// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module remoting.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/byte_string.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_path.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/shared_memory.mojom";
import "remoting/host/mojom/keyboard_layout.mojom";
import "remoting/host/mojom/webrtc_types.mojom";
import "remoting/host/mojom/wrapped_primitives.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
// Contains captured audio data.
// This struct mirrors the remoting::protocol::AudioPacket protobuf as well as
// the enums and values.
struct AudioPacket {
// The timestamp at which the data was captured.
int32 timestamp;
// The audio packet data.
array<mojo_base.mojom.ByteString> data;
enum Encoding {
kInvalid = -1,
kRaw = 0,
kOpus = 1,
Encoding encoding = Encoding.kInvalid;
enum SamplingRate {
kInvalid = -1,
kRate_44100 = 44100,
kRate_48000 = 48000,
SamplingRate sampling_rate = SamplingRate.kInvalid;
enum BytesPerSample {
kInvalid = -1,
kBytesPerSample_2 = 2,
BytesPerSample bytes_per_sample = BytesPerSample.kInvalid;
enum Channels {
kInvalid = -1,
kMono = 1,
kStereo = 2,
kSurround = 3,
kChannel_4_0 = 4,
kChannel_4_1 = 5,
kChannel_5_1 = 6,
kChannel_6_1 = 7,
kChannel_7_1 = 8,
Channels channels = Channels.kInvalid;
// Contains clipboard event data.
// This struct mirrors the remoting::protocol::ClipboardEvents protobuf struct.
struct ClipboardEvent {
// The MIME type of |data|.
string mime_type;
// The clipboard data. The original protobuf type is string but we use a
// ByteString because that is the preferred mojom type.
mojo_base.mojom.ByteString data;
// Contains the data needed to inject a keyboard key event.
// This struct mirrors the remoting::protocol::KeyEvent protobuf struct.
struct KeyEvent {
// True for key press events, and false for key release.
bool pressed;
// The USB key code.
// The upper 16-bits are the USB Page (0x07 for key events).
// The lower 16-bits are the USB Usage ID (which identifies the actual key).
uint32 usb_keycode;
// Legacy keyboard lock states. Prefer the discrete entries below.
// Flags defined in remoting::protocol::KeyEvent::LockStates.
uint32 lock_states;
// Keyboard lock states. The field should be specified only if the state can
// be reliably determined by the client. E.g., OS X does not have num lock, so
// only caps_lock should be provided by a client running on OS X.
Bool? caps_lock_state;
Bool? num_lock_state;
// This enum mirrors the remoting::protocol::MouseEvent::MouseButton enum.
enum MouseButton {
kUndefined = 0,
kLeft = 1,
kMiddle = 2,
kRight = 3,
kBack = 4,
kForward = 5,
// Contains the data needed to inject a mouse event.
// This struct mirrors the remoting::protocol::MouseEvent protobuf struct.
struct MouseEvent {
// Mouse absolute position information. When using WebRTC-based protocol the
// coordinates are in DIPs. Otherwise they are in host's physical pixels. In
// both coordinates systems, the top-left monitor on the system always starts
// from (0, 0).
Int32? x;
Int32? y;
// Mouse button event.
MouseButton button;
// |button_down| is not set when |button| is kUndefined.
Bool? button_down;
// Mouse wheel information.
// These values encode the number of pixels and 'ticks' of movement that
// would result from the wheel event on the client system.
Float? wheel_delta_x;
Float? wheel_delta_y;
Float? wheel_ticks_x;
Float? wheel_ticks_y;
// Mouse movement information. Provided only when mouse lock is engaged.
Int32? delta_x;
Int32? delta_y;
// Text input event for input method different from physical keyboards,
// including software keyboard, gesture typing, voice input, etc.
// This struct mirrors the remoting::protocol::TextEvent protobuf struct.
struct TextEvent {
// Unicode sequence for the event in UTF-8.
string text;
// Describes the attributes for a single touch point, used in TouchEvent to
// describe a touch gesture.
// This struct mirrors the remoting::protocol::TouchEventPoint protobuf struct.
struct TouchEventPoint {
// The ID for the touch point.
uint32 id;
// The absolute position of the touch point. These values on-the-wire are host
// physical pixel coordinates: the top-left monitor on the system always
// starts from (0, 0).
gfx.mojom.PointF position;
// The size of the touch point, used to aid hit-testing.
// Scaled to match the size on host.
gfx.mojom.PointF radius;
// Angle in degrees from the y-axis of the touch point.
float angle;
// The pressure of the touch point.
// The value should be in [0.0, 1.0].
float pressure;
// This enum mirrors the remoting::protocol::TouchEvent::TouchEventType enum.
enum TouchEventType {
kUndefined = 0,
kStart = 1,
kMove = 2,
kEnd = 3,
kCancel = 4,
// Describes a touch gesture event (start, stop, move) along with the set of
// touch points to include in the gesture.
struct TouchEvent {
// The event type.
