// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ipc/ipc_listener.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_test_sink.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_stdint.h"
namespace ppapi {
namespace proxy {
class ResourceMessageCallParams;
class ResourceMessageReplyParams;
class SerializedHandle;
// Extends IPC::TestSink to add extra capabilities for searching for and
// decoding resource messages.
class ResourceMessageTestSink : public IPC::TestSink {
~ResourceMessageTestSink() override;
// IPC::TestSink.
// Overridden to handle sync messages.
bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) override;
// Sets the reply message that will be returned to the next sync message sent.
// This test sink owns any reply messages passed into this method.
void SetSyncReplyMessage(IPC::Message* reply_msg);
// Searches the queue for the first resource call message with a nested
// message matching the given ID. On success, returns true and populates the
// given params and nested message.
bool GetFirstResourceCallMatching(uint32_t id,
ResourceMessageCallParams* params,
IPC::Message* nested_msg) const;
// Like GetFirstResourceCallMatching except for replies.
bool GetFirstResourceReplyMatching(uint32_t id,
ResourceMessageReplyParams* params,
IPC::Message* nested_msg);
// Searches the queue for all resource call messages with a nested message
// matching the given ID.
typedef std::pair<ResourceMessageCallParams, IPC::Message> ResourceCall;
typedef std::vector<ResourceCall> ResourceCallVector;
ResourceCallVector GetAllResourceCallsMatching(uint32_t id);
// Like GetAllResourceCallsMatching except for replies.
typedef std::pair<ResourceMessageReplyParams, IPC::Message> ResourceReply;
typedef std::vector<ResourceReply> ResourceReplyVector;
ResourceReplyVector GetAllResourceRepliesMatching(uint32_t id);
std::unique_ptr<IPC::Message> sync_reply_msg_;
// This is a message handler which generates reply messages for synchronous
// resource calls. This allows unit testing of the plugin side of resources
// which send sync messages. If you want to reply to a sync message type named
// |PpapiHostMsg_X_Y| with |PpapiPluginMsg_X_YReply| then usage would be as
// follows (from within |PluginProxyTest|s):
// PpapiHostMsg_X_YReply my_reply;
// ResourceSyncCallHandler handler(&sink(),
// PpapiHostMsg_X_Y::ID,
// PP_OK,
// my_reply);
// sink().AddFilter(&handler);
// // Do stuff to send a sync message ...
// // You can check handler.last_handled_msg() to ensure the correct message was
// // handled.
// sink().RemoveFilter(&handler);
class ResourceSyncCallHandler : public IPC::Listener {
ResourceSyncCallHandler(ResourceMessageTestSink* test_sink,
uint32_t incoming_type,
int32_t result,
const IPC::Message& reply_msg);
~ResourceSyncCallHandler() override;
// IPC::Listener.
bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override;
IPC::Message last_handled_msg() { return last_handled_msg_; }
// Sets a handle to be appended to the ReplyParams.
void set_serialized_handle(
std::unique_ptr<SerializedHandle> serialized_handle);
ResourceMessageTestSink* test_sink_;
uint32_t incoming_type_;
int32_t result_;
std::unique_ptr<SerializedHandle> serialized_handle_;
IPC::Message reply_msg_;
IPC::Message last_handled_msg_;
} // namespace proxy
} // namespace ppapi