// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module remoting.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
struct SupportHostDetails {
// Version of the remote support host in major.minor.build.revision format.
// This is an opaque string which is parsed by the website client.
string host_version;
// The set of features supported by the remote support host. This is
// an opaque set of strings which is parsed by the website client.
array<string> supported_features;
// Response to a StartSupportSession request. This union includes a support host
// observer if the session was started successfully, otherwise it includes an
// error reason to indicate why it failed.
union StartSupportSessionResponse {
// Used to observe connection state change events when a session was started
// successfully.
pending_receiver<remoting.mojom.SupportHostObserver> observer;
// Provides the reason the session was not started.
remoting.mojom.StartSupportSessionError support_session_error;
// Provides the reason a remote support session could not be started.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum StartSupportSessionError {
[Default] kUnknown = 0,
// The managed device admin has an existing connection which cannot be
// disconnected.
kExistingAdminSession = 1,
// The parameters required to start a remote support session.
// Next version: 3
struct SupportSessionParams {
// Gaia username of the user requesting the connection.
string user_name;
// The access token used for connecting to signaling and CRD backend services.
string oauth_access_token;
// Do not prompt local user for approval when connecting. Used for Admin
// initiated connections using the RemoteCommand infrastructure.
bool suppress_user_dialogs = false;
// Do not show connection notifications in the system tray. Used for Admin
// initiated connections using the RemoteCommand infrastructure.
bool suppress_notifications = false;
// Terminate the session if local user input is received. Used for Admin
// initiated connections using the RemoteCommand infrastructure.
bool terminate_upon_input = false;
// Curtain off the local displays during the remoting session. Used for Admin
// initiated connections using the RemoteCommand infrastructure.
[EnableIf=is_chromeos, MinVersion=1]
bool curtain_local_user_session = false;
// If set, the support host instance will only accept connection requests from
// the account (username) specified in this field. If not set, then any user
// with the access code is allowed to connect.
string? authorized_helper;
// Represents the state of the remote support host NAT device policies.
struct NatPolicyState {
// Indicates whether NAT traversal is enabled.
bool nat_enabled;
// Indicates whether TURN (relay) connections are allowed. Note that this
// value is only considered for P2P connection establishment when
// |nat_enabled| is true.
bool relay_enabled;
// Used by the remote support host to provides connection state change and error
// events to the owner of the remote support session. This is typically the
// native message host which is owned by the CRD client website.
// This is currently only implemented on CrOS, where the remote for this
// interface is owned in ash-chrome and the receiver is bound in lacros-chrome.
[Stable, Uuid="3961f91c-dd8f-4b9b-a6ae-6bf8371d5a91"]
interface SupportHostObserver {
// Indicates the remote support host is starting.
// Indicates the remote support host has requested an access code.
// Indicates the remote support host has received an access code.
// |access_code| is an opaque string (12 digit code) which is provided to the
// remote user who uses it to connect to this session.
// |lifetime| is the amount of time |access_code| is valid.
OnHostStateReceivedAccessCode@2(string access_code,
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta lifetime);
// Indicates the remote support host is beginning the connection process.
// Indicates the remote support host has completed the connection process.
// |remote_user_address| is the Gaia address of the remote user.
OnHostStateConnected@4(string remote_username);
// Indicates the remote support host is now disconnected.
// |disconnect_reason| is a stringified protocol::ErrorCode which indicates
// the reason the session was disconnected. It is not meant to be displayed
// directly in the UI.
OnHostStateDisconnected@6([MinVersion=1] string? disconnect_reason);
// Indicates there was a change to the NAT device policy.
OnNatPolicyChanged@7(NatPolicyState nat_policy_state);
// Indicates the host experienced an unexpected error.
OnHostStateError@8(int64 error_code);
// Indicates the host experienced an error loading the device policy.
// Indicates the remote support host could not start as the user's domain is
// not included in the device policy allowlist.