// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ppapi/proxy/ppapi_param_traits.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h> // For memcpy
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_resource.h"
#include "ppapi/proxy/ppapi_messages.h"
#include "ppapi/proxy/serialized_var.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/host_resource.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/private/ppb_x509_certificate_private_shared.h"
namespace IPC {
namespace {
// Deserializes a vector from IPC. This special version must be used instead
// of the default IPC version when the vector contains a SerializedVar, either
// directly or indirectly (i.e. a vector of objects that have a SerializedVar
// inside them).
// The default vector deserializer does resize and then we deserialize into
// those allocated slots. However, the implementation of vector (at least in
// GCC's implementation), creates a new empty object using the default
// constructor, and then sets the rest of the items to that empty one using the
// copy constructor.
// Since we allocate the inner class when you call the default constructor and
// transfer the inner class when you do operator=, the entire vector will end
// up referring to the same inner class. Deserializing into this will just end
// up overwriting the same item over and over, since all the SerializedVars
// will refer to the same thing.
// The solution is to make a new object for each deserialized item, and then
// add it to the vector one at a time.
template <typename T>
bool ReadVectorWithoutCopy(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
std::vector<T>* output) {
// This part is just a copy of the the default ParamTraits vector Read().
size_t size;
if (!iter->ReadLength(&size))
return false;
// Resizing beforehand is not safe, see BUG 1006367 for details.
if (size > INT_MAX / sizeof(T))
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
T cur;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &cur))
return false;
return true;
// This serializes the vector of items to the IPC message in exactly the same
// way as the "regular" IPC vector serializer does. But having the code here
// saves us from having to copy this code into all ParamTraits that use the
// ReadVectorWithoutCopy function for deserializing.
template <typename T>
void WriteVectorWithoutCopy(base::Pickle* m, const std::vector<T>& p) {
WriteParam(m, static_cast<int>(p.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); i++)
WriteParam(m, p[i]);
} // namespace
// PP_Bool ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// static
void ParamTraits<PP_Bool>::Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, PP_ToBool(p));
// static
bool ParamTraits<PP_Bool>::Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
// We specifically want to be strict here about what types of input we accept,
// which ParamTraits<bool> does for us. We don't want to deserialize "2" into
// a PP_Bool, for example.
bool result = false;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &result))
return false;
*r = PP_FromBool(result);
return true;
// static
void ParamTraits<PP_Bool>::Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
// PP_NetAddress_Private -------------------------------------------------------
// static
void ParamTraits<PP_NetAddress_Private>::Write(base::Pickle* m,
const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, p.size);
m->WriteBytes(p.data, p.size);
// static
bool ParamTraits<PP_NetAddress_Private>::Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* p) {
uint16_t size;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &size))
return false;
if (size > sizeof(p->data))
return false;
p->size = size;
const char* data;
if (!iter->ReadBytes(&data, size))
return false;
memcpy(p->data, data, size);
return true;
// static
void ParamTraits<PP_NetAddress_Private>::Log(const param_type& p,
std::string* l) {
l->append("<PP_NetAddress_Private (");
LogParam(p.size, l);
l->append(" bytes)>");
// HostResource ----------------------------------------------------------------
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::HostResource>::Write(base::Pickle* m,
const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, p.instance());
WriteParam(m, p.host_resource());
// static
bool ParamTraits<ppapi::HostResource>::Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
PP_Instance instance;
PP_Resource resource;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &instance) || !ReadParam(m, iter, &resource))
return false;
r->SetHostResource(instance, resource);
return true;
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::HostResource>::Log(const param_type& p,
std::string* l) {
// SerializedVar ---------------------------------------------------------------
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::SerializedVar>::Write(base::Pickle* m,
const param_type& p) {
// static
bool ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::SerializedVar>::Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return r->ReadFromMessage(m, iter);
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::SerializedVar>::Log(const param_type& p,
std::string* l) {
// std::vector<SerializedVar> --------------------------------------------------
void ParamTraits<std::vector<ppapi::proxy::SerializedVar>>::Write(
base::Pickle* m,
const param_type& p) {
WriteVectorWithoutCopy(m, p);
// static
bool ParamTraits<std::vector<ppapi::proxy::SerializedVar>>::Read(
const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return ReadVectorWithoutCopy(m, iter, r);
// static
void ParamTraits< std::vector<ppapi::proxy::SerializedVar> >::Log(
const param_type& p,
std::string* l) {
// ppapi::PpapiPermissions -----------------------------------------------------
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::PpapiPermissions>::Write(base::Pickle* m,
const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, p.GetBits());
// static
bool ParamTraits<ppapi::PpapiPermissions>::Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
uint32_t bits;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &bits))
return false;
*r = ppapi::PpapiPermissions(bits);
return true;
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::PpapiPermissions>::Log(const param_type& p,
std::string* l) {
// SerializedHandle ------------------------------------------------------------
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle>::Write(base::Pickle* m,
const param_type& p) {
ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle::WriteHeader(p.header(), m);
switch (p.type()) {
case ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle::SHARED_MEMORY_REGION:
WriteParam(m, const_cast<param_type&>(p).TakeSharedMemoryRegion());
case ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle::SOCKET:
case ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle::FILE:
WriteParam(m, p.descriptor());
case ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle::INVALID:
// No default so the compiler will warn on new types.
