
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "remoting/host/desktop_display_info.h"

#include "base/location.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace remoting {

// Depending on the platform the origin of the desktop is calculated relative to
// the primary display, or relative to the upper-left of the entire desktop
// region. See comment at DesktopDisplayInfo::CalcDisplayOffset() for more
// information.

class DesktopDisplayInfoTest : public testing::Test {};

// o---------+
// | 0       |
// | 300x200 |
// +---------+
// o = desktop origin
TEST_F(DesktopDisplayInfoTest, SingleDisplay) {}

// o---------+------------+
// | 0       | 1          |
// | 300x200 | 500x400    |
// +---------+            |
//           +------------+
TEST_F(DesktopDisplayInfoTest, DualDisplayRight) {}

// o---------+------------+
// | 1       | 0          |
// | 300x200 | 500x400    |
// +---------+            |
//           +------------+
TEST_F(DesktopDisplayInfoTest, DualDisplayRight_ReverseOrder) {}

// +---------o------------+
// | 1       | 0          |
// | 300x200 | 500x400    |
// +---------+            |
//           +------------+
TEST_F(DesktopDisplayInfoTest, DualDisplayLeft) {}

// +---------o------------+
// | 0       | 1          |
// | 300x200 | 500x400    |
// +---------+            |
//           +------------+
TEST_F(DesktopDisplayInfoTest, DualDisplayLeft_ReverseOrder) {}

// +---------o------------+
// | 0       | 1          +---------+
// | 300x200 | 500x400    | 2       |
// +---------+            | 400x350 |
//           +------------+---------+
TEST_F(DesktopDisplayInfoTest, TripleDisplayMiddle) {}

//  x         o-----------+            - 0
//            | 0         |
//  +---------+ 500x400   |            - 350
//  | 2       +-------+---+-------+    - 400
//  | 300x200 |       | 1         |
//  +---------+       | 600x450   |    - 550
//                    +-----------+    - 950
//  |         |       |   |       |
// -300       0      300 500     900
TEST_F(DesktopDisplayInfoTest, Multimon3) {}

//  x                     +-------+               -- -50
//                        | 1     |
//          +-------+     | 60x40 |               -- -20
//          | 4     |     +---+---+-----+         -- -10
//          | 40x70 o---------+ 0       |         -- 0
//  +-------+       | 6       | 70x60   |         -- 40
//  | 2     +-------+ 80x55   +------+--+-----+   -- 50
//  | 30x60 |       +---------+      | 3      |   -- 55
//  |       |                        | 55x65  |
//  +-------+               +--------+        |   -- 100
//                          | 5      +--------+   -- 115
//                          | 65x20  |
//                          +--------+            -- 120
//  |       |       |     | | |   |  |  |     |
//  -       -       0     6 7 8   1  1  1     1
//  7       4             0 0 0   2  3  5     9
//  0       0                     0  5  0     0
TEST_F(DesktopDisplayInfoTest, Multimon7) {}

}  // namespace remoting