// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "android_webview/browser/gfx/output_surface_provider_webview.h"
#include <utility>
#include "android_webview/browser/gfx/aw_gl_surface_external_stencil.h"
#include "android_webview/browser/gfx/aw_vulkan_context_provider.h"
#include "android_webview/browser/gfx/gpu_service_webview.h"
#include "android_webview/browser/gfx/skia_output_surface_dependency_webview.h"
#include "android_webview/browser/gfx/task_queue_webview.h"
#include "android_webview/common/crash_reporter/crash_keys.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "components/crash/core/common/crash_key.h"
#include "components/viz/common/features.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display_embedder/skia_output_surface_impl.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/feature_info.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/single_task_sequence.h"
#include "gpu/config/gpu_finch_features.h"
#include "gpu/config/gpu_switches.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_switches.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_bindings.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_context.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_share_group.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_surface_egl.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_utils.h"
#include "ui/gl/init/gl_factory.h"
namespace android_webview {
namespace {
using GLSurfaceContextPair =
std::pair<scoped_refptr<gl::GLSurface>, scoped_refptr<gl::GLContext>>;
GLSurfaceContextPair GetRealContextForVulkan() {
// TODO(crbug.com/40155015): Remove all of this after code no longer expects
// GL to be present (eg for getting capabilities or calling glGetError).
static base::NoDestructor<base::WeakPtr<gl::GLSurface>> cached_surface;
static base::NoDestructor<base::WeakPtr<gl::GLContext>> cached_context;
scoped_refptr<gl::GLSurface> surface = cached_surface.get()->get();
scoped_refptr<gl::GLContext> context = cached_context.get()->get();
if (surface && context)
return std::make_pair(std::move(surface), std::move(context));
surface = gl::init::CreateOffscreenGLSurface(gl::GetDefaultDisplayEGL(),
gfx::Size(1, 1));
// Allow context and surface to be null and just fallback to
// not having any real EGL context in that case instead of crashing.
if (surface) {
gl::GLContextAttribs attribs;
// This context is used on the GPU thread. We must avoid it being put in a
// virtualization group with contexts that Chrome creates and uses on other
// threads to avoid EGL_BAD_ACCESS errors when ANGLE tries to make the
// underlying native context current on multiple threads simultaneously.
attribs.angle_context_virtualization_group_number =
context = gl::init::CreateGLContext(nullptr, surface.get(), attribs);
if (surface)
*cached_surface.get() = surface->AsWeakPtr();
if (context)
*cached_context.get() = context->AsWeakPtr();
return std::make_pair(std::move(surface), std::move(context));
void OnContextLost(std::unique_ptr<bool> expect_loss,
bool synthetic_loss,
gpu::error::ContextLostReason context_lost_reason) {
if (expect_loss && *expect_loss)
static ::crash_reporter::CrashKeyString<10> reason_key(
// TODO(crbug.com/40143203): Debugging contexts losts. WebView will
// intentionally crash in HardwareRenderer::OnViz::DisplayOutputSurface
// that will happen after this callback. That crash happens on viz thread and
// doesn't have any useful information. Crash here on RenderThread to
// understand the reason of context losts.
// If this implementation changes, need to ensure `expect_loss` access from
// MarkAllowContextLoss is still valid.
LOG(FATAL) << "Non owned context lost!";
} // namespace
AwVulkanContextProvider* vulkan_context_provider)
: vulkan_context_provider_(vulkan_context_provider) {
// Should be kept in sync with compositor_impl_android.cc.
renderer_settings_.allow_antialiasing = false;
renderer_settings_.highp_threshold_min = 2048;
// Webview does not own the surface so should not clear it.
renderer_settings_.should_clear_root_render_pass = false;
enable_vulkan_ = features::IsUsingVulkan();
DCHECK(!enable_vulkan_ || vulkan_context_provider_);
auto* command_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
debug_settings_.tint_composited_content =
OutputSurfaceProviderWebView::~OutputSurfaceProviderWebView() {
// We must destroy |gl_surface_| before |shared_context_state_|, so we will
// still have context. Note that with ANGLE we are not actually guaranteed to
// have a current context at this point, so ensure that it is current here (if
// not using ANGLE, RenderThreadManager::DestroyHardwareRendererOnRT() ensures
// that there is a current context via its creation of a
// ScopedAppGLStateRestoreImpl instance, which creates a placeholder context).
