// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "remoting/host/mac/constants_mac.h"
#include "remoting/host/version.h"
namespace remoting {
#define SERVICE_NAME "org.chromium.chromoting"
#define APPLICATIONS_DIR "/Applications/"
#define HELPER_TOOLS_DIR "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/"
#define LAUNCH_AGENTS_DIR "/Library/LaunchAgents/"
#define LOG_DIR "/var/log/"
#define LOG_CONFIG_DIR "/etc/newsyslog.d/"
const char kServiceName[] = SERVICE_NAME;
const char kHostConfigFileName[] = SERVICE_NAME ".json";
const char kHostConfigFilePath[] = HELPER_TOOLS_DIR SERVICE_NAME ".json";
// Note: If this path is changed, also update the value set in:
// //remoting/base/file_host_settings_mac.cc
const char kHostSettingsFilePath[] =
const char kHostServiceBinaryPath[] = HELPER_TOOLS_DIR HOST_BUNDLE_NAME
const char kOldHostHelperScriptPath[] =
const char kHostBinaryPath[] = HELPER_TOOLS_DIR HOST_BUNDLE_NAME;
const char kHostLegacyBinaryPath[] = HELPER_TOOLS_DIR HOST_LEGACY_BUNDLE_NAME;
const char kHostEnabledPath[] = HELPER_TOOLS_DIR SERVICE_NAME ".me2me_enabled";
const char kServicePlistPath[] = LAUNCH_AGENTS_DIR SERVICE_NAME ".plist";
const char kLogFilePath[] = LOG_DIR SERVICE_NAME ".log";
const char kLogFileConfigPath[] = LOG_CONFIG_DIR SERVICE_NAME ".conf";
const char* kNativeMessagingManifestPaths[4] = {
"/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/"
"/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/"
const char kBrandedUninstallerPath[] =
APPLICATIONS_DIR "Chrome Remote Desktop Host Uninstaller.app";
const char kUnbrandedUninstallerPath[] =
APPLICATIONS_DIR "Chromoting Host Uninstaller.app";
} // namespace remoting