
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

#include <string>

#include "ppapi/c/pp_stdint.h"
#include "ppapi/tests/test_case.h"

struct PP_NetAddress_Private;

namespace pp {

class TCPServerSocketPrivate;
class TCPSocketPrivate;

}  // namespace pp

class TestTCPServerSocketPrivate : public TestCase {
  explicit TestTCPServerSocketPrivate(TestingInstance* instance);

  // TestCase implementation.
  virtual bool Init();
  virtual void RunTests(const std::string& filter);

  std::string GetLocalAddress(PP_NetAddress_Private* address);
  std::string SyncRead(pp::TCPSocketPrivate* socket,
                       char* buffer,
                       size_t num_bytes);
  std::string SyncWrite(pp::TCPSocketPrivate* socket,
                        const char* buffer,
                        size_t num_bytes);
  std::string SyncConnect(pp::TCPSocketPrivate* socket,
                          PP_NetAddress_Private* address);
  void ForceConnect(pp::TCPSocketPrivate* socket,
                    PP_NetAddress_Private* address);
  std::string SyncListen(pp::TCPServerSocketPrivate* socket,
                         PP_NetAddress_Private* address,
                         int32_t backlog);

  // Checks that a listen/accept attempt on |socket| fails.
  std::string SyncListenFails(pp::TCPServerSocketPrivate* socket);
  std::string SyncAcceptFails(pp::TCPServerSocketPrivate* socket);

  std::string TestListen();
  std::string TestBacklog();

  // The higher level test fixture is responsible for making socket methods
  // behave in the expected manner.  The *Fails tests expect the specified event
  // to fail with PP_ERROR_FAILED, and the *Hangs tests expect the specified
  // operation to never complete, at least until teardown starts.
  std::string TestListenFails();
  std::string TestListenHangs();
  std::string TestAcceptFails();
  std::string TestAcceptHangs();

  std::string host_;
  uint16_t port_;