
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "remoting/client/ui/desktop_viewport.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>

#include "base/logging.h"

namespace remoting {

namespace {


}  // namespace

DesktopViewport::DesktopViewport() :{}

DesktopViewport::~DesktopViewport() = default;

void DesktopViewport::SetDesktopSize(int desktop_width, int desktop_height) {}

void DesktopViewport::SetSurfaceSize(int surface_width, int surface_height) {}

void DesktopViewport::SetSafeInsets(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {}

void DesktopViewport::MoveDesktop(float dx, float dy) {}

void DesktopViewport::ScaleDesktop(float px, float py, float scale) {}

void DesktopViewport::MoveViewport(float dx, float dy) {}

void DesktopViewport::SetViewportCenter(float x, float y) {}

ViewMatrix::Point DesktopViewport::GetViewportCenter() const {}

bool DesktopViewport::IsPointWithinDesktopBounds(
    const ViewMatrix::Point& point) const {}

bool DesktopViewport::IsViewportReady() const {}

ViewMatrix::Point DesktopViewport::ConstrainPointToDesktop(
    const ViewMatrix::Point& point) const {}

void DesktopViewport::RegisterOnTransformationChangedCallback(
    const TransformationCallback& callback,
    bool run_immediately) {}

const ViewMatrix& DesktopViewport::GetTransformation() const {}

void DesktopViewport::ResizeToFit() {}

void DesktopViewport::UpdateViewport() {}

DesktopViewport::Bounds DesktopViewport::GetViewportCenterBounds() const {}

ViewMatrix::Vector2D DesktopViewport::GetSurfaceSafeAreaSize() const {}

void DesktopViewport::MoveViewportWithoutUpdate(float dx, float dy) {}

// static
ViewMatrix::Point DesktopViewport::ConstrainPointToBounds(
    const Bounds& bounds,
    const ViewMatrix::Point& point) {}

}  // namespace remoting