// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "ppapi/c/ppb_udp_socket.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/net_address.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/pass_ref.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/resource.h"
namespace pp {
class CompletionCallback;
class InstanceHandle;
class Var;
template <typename T> class CompletionCallbackWithOutput;
/// The <code>UDPSocket</code> class provides UDP socket operations.
/// Permissions: Apps permission <code>socket</code> with subrule
/// <code>udp-bind</code> is required for <code>Bind()</code>; subrule
/// <code>udp-send-to</code> is required for <code>SendTo()</code>.
/// For more details about network communication permissions, please see:
/// http://developer.chrome.com/apps/app_network.html
class UDPSocket : public Resource {
/// Default constructor for creating an is_null() <code>UDPSocket</code>
/// object.
/// A constructor used to create a <code>UDPSocket</code> object.
/// @param[in] instance The instance with which this resource will be
/// associated.
explicit UDPSocket(const InstanceHandle& instance);
/// A constructor used when you have received a <code>PP_Resource</code> as a
/// return value that has had 1 ref added for you.
/// @param[in] resource A <code>PPB_UDPSocket</code> resource.
UDPSocket(PassRef, PP_Resource resource);
/// The copy constructor for <code>UDPSocket</code>.
/// @param[in] other A reference to another <code>UDPSocket</code>.
UDPSocket(const UDPSocket& other);
/// The destructor.
virtual ~UDPSocket();
/// The assignment operator for <code>UDPSocket</code>.
/// @param[in] other A reference to another <code>UDPSocket</code>.
/// @return A reference to this <code>UDPSocket</code> object.
UDPSocket& operator=(const UDPSocket& other);
/// Static function for determining whether the browser supports the
/// <code>PPB_UDPSocket</code> interface.
/// @return true if the interface is available, false otherwise.
static bool IsAvailable();
/// Binds the socket to the given address.
/// @param[in] addr A <code>NetAddress</code> object.
/// @param[in] callback A <code>CompletionCallback</code> to be called upon
/// completion.
/// @return An int32_t containing an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
/// <code>PP_ERROR_NOACCESS</code> will be returned if the caller doesn't have
/// required permissions. <code>PP_ERROR_ADDRESS_IN_USE</code> will be
/// returned if the address is already in use.
int32_t Bind(const NetAddress& addr,
const CompletionCallback& callback);
/// Get the address that the socket is bound to. The socket must be bound.
/// @return A <code>NetAddress</code> object. The object will be null
/// (i.e., is_null() returns true) on failure.
NetAddress GetBoundAddress();
/// Receives data from the socket and stores the source address. The socket
/// must be bound.
/// <strong>Caveat:</strong> You should be careful about the lifetime of
/// <code>buffer</code>. Typically you will use a
/// <code>CompletionCallbackFactory</code> to scope callbacks to the lifetime
/// of your class. When your class goes out of scope, the callback factory
/// will not actually cancel the operation, but will rather just skip issuing
/// the callback on your class. This means that if the underlying
/// <code>PPB_UDPSocket</code> resource outlives your class, the browser
/// will still try to write into your buffer when the operation completes.
/// The buffer must be kept valid until then to avoid memory corruption.
/// If you want to release the buffer while the <code>RecvFrom()</code> call
/// is still pending, you should call <code>Close()</code> to ensure that the
/// buffer won't be accessed in the future.
/// @param[out] buffer The buffer to store the received data on success. It
/// must be at least as large as <code>num_bytes</code>.
/// @param[in] num_bytes The number of bytes to receive.
/// @param[in] callback A <code>CompletionCallbackWithOutput</code> to be
/// called upon completion.
/// @return A non-negative number on success to indicate how many bytes have
/// been received; otherwise, an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
int32_t RecvFrom(
char* buffer,
int32_t num_bytes,
const CompletionCallbackWithOutput<NetAddress>& callback);
/// Sends data to a specific destination. The socket must be bound.
/// @param[in] buffer The buffer containing the data to send.
/// @param[in] num_bytes The number of bytes to send.
/// @param[in] addr A <code>NetAddress</code> object holding the destination
/// address.
/// @param[in] callback A <code>CompletionCallback</code> to be called upon
/// completion.
/// @return A non-negative number on success to indicate how many bytes have
/// been sent; otherwise, an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
/// <code>PP_ERROR_NOACCESS</code> will be returned if the caller doesn't have
/// required permissions.
/// <code>PP_ERROR_INPROGRESS</code> will be returned if the socket is busy
/// sending. The caller should wait until a pending send completes before
/// retrying.
int32_t SendTo(const char* buffer,
int32_t num_bytes,
const NetAddress& addr,
const CompletionCallback& callback);
/// Cancels all pending reads and writes, and closes the socket. Any pending
/// callbacks will still run, reporting <code>PP_ERROR_ABORTED</code> if
/// pending IO was interrupted. After a call to this method, no output
/// paramters passed into previous <code>RecvFrom()</code> calls will be
/// accessed. It is not valid to call <code>Bind()</code> again.
/// The socket is implicitly closed if it is destroyed, so you are not
/// required to call this method.
void Close();
/// Sets a socket option on the UDP socket.
/// Please see the <code>PP_UDPSocket_Option</code> description for option
/// names, value types and allowed values.
/// @param[in] name The option to set.
/// @param[in] value The option value to set.
/// @param[in] callback A <code>CompletionCallback</code> to be called upon
/// completion.
/// @return An int32_t containing an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
int32_t SetOption(PP_UDPSocket_Option name,
const Var& value,
const CompletionCallback& callback);
/// Joins the multicast group with address specified by <code>group</code>
/// parameter, which is expected to be a <code>NetAddress</code> object.
/// @param[in] group A <code>NetAddress</code> corresponding to the network
/// address of the multicast group.
/// @param[in] callback A <code>CompletionCallback</code> to be called upon
/// completion.
/// @return An int32_t containing an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
int32_t JoinGroup(const NetAddress& group,
const CompletionCallback callback);
/// Leaves the multicast group with address specified by <code>group</code>
/// parameter, which is expected to be a <code>NetAddress</code> object.
/// @param[in] group A <code>NetAddress</code> corresponding to the network
/// address of the multicast group.
/// @param[in] callback A <code>CompletionCallback</code> to be called upon
/// completion.
/// @return An int32_t containing an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
int32_t LeaveGroup(const NetAddress& group,
const CompletionCallback callback);
} // namespace pp