TouchEventType event_type;
// Only the changed touch points are added to this field.
array<TouchEventPoint> touch_points;
// The state of the URL forwarder setup.
enum UrlForwarderState {
kUnknown = 0,
// The URL forwarder has been set up properly.
kSetUp = 1,
// The URL forwarder has not been set up.
kNotSetUp = 2,
// We have attempted to set up the URL forwarder but it failed.
kFailed = 3,
// The URL forwarder is being set up but it requires user intervention.
kSetupPendingUserIntervention = 4,
// Allows the desktop process to request that the daemon process perform an
// action on its behalf. Though both processes are high-privilege, the daemon
// process brokers the IPC channel between the desktop and network processes and
// owns the lifetime of the network process. It also has the ability to execute
// actions from session 0 (whereas the desktop process runs in a user session)
// on Windows.
// The remote for this interface is owned in the high-privilege desktop
// integration process and the receiver is bound in the high-privilege daemon
// process.
interface DesktopSessionRequestHandler {
// Ask the daemon process to forward the |desktop_pipe| handle to the network
// process in order to establish an IPC connection between the desktop and
// network processes.
ConnectDesktopChannel(handle<message_pipe> desktop_pipe);
// Ask the daemon process to inject the secure attention sequence for the
// remoted session.
// Ask the daemon process to crash the network process. The desktop process
// will request this when it receives invalid IPC requests or messages from
// the network process.
// Allows the network process to ask the daemon process to create, update, or
// destroy the current desktop session.
// The remote for this interface is owned in the low-privilege network process
// and the receiver is bound in the high-privilege daemon process.
interface DesktopSessionManager {
// Creates a chromoting desktop environment for the session identified by
// |terminal_id|. This is done by injecting a desktop agent process and
// establishing IPC channels between the daemon, desktop, and network
// processes.
CreateDesktopSession(int32 terminal_id, ScreenResolution screen_resolution,
bool is_virtual_terminal);
// Closes the desktop session identified by |terminal_id|. This involves
// terminating the desktop agent process and removing any references to the
// session being closed in the daemon and network processes. Not changes are
// made at an OS level, meaning the user can reconnect to the same session
// without a loss of state.
CloseDesktopSession(int32 terminal_id);
// Sends the updated screen resolution to the desktop agent running in the
// |terminal_id| session.
SetScreenResolution(int32 terminal_id, ScreenResolution screen_resolution);
// A set of options used to customize the desktop session behavior.
struct DesktopEnvironmentOptions {
// True if the curtain mode should be enabled.
bool enable_curtaining;
// True if a user-interactive windows should be displayed on the desktop.
bool enable_user_interface;
// True if a notification should be shown when a remote user is connected.
bool enable_notifications;
// True if the session should be terminated when local input is detected.
bool terminate_upon_input;
// True if this host has the remote WebAuthn feature enabled.
bool enable_remote_webauthn;
// The DesktopCaptureOptions to initialize DesktopCapturer.
DesktopCaptureOptions desktop_capture_options;
// Describes a screen's dimensions and DPI.
struct ScreenResolution {
// Dimensions of the screen in pixels.
DesktopSize dimensions;
// The vertical and horizontal DPI of the screen.
DesktopVector dpi;
// Starts the agent in the desktop session and returns an interface to allow the
// caller to inject input events and control A/V capture.
// The remote for this interface is owned in the low-privilege network process
// and the receiver is bound in the high-privilege desktop integration process.
interface DesktopSessionAgent {
// Passes the client session data to the desktop session agent and starts it.
// Note: This must only be called once per desktop process instance.
Start(string authenticated_jid, ScreenResolution resolution,
DesktopEnvironmentOptions options) =>
// Enables writing to a file, this is used when the client website uploads a
// a file to the host machine. The remote is provided in the return value of a
// successful mojom::DesktopSessionControl::BeginFileWrite() call.
// The remote for this interface is owned in the low-privilege network process
// and the receiver is bound in the high-privilege desktop integration process.
interface FileWriter {
// Writes |data| to the file opened in the BeginFileWrite call. Returns
// |error| if the data could not be written.
WriteChunk(array<uint8> data) => (FileTransferError? error);
// Closes the file opened in the BeginFileWrite call and moves it from the
// temporary location to the desktop of the logged-in user. Returns |error| if
// a problem occurs during this process.
CloseFile() => (FileTransferError? error);
// Returned by FileReader::ReadChunk(). |data| is populated if the read request
// succeeded, otherwise |error| will indicate why the request failed.
union ReadChunkResult {
array<uint8> data;
FileTransferError error;
// Allows reading from a file, this is used when the client website downloads
// a file from the host machine. The remote is provided after a successful call
// to mojom::DesktopSessionControl::BeginFileRead().
