
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package remoting.protocol;

// Composite message type for messages sent over the remote-webauthn data
// channel.
// Next ID: 10
message RemoteWebAuthn {
  // Message that represents a DOMException, yielded by the remote request
  // during a Create or Get request.
  // Next ID: 3
  message ExceptionDetails {
    optional string name = 1;
    optional string message = 2;

  // Requests the client to handle a call to
  // PublicKeyCredential.isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable().
  message IsUvpaaRequest {}

  // Response for IsUvpaaRequest.
  // Next ID: 2
  message IsUvpaaResponse { optional bool is_available = 1; }

  // Requests the client to handle a navigator.credentials.create() call.
  // Next ID: 2
  message CreateRequest {
    // A JSON serialized representation of PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions
    // passed to navigator.credentials.create().
    optional string request_details_json = 1;

  // Response for CreateRequest.
  // Next ID: 3
  message CreateResponse {
    // If neither of the fields is set, it means that the remote create() call
    // has yielded `null`, which is still a valid response according to the
    // spec.
    oneof result {
      // The `DOMException`, if any, yielded by the remote request.
      ExceptionDetails error = 1;

      // A JSON serialized representation of the `PublicKeyCredential`
      // (, if any.
      string response_json = 2;

  // Requests the client to handle a navigator.credentials.get() call.
  // Next ID: 2
  message GetRequest {
    // A JSON serialized representation of CredentialRequestOptions passed to
    // navigator.credentials.get().
    optional string request_details_json = 1;

  // Response for GetRequest.
  // Next ID: 3
  message GetResponse {
    // If neither of the fields is set, it means that the remote get() call
    // has yielded `null`, which is still a valid response according to the
    // spec.
    oneof result {
      // The `DOMException`, if any, yielded by the remote request.
      ExceptionDetails error = 1;

      // A JSON serialized representation of the `PublicKeyCredential`
      // (, if any.
      string response_json = 2;

  // Requests the client to abort an ongoing Create or Get request.
  // The |id| field of this message should be set to the same value as the
  // to-be-canceled GetRequest/CreateRequest's |id| field.
  message CancelRequest {}

  // Response for CancelRequest.
  // Next ID: 2
  message CancelResponse {
    // Boolean indicating whether the request has been successfully canceled.
    // If this is true, no future CreateResponse/GetResponse will be delivered
    // for the same |id|.
    optional bool was_canceled = 1;

  // ID used to multiplex requests.
  optional uint64 id = 1;

  oneof message {
    IsUvpaaRequest is_uvpaa_request = 2;
    IsUvpaaResponse is_uvpaa_response = 3;

    CreateRequest create_request = 4;
    CreateResponse create_response = 5;

    CancelRequest cancel_request = 6;
    CancelResponse cancel_response = 7;

    GetRequest get_request = 8;
    GetResponse get_response = 9;