// static
bool ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle>::Read(
const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle::Header header;
if (!ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle::ReadHeader(iter, &header))
return false;
switch (header.type) {
case ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle::SHARED_MEMORY_REGION: {
base::subtle::PlatformSharedMemoryRegion region;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, ®ion))
return false;
case ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle::SOCKET: {
IPC::PlatformFileForTransit socket;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &socket))
return false;
case ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle::FILE: {
IPC::PlatformFileForTransit desc;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &desc))
return false;
r->set_file_handle(desc, header.open_flags, header.file_io);
case ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle::INVALID:
// No default so the compiler will warn us if a new type is added.
return true;
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::SerializedHandle>::Log(const param_type& p,
std::string* l) {
// PPBURLLoader_UpdateProgress_Params ------------------------------------------
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::PPBURLLoader_UpdateProgress_Params>::Write(
base::Pickle* m,
const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, p.instance);
WriteParam(m, p.resource);
WriteParam(m, p.bytes_sent);
WriteParam(m, p.total_bytes_to_be_sent);
WriteParam(m, p.bytes_received);
WriteParam(m, p.total_bytes_to_be_received);
// static
bool ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::PPBURLLoader_UpdateProgress_Params>::Read(
const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return ReadParam(m, iter, &r->instance) && ReadParam(m, iter, &r->resource) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &r->bytes_sent) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &r->total_bytes_to_be_sent) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &r->bytes_received) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &r->total_bytes_to_be_received);
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::PPBURLLoader_UpdateProgress_Params>::Log(
const param_type& p,
std::string* l) {
// SerializedDirEntry ----------------------------------------------------------
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::SerializedDirEntry>::Write(base::Pickle* m,
const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, p.name);
WriteParam(m, p.is_dir);
// static
bool ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::SerializedDirEntry>::Read(
const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return ReadParam(m, iter, &r->name) && ReadParam(m, iter, &r->is_dir);
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::SerializedDirEntry>::Log(const param_type& p,
std::string* l) {
// ppapi::proxy::SerializedFontDescription -------------------------------------
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::SerializedFontDescription>::Write(
base::Pickle* m,
const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, p.face);
WriteParam(m, p.family);
WriteParam(m, p.size);
WriteParam(m, p.weight);
WriteParam(m, p.italic);
WriteParam(m, p.small_caps);
WriteParam(m, p.letter_spacing);
WriteParam(m, p.word_spacing);
// static
bool ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::SerializedFontDescription>::Read(
const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return ReadParam(m, iter, &r->face) && ReadParam(m, iter, &r->family) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &r->size) && ReadParam(m, iter, &r->weight) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &r->italic) && ReadParam(m, iter, &r->small_caps) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &r->letter_spacing) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &r->word_spacing);
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::proxy::SerializedFontDescription>::Log(
const param_type& p,
std::string* l) {
// ppapi::PepperFilePath -------------------------------------------------------
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::PepperFilePath>::Write(base::Pickle* m,
const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, static_cast<unsigned>(p.domain()));
WriteParam(m, p.path());
// static
bool ParamTraits<ppapi::PepperFilePath>::Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* p) {
unsigned domain;
base::FilePath path;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &domain) || !ReadParam(m, iter, &path))
return false;
if (domain > ppapi::PepperFilePath::DOMAIN_MAX_VALID)
return false;
*p = ppapi::PepperFilePath(
static_cast<ppapi::PepperFilePath::Domain>(domain), path);
return true;
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::PepperFilePath>::Log(const param_type& p,
std::string* l) {
LogParam(static_cast<unsigned>(p.domain()), l);
l->append(", ");
LogParam(p.path(), l);
// PPB_X509Certificate_Fields --------------------------------------------------
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::PPB_X509Certificate_Fields>::Write(
base::Pickle* m,
const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, p.values_);
// static
bool ParamTraits<ppapi::PPB_X509Certificate_Fields>::Read(
const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return ReadParam(m, iter, &(r->values_));
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::PPB_X509Certificate_Fields>::Log(const param_type& p,
std::string* l) {
// ppapi::SocketOptionData -----------------------------------------------------
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::SocketOptionData>::Write(base::Pickle* m,
const param_type& p) {
ppapi::SocketOptionData::Type type = p.GetType();
WriteParam(m, static_cast<int32_t>(type));
switch (type) {
case ppapi::SocketOptionData::TYPE_INVALID: {
case ppapi::SocketOptionData::TYPE_BOOL: {
bool out_value = false;
bool result = p.GetBool(&out_value);
// Suppress unused variable warnings.
WriteParam(m, out_value);
case ppapi::SocketOptionData::TYPE_INT32: {
int32_t out_value = 0;
bool result = p.GetInt32(&out_value);
// Suppress unused variable warnings.
WriteParam(m, out_value);
// No default so the compiler will warn on new types.
// static
bool ParamTraits<ppapi::SocketOptionData>::Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
*r = ppapi::SocketOptionData();
int32_t type = 0;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &type))
return false;
if (type != ppapi::SocketOptionData::TYPE_INVALID &&
type != ppapi::SocketOptionData::TYPE_BOOL &&
type != ppapi::SocketOptionData::TYPE_INT32) {
return false;
switch (static_cast<ppapi::SocketOptionData::Type>(type)) {
case ppapi::SocketOptionData::TYPE_INVALID: {
return true;
case ppapi::SocketOptionData::TYPE_BOOL: {
bool value = false;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &value))
return false;
return true;
case ppapi::SocketOptionData::TYPE_INT32: {
int32_t value = 0;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &value))
return false;
return true;
// No default so the compiler will warn on new types.
return false;
// static
void ParamTraits<ppapi::SocketOptionData>::Log(const param_type& p,
std::string* l) {
} // namespace IPC