
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto3";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package remoting.ftl;

// Enums

// This is exactly google.protobuf.Duration. The Chromium proto_library
// template has trouble importing protobuf outside the current directory.
message Duration {
  int64 seconds = 1;
  int32 nanos = 2;

message ApiVersion {
  enum Value {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    V4 = 4;

message Platform {
  // Added the FTL_ prefix because OS names are polluted by Chromium macros.
  enum Type {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    FTL_ANDROID = 1;
    FTL_IOS = 2;
    FTL_TEST = 4;
    FTL_DESKTOP = 6;
    FTL_WEB = 7;

message IdType {
  enum Type {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    SYSTEM = 7;
    EMAIL = 16;

message DeviceIdType {
  enum Type {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    WEB_UUID = 3;
    CLIENT_UUID = 7;

message SignInGaiaMode {
  enum Value {
    LOOKUP = 1;

message ChromotingCapability {
  enum Feature {
    UNKNOWN = 0;

message FtlCapability {
  enum Feature {
    UNKNOWN = 0;

// Messages

message ClientInfo {
  // Renamed from major, minor, point because they are defined in glibc macros.
  int32 version_major = 3;
  int32 version_minor = 4;
  int32 version_point = 5;
  ApiVersion.Value api_version = 7;
  Platform.Type platform_type = 9;

message Id {
  IdType.Type type = 1;
  string id = 2;
  string app = 3;

message RequestHeader {
  string request_id = 1;
  string app = 3;
  bytes auth_token_payload = 6;
  ClientInfo client_info = 7;
  Id requester_id = 10;

message ResponseHeader {
  uint64 rpc_global_id = 2;
  int64 txn_timestamp_usec = 4;

message ICEServerList {
  repeated string urls = 1;
  string username = 2;
  string credential = 3;
  string hostname = 5;
  int64 max_rate_kbps = 10;

message ICEConfiguration {
  Duration lifetime_duration = 1;
  repeated ICEServerList ice_servers = 2;
  string ice_transport_policy = 6;

message DeviceId {
  DeviceIdType.Type type = 1;
  string id = 2;

message RegisterData {
  DeviceId device_id = 1;
  string locale = 8;
  repeated int32 caps = 9;

message AuthToken {
  bytes payload = 1;
  int64 expires_in = 2;

message InboxMessage {
  enum MessageType {
    UNKNOWN = 0;

  enum MessageClass {
    USER = 0;    // USER both persists the message and sends a GCM tickle
    STATUS = 3;  // STATUS persists the message and doesn't send GCM tickle

  string message_id = 1;
  MessageType message_type = 2;
  MessageClass message_class = 5;
  Id sender_id = 8;
  bytes sender_registration_id = 17;
  Id receiver_id = 9;
  bytes message = 12;

message ReceiverMessage {
  string message_id = 1;
  Id receiver_id = 2;

// Requests and responses

message GetICEServerRequest {
  RequestHeader header = 1;
  bool unblock_me = 2;
  string ice_config_preference = 3;

message GetICEServerResponse {
  ResponseHeader header = 1;
  ICEConfiguration ice_config = 4;

message SignInGaiaRequest {
  RequestHeader header = 1;
  RegisterData register_data = 2;
  SignInGaiaMode.Value mode = 3;
  string app = 4;

message SignInGaiaResponse {
  ResponseHeader header = 1;
  bytes registration_id = 2;
  AuthToken auth_token = 4;

message BatchAckMessagesRequest {
  RequestHeader header = 1;
  repeated string message_ids = 4;

message BatchAckMessagesResponse {
  ResponseHeader header = 1;

message ReceiveMessagesRequest {
  RequestHeader header = 1;

message ReceiveMessagesResponse {
  message Pong {}

  message StartOfBatch { int32 count = 1; }

  message EndOfBatch {}

  message RefreshResult {}

  oneof body {
    InboxMessage inbox_message = 2;
    Pong pong = 3;
    StartOfBatch start_of_batch = 4;
    EndOfBatch end_of_batch = 5;
    RefreshResult refresh_result = 6;

message InboxSendRequest {
  Id dest_id = 1;
  repeated bytes dest_registration_ids = 9;
  InboxMessage message = 2;
  RequestHeader header = 3;
  int64 time_to_live = 5;

message InboxSendResponse {
  ResponseHeader header = 1;
  int64 timestamp = 2;