// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "ppapi/c/ppb_url_response_info.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/resource.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/var.h"
/// @file
/// This file defines the API for examining URL responses.
namespace pp {
class FileRef;
/// URLResponseInfo provides an API for examining URL responses.
class URLResponseInfo : public Resource {
/// Default constructor. This constructor creates an <code>is_null</code>
/// resource.
URLResponseInfo() {}
/// A constructor used when you have received a <code>PP_Resource</code> as a
/// return value that has already been reference counted.
/// @param[in] resource A <code>PP_Resource</code> corresponding to a
/// resource.
URLResponseInfo(PassRef, PP_Resource resource);
/// The copy constructor for <code>URLResponseInfo</code>.
URLResponseInfo(const URLResponseInfo& other);
URLResponseInfo& operator=(const URLResponseInfo& other);
/// This function gets a response property.
/// @param[in] property A <code>PP_URLResponseProperty</code> identifying the
/// type of property in the response.
/// @return A <code>Var</code> containing the response property value if
/// successful, <code>is_undefined Var</code> if an input parameter is
/// invalid.
Var GetProperty(PP_URLResponseProperty property) const;
/// This function returns an <code>is_null</code> object, as the
/// <code>PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_STREAMTOFILE</code> is no longer supported.
/// <code>URLResponseInfo</code> is closed or destroyed.
/// @return An <code>is_null</code> object.
FileRef GetBodyAsFileRef() const;
/// This function gets the <code>PP_URLRESPONSEPROPERTY_URL</code>
/// property for the response.
/// @return An <code>is_string Var</code> containing the response property
/// value if successful, <code>is_undefined Var</code> if an input parameter
/// is invalid.
Var GetURL() const {
/// This function gets the <code>PP_URLRESPONSEPROPERTY_REDIRECTURL</code>
/// property for the response.
/// @return An <code>is_string Var</code> containing the response property
/// value if successful, <code>is_undefined Var</code> if an input parameter
/// is invalid.
Var GetRedirectURL() const {
/// This function gets the <code>PP_URLRESPONSEPROPERTY_REDIRECTMETHOD</code>
/// property for the response.
/// @return An <code>is_string Var</code> containing the response property
/// value if successful, <code>is_undefined Var</code> if an input parameter
/// is invalid.
Var GetRedirectMethod() const {
/// This function gets the <code>PP_URLRESPONSEPROPERTY_STATUSCODE</code>
/// property for the response.
/// @return A int32_t containing the response property value if successful,
/// <code>is_undefined Var</code> if an input parameter is invalid.
int32_t GetStatusCode() const {
/// This function gets the <code>PP_URLRESPONSEPROPERTY_STATUSLINE</code>
/// property for the response.
/// @return An <code>is_string Var</code> containing the response property
/// value if successful, <code>is_undefined Var</code> if an input parameter
/// is invalid.
Var GetStatusLine() const {
/// This function gets the <code>PP_URLRESPONSEPROPERTY_HEADERS</code>
/// property for the response.
/// @return An <code>is_string Var</code> containing the response property
/// value if successful, <code>is_undefined Var</code> if an input parameter
/// is invalid.
Var GetHeaders() const {
} // namespace pp