// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace remoting {
// This class performs coordinate transformations between the different
// coordinate systems used in ChromeOS.
// To understand the different coordinate systems, you must understand the
// following concepts:
// Screen vs window coordinates:
// * Window coordinates are relative to a given window. So 2 different
// windows both have a 0x0 coordinate.
// Because each physical display has its own root window, window
// coordinates can also be used to express coordinates relative to a
// display.
// * Screen coordinates are absolute. Each root window is placed at a
// different, non-overlapping place in the screen. This way screen
// coordinates are 'globally unique', meaning that they can uniquely
// identify any location in any root window.
// DIP vs pixels:
// * Pixel coordinates use the physical pixel location of windows/displays.
// This means a screen with physical resolution 3000x2000 will always have
// a size of 3000x2000 in pixel coordinates, even if the screen is rotated
// or uses a different scale factor (to make things look bigger).
// * DIP coordinates use Device-Independent-Pixels, which is something that
// can be changed in the software to make items on the screen look bigger
// or smaller. So a screen with physical resolution 3000x2000 and a scale
// factor of 2 will have a DIP resolution of 1500x1000.
// DIP coordinates also take rotation into account, so if the above screen
// is rotated 90 degrees in the software, it will have a DIP resolution of
// 1000x1500.
// These 2 concepts are orthogonal and can be combined, resulting in 4 different
// coordinate systems:
// * Screen DIP: Globally unique coordinates that take rotation and scale
// factor into account. This is the system the user intuitively expects,
// and what the user sees in the display settings.
// * Screen Pixel: Globally unique coordinates that represent the physical
// pixels of each display. This is what is used by the SystemInputInjector
// class.
// * Window DIP: Coordinates relative to a given window (display) that take
// rotation and scale factor into account.
// * Window Pixel: Coordinates relative to a given window (display) that
// match the physical pixels of the display. This is used by the event
// processing pipeline (i.e. the ui::PlatformEvent).
// All methods use floating points to minimize the rounding errors when
// transforming between the different coordinate systems.
class PointTransformer {
static gfx::PointF ConvertScreenInDipToScreenInPixel(
gfx::PointF location_in_screen_in_dip);
static gfx::PointF ConvertWindowInPixelToScreenInDip(
const aura::Window& window,
gfx::PointF location_in_window_in_pixels);
} // namespace remoting