// The remote for this interface is owned in the low-privilege network process
// and the receiver is bound in the high-privilege desktop integration process.
interface FileReader {
// Reads |bytes_to_read| from the file opened in the BeginFileRead call.
// |result| contains the file data if successful, otherwise an error.
ReadChunk(uint64 bytes_to_read) => (ReadChunkResult result);
// Used by the remoting::FileChooser class which prompts the user to select a
// file to download to the client machine using a file picker dialog.
// |filepath| is populated if the user selected a file from the dialog,
// otherwise |error| indicates why the operation failed.
// This message is serialized in a child process which is running in the current
// user context, sent over STDIO as a stream of bytes, then deserialized in the
// parent process which is the high-privilege desktop integration process.
union FileChooserResult {
mojo_base.mojom.FilePath filepath;
FileTransferError error;
// Error information for file transfer operations.
// This enum mirrors the remoting::protocol::FileTransfer_Error message.
struct FileTransferError {
// The set of errors which may occur while transferring files.
// This enum mirrors the remoting::protocol::FileTransfer_Error_Type enum.
enum Type {
kUnknown = 0,
kCanceled = 1,
kUnexpectedError = 2,
kProtocolError = 3,
kPermissionDenied = 4,
kOutOfDiskSpace = 5,
kIoError = 6,
kNotLoggedIn = 7,
Type type;
Int32? api_error_code;
string function;
string source_file;
uint32 line_number;
// Returned when the user has selected a file to begin transferring. This struct
// contains the metadata for the file and the remote used to read from the file.
struct BeginFileReadSuccess {
pending_associated_remote<FileReader> file_reader;
mojo_base.mojom.FilePath filename;
uint64 size;
// |success| is populated if BeginFileRead() succeeded, otherwise |error|.
union BeginFileReadResult {
BeginFileReadSuccess success;
FileTransferError error;
// Returned when a new file has been written and the client can begin
// transferring data. This struct contains the remote used to write to the file.
struct BeginFileWriteSuccess {
pending_associated_remote<FileWriter> file_writer;
// |success| is populated if BeginFileRead() succeeded, otherwise |error|.
union BeginFileWriteResult {
BeginFileWriteSuccess success;
FileTransferError error;
// Allows the network process to inject input events and control A/V capture in
// the desktop session.
// The remote for this interface is owned in the low-privilege network process
// and the receiver is bound in the high-privilege desktop integration process.
interface DesktopSessionControl {
// Requests the Desktop process to create a new video-capturer for the
// specified display device.
CreateVideoCapturer(int64 desktop_display_id) =>
(CreateVideoCapturerResult result);
// Changes the screen resolution in the desktop session.
SetScreenResolution(ScreenResolution new_resolution);
// Locks the current desktop session.
// Asks the desktop session to inject the send attention sequence (SAS).
// Used to inject clipboard events received from the client.
InjectClipboardEvent(ClipboardEvent event);
// Used to inject keyboard events received from the client.
InjectKeyEvent(KeyEvent event);
// Used to inject mouse events received from the client.
InjectMouseEvent(MouseEvent event);
// Used to inject text events received from the client.
InjectTextEvent(TextEvent event);
// Used to inject touch events received from the client.
InjectTouchEvent(TouchEvent event);
// Used to set up the URL forwarder as the default browser. State changes
// will be reported via the
// DesktopSessionEventHandler::OnUrlForwarderStateChange() method.
// Used to notify the WebAuthn proxy browser extension of a remote state
// change, so the extension can determine whether it should attach to or
// detach to the WebAuthn proxy API.
// Opens a file chooser dialog so the user can choose a file to transfer to
// the client machine. This action is requested when the remote user chooses
// to download a file.
BeginFileRead() => (BeginFileReadResult result);
// Opens a new file for writing when the remote user chooses to upload a file.
BeginFileWrite(mojo_base.mojom.FilePath file_path)
=> (BeginFileWriteResult result);
struct CreateVideoCapturerResult {
pending_remote<VideoCapturer> video_capturer;
pending_receiver<VideoCapturerEventHandler> video_capturer_event_handler;
// Enables capturing from a display device.
// The remote for this interface is owned in the low-privilege network process
// and the receiver is bound in the high-privilege desktop integration process.
interface VideoCapturer {
// Requests that a new frame be captured. Video-frames are returned via
// VideoCapturerEventHandler (rather than in response to this CaptureFrame()
// request). This ensures the frames are correctly ordered relative to the
// shared-memory events.
// Enables receiving capture information (shared-memory, video-frames) from a
// display device.
