
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "remoting/host/ipc_constants.h"

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/named_mojo_ipc_server/named_mojo_ipc_util.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/platform/named_platform_channel.h"
#include "remoting/host/base/username.h"

namespace remoting {

namespace {


#if !defined(NDEBUG)
// Use a different IPC name for debug builds so that we can run the host
// directly from out/Debug without interfering with the production host that
// might also be running.
constexpr char kChromotingHostServicesIpcNamePattern[] =;
constexpr char kChromotingHostServicesIpcNamePattern[] =

constexpr char kChromotingHostServicesIpcName[] =

}  // namespace

const base::FilePath::CharType kHostBinaryName[] =);

const base::FilePath::CharType kDesktopBinaryName[] =);

const uint64_t kChromotingHostServicesMessagePipeId =;

bool GetInstalledBinaryPath(const base::FilePath::StringType& binary,
                            base::FilePath* full_path) {}

const mojo::NamedPlatformChannel::ServerName&
GetChromotingHostServicesServerName() {}

}  // namespace remoting