will be an
/// undefined var.
Var GetCharacterText() const;
/// Returns the DOM |code| for the keyboard event.
/// @return A string var representing a physical key that was pressed to
/// generate this event.
Var GetCode() const;
class TouchInputEvent : public InputEvent {
/// Constructs an is_null() touch input event object.
/// Constructs a touch input event object from the given generic input event.
/// If the given event is itself is_null() or is not a touch input event, the
/// touch object will be is_null().
explicit TouchInputEvent(const InputEvent& event);
/// Constructs a touch input even from the given parameters.
/// @param[in] instance The instance for which this event occurred.
/// @param[in] type A <code>PP_InputEvent_Type</code> identifying the type of
/// input event.
/// @param[in] time_stamp A <code>PP_TimeTicks</code> indicating the time
/// when the event occurred.
/// @param[in] modifiers A bit field combination of the
/// <code>PP_InputEvent_Modifier</code> flags.
TouchInputEvent(const InstanceHandle& instance,
PP_InputEvent_Type type,
PP_TimeTicks time_stamp,
uint32_t modifiers);
/// Adds the touch-point to the specified TouchList.
void AddTouchPoint(PP_TouchListType list, PP_TouchPoint point);
/// @return The number of TouchPoints in this TouchList.
uint32_t GetTouchCount(PP_TouchListType list) const;
/// @return The TouchPoint at the given index of the given list, or an empty
/// TouchPoint if the index is out of range.
TouchPoint GetTouchByIndex(PP_TouchListType list, uint32_t index) const;
/// @return The TouchPoint in the given list with the given identifier, or an
/// empty TouchPoint if the list does not contain a TouchPoint with that
/// identifier.
TouchPoint GetTouchById(PP_TouchListType list, uint32_t id) const;
class IMEInputEvent : public InputEvent {
/// Constructs an is_null() IME input event object.
/// Constructs an IME input event object from the provided generic input
/// event. If the given event is itself is_null() or is not an IME input
/// event, the object will be is_null().
/// @param[in] event A generic input event.
explicit IMEInputEvent(const InputEvent& event);
/// This constructor manually constructs an IME event from the provided
/// parameters.
/// @param[in] instance The instance for which this event occurred.
/// @param[in] type A <code>PP_InputEvent_Type</code> identifying the type of
/// input event. The type must be one of the ime event types.
/// @param[in] time_stamp A <code>PP_TimeTicks</code> indicating the time
/// when the event occurred.
/// @param[in] text The string returned by <code>GetText</code>.
/// @param[in] segment_offsets The array of numbers returned by
/// <code>GetSegmentOffset</code>.
/// @param[in] target_segment The number returned by
/// <code>GetTargetSegment</code>.
/// @param[in] selection The range returned by <code>GetSelection</code>.
IMEInputEvent(const InstanceHandle& instance,
PP_InputEvent_Type type,
PP_TimeTicks time_stamp,
const Var& text,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& segment_offsets,
int32_t target_segment,
const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>& selection);
/// Returns the composition text as a UTF-8 string for the given IME event.
/// @return A string var representing the composition text. For non-IME
/// input events the return value will be an undefined var.
Var GetText() const;
/// Returns the number of segments in the composition text.
/// @return The number of segments. For events other than COMPOSITION_UPDATE,
/// returns 0.
uint32_t GetSegmentNumber() const;
/// Returns the position of the index-th segmentation point in the composition
/// text. The position is given by a byte-offset (not a character-offset) of
/// the string returned by GetText(). It always satisfies
/// 0=GetSegmentOffset(0) < ... < GetSegmentOffset(i) < GetSegmentOffset(i+1)
/// < ... < GetSegmentOffset(GetSegmentNumber())=(byte-length of GetText()).
/// Note that [GetSegmentOffset(i), GetSegmentOffset(i+1)) represents the
/// range of the i-th segment, and hence GetSegmentNumber() can be a valid
/// argument to this function instead of an off-by-1 error.
/// @param[in] ime_event A <code>PP_Resource</code> corresponding to an IME
/// event.
/// @param[in] index An integer indicating a segment.
/// @return The byte-offset of the segmentation point. If the event is not
/// COMPOSITION_UPDATE or index is out of range, returns 0.
uint32_t GetSegmentOffset(uint32_t index) const;
/// Returns the index of the current target segment of composition.
/// @return An integer indicating the index of the target segment. When there
/// is no active target segment, or the event is not COMPOSITION_UPDATE,
/// returns -1.
int32_t GetTargetSegment() const;
/// Obtains the range selected by caret in the composition text.
/// @param[out] start An integer indicating a start offset of selection range.
/// @param[out] end An integer indicating an end offset of selection range.
void GetSelection(uint32_t* start, uint32_t* end) const;
} // namespace pp