// The remote for this interface is owned in the high-privilege desktop
// integration process and the receiver is bound in the low-privilege network
// process.
interface VideoCapturerEventHandler {
// Notifies the network process that a new shared memory region has been
// created to use for passing video frames between processes. |id| refers to
// the new shared memory region and is included in each capture result to
// indicate which region the frame data resides in.
int32 id, mojo_base.mojom.ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion region, uint32 size);
// Notifies the network process that a shared memory region has been released
// and should no longer be used.
OnSharedMemoryRegionReleased(int32 id);
// Notifies the network process that new frame data is available in the shared
// memory region along with the details on how to access it (e.g. stride,
// size, etc.), otherwise provides the error reason the capture failed.
OnCaptureResult(CaptureResult result);
// |frame| is set and contains valid frame data when a frame is captured
// successfully, otherwise |error| will contain the reason the capture failed.
union CaptureResult {
DesktopFrame desktop_frame;
DesktopCaptureResult capture_error;
// This struct mirrors the remoting::protocol::VideoTrackLayout message.
struct VideoTrackLayout {
// Unique display identifier, see ScreenId notes in desktop_capture_types.h.
int64 screen_id;
// Name of the video stream, from the WebRTC MediaStream.id property.
string media_stream_id;
// Position of the top left corner of the rectangle covered by the video
// track in DIPs (device independent pixels).
gfx.mojom.Point position;
// Size of the area covered by the video track in DIPs.
DesktopSize size;
// DPI of the screen being captured.
DesktopVector dpi;
// This struct mirrors the remoting::protocol::VideoLayout message.
struct VideoLayout {
// Layout info for each video track.
array<VideoTrackLayout> tracks;
// True if this display configuration supports capturing the entire desktop.
bool supports_full_desktop_capture;
// ID of the display to be associated with the main window on the client.
int64 primary_screen_id;
// Allows the desktop process to forward events and data to the network process
// which may process it (e.g. encode a video frame) or forward it to the client
// (in the case of updated clipboard contents).
// The remote for this interface is owned in the high-privilege desktop
// integration process and the receiver is bound in the low-privilege network
// process.
interface DesktopSessionEventHandler {
// Used to forward clipboard events from the host to the client.
OnClipboardEvent(ClipboardEvent event);
// OnUrlForwarderStateChange is immediately called once the desktop agent
// starts to provide the initial state, then it will be called to report state
// changes caused by calling DesktopSessionControl::SetUpUrlForwarder().
OnUrlForwarderStateChange(UrlForwarderState state);
// Forwards an audio packet captured from the desktop session to the client.
OnAudioPacket(AudioPacket audio_packet);
// Notifies the network process that the host display layout has changed.
OnDesktopDisplayChanged(VideoLayout layout);
// Notifies the network process that the mouse cursor has changed.
OnMouseCursorChanged(MouseCursor mouse_cursor);
// Notifies the network process that the keyboard layout has changed.
OnKeyboardLayoutChanged(KeyboardLayout keyboard_layout);
// This enum mirrors the remoting::protocol::ErrorCode enum.
enum ProtocolErrorCode {
kOk = 0,
kPeerIsOffline = 1,
kSessionRejected = 2,
kIncompatibleProtocol = 3,
kAuthenticationFailed = 4,
kInvalidAccount = 5,
kChannelConnectionError = 6,
kSignalingError = 7,
kSignalingTimeout = 8,
kHostOverload = 9,
kMaxSessionLength = 10,
kHostConfigurationError = 11,
kUnknownError = 12,
kElevationError = 13,
kHostCertificateError = 14,
kHostRegistrationError = 15,
kExistingAdminSession = 16,
kAuthzPolicyCheckFailed = 17,
kDisallowedByPolicy = 18,
kLocationAuthzPolicyCheckFailed = 19,
kUnauthorizedAccount = 20,
kReauthzPolicyCheckFailed = 21,
kNoCommonAuthMethod = 22,
// Provides the desktop integration process with a mechanism for controlling the
// client session owned by the network process.
// The remote for this interface is owned in the high-privilege desktop
// integration process and the receiver is bound in the low-privilege network
// process.
interface DesktopSessionStateHandler {
// Disconnects the remote client from the host machine, |error_code| is
// passed to the remote client as the reason for the disconnection. An example
// usage is when the 'disconnect' button is clicked on the local disconnect
// window. The desktop process should expect to be terminated shortly after
// calling this method.
DisconnectSession(ProtocolErrorCode error_code);
// Allows the worker process launcher to send messages to a child process.
// The remote for this interface is owned in the high-privilege daemon process
// which uses the WorkerProcessLauncher class to spawn the low-privilege network
// process or high-privilege desktop integration process. The receiver is bound
// in the child process.
interface WorkerProcessControl {
// Instructs the receiving process to crash itself.
CrashProcess(string function_name, string file_name, int32 line_number);