#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import sys
import time
class RPCListener(object):
def __init__(self, shutdown_callback):
self.shutdown_callback = shutdown_callback
self.prefix = '|||| '
self.ever_failed = False
self.start_time = time.time()
def Log(self, message):
# Display the number of milliseconds since startup.
# This gives us additional data for debugging bot behavior.
prefix = '[%6s ms] ' % int((time.time()-self.start_time)*1000) + self.prefix
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in message.split('\n')]
text = ''.join(['%s%s\n' % (prefix, line) for line in lines])
def TestLog(self, message):
return 'OK'
# Something went very wrong on the server side, everything is horked?
# Only called locally.
def ServerError(self, message):
self.Log('\n[SERVER_ERROR] %s' % (message,))
self.ever_failed = True
return 'OK'
# Does nothing. Called to prevent timeouts. (The server resets the timeout
# every time it receives a GET request.)
def Ping(self):
return 'OK'
# This happens automatically, as long as the renderer process has not crashed.
def JavaScriptIsAlive(self):
return 'OK'
def Shutdown(self, message, passed):
# This check looks slightly backwards, but this is intentional.
# Everything but passed.lower() == 'true' is considered a failure. This
# means that if the test runner sends garbage, it will be a failure.
# NOTE in interactive mode this function may be called multiple times.
# ever_failed is designed to be set and never reset - if any of the runs
# fail, the an error code will be returned to the command line.
# In summary, the tester is biased towards failure - it should scream "FAIL"
# if things are not 100% correct. False positives must be avoided.
if passed.lower() != 'true':
self.ever_failed = True
close_browser = self._TestingDone()
if close_browser:
return 'Die, please'
return 'OK'
def _TestingDone(self):
return self.shutdown_callback()