// NOTE: |shared_context_state_| holds a ref to surface, but it explicitly
// drops it before releasing the context.
if (gl_surface_->is_angle()) {
// Given this surface is held by gl::GLContext as a default surface, releasing
// it here doesn't result in destruction of the GL objects (namely the stencil
// buffer) when it's released. As a result, when the surface is finally
// destroyed (happens when the context that also holds that is destroyed), the
// stencil buffer is destroyed on a wrong context resulting in a no context
// crash. Thus, explicitly ask to destroy the fb here.
void OutputSurfaceProviderWebView::InitializeContext() {
DCHECK(!gl_surface_) << "InitializeContext() called twice";
gl::GLDisplayEGL* display = gl::GLSurfaceEGL::GetGLDisplayEGL();
// If EGL supports EGL_ANGLE_external_context_and_surface, then we will create
// an ANGLE context for the current native GL context.
const bool is_angle =
!enable_vulkan_ && display->ext->b_EGL_ANGLE_external_context_and_surface;
GLSurfaceContextPair real_context;
if (enable_vulkan_) {
real_context = GetRealContextForVulkan();
gl_surface_ =
base::MakeRefCounted<AwGLSurface>(display, real_context.first);
} else {
// We need to draw to FBO for External Stencil support with SkiaRenderer
gl_surface_ =
base::MakeRefCounted<AwGLSurfaceExternalStencil>(display, is_angle);
bool result = gl_surface_->Initialize(gl::GLSurfaceFormat());
scoped_refptr<gl::GLContext> gl_context;
gpu::GpuDriverBugWorkarounds workarounds(
// The SharedContextState expect to receive a GLSurface that was used to
// create the GLContext. In case of Vulkan, a GLContext is passed, but
// |gl_surface| is a AWGLSurface, which wraps the real GLSurface that was
// used to create a context.
scoped_refptr<gl::GLSurface> gl_surface_for_scs;
// If failed to create real context for vulkan, just fallback to using
// GLNonOwnedContext instead of crashing.
if (enable_vulkan_ && real_context.second) {
gl_context = std::move(real_context.second);
gl_surface_for_scs = std::move(real_context.first);
} else {
auto share_group = base::MakeRefCounted<gl::GLShareGroup>();
gl::GLContextAttribs attribs;
// For ANGLE EGL, we need to create ANGLE context from the current native
// EGL context and restore state of the native EGL context when releasing
// the ANGLE context.
attribs.angle_create_from_external_context = is_angle;
// By default client arrays are disabled as they are not supported by
// Chrome's IPC architecture. However, they are required for WebView's
// usage (in particular, for supporting complex clips).
attribs.allow_client_arrays = true;
// Skip validation when dcheck is off.
attribs.can_skip_validation = false;
attribs.can_skip_validation = true;
gl_context = gl::init::CreateGLContext(share_group.get(), gl_surface_.get(),
gl_surface_for_scs = gl_surface_;
auto* share_group = gl_context->share_group();
auto expect_context_loss_ptr = std::make_unique<bool>(false);
expect_context_loss_ = expect_context_loss_ptr.get();
shared_context_state_ = base::MakeRefCounted<gpu::SharedContextState>(
share_group, std::move(gl_surface_for_scs), std::move(gl_context),
false /* use_virtualized_gl_contexts */,
base::BindOnce(&OnContextLost, std::move(expect_context_loss_ptr)),
if (!enable_vulkan_) {
auto feature_info = base::MakeRefCounted<gpu::gles2::FeatureInfo>(
workarounds, GpuServiceWebView::GetInstance()->gpu_feature_info());
GpuServiceWebView::GetInstance()->gpu_preferences(), workarounds);
OutputSurfaceProviderWebView::CreateDisplayController() {
<< "InitializeContext() must be called before CreateOutputSurface()";
auto skia_dependency = std::make_unique<SkiaOutputSurfaceDependencyWebView>(
TaskQueueWebView::GetInstance(), GpuServiceWebView::GetInstance(),
shared_context_state_.get(), gl_surface_.get(), vulkan_context_provider_);
return std::make_unique<viz::DisplayCompositorMemoryAndTaskController>(
display_compositor_controller) {
<< "InitializeContext() must be called before CreateOutputSurface()";
<< "CreateDisplayController() must be called before "
return viz::SkiaOutputSurfaceImpl::Create(
display_compositor_controller, renderer_settings_, debug_settings());
void OutputSurfaceProviderWebView::MarkAllowContextLoss() {
// This is safe because either the OnContextLost callback has run and we've
// already crashed or it has not run and this pointer is still valid.
if (expect_context_loss_)
*expect_context_loss_ = true;
expect_context_loss_ = nullptr;
} // namespace android_webview