syntax = "proto2";
package remoting.apis.v1;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// Defines the UX and capabilities for a Chrome OS enterprise session.
// Next ID: 5
message ChromeOsEnterpriseOptions {
// Indicates whether the admin troubleshooting tools are enabled by policy.
// This flag is used to indicate whether to show the troubleshooting options
// or a message indicating how to enable the feature. This value is ignored
// if |show_troubleshooting_tools| is false.
optional bool allow_troubleshooting_tools = 1;
// Indicates whether to show the admin troubleshooting tools in the client UI.
optional bool show_troubleshooting_tools = 4;
// Indicates whether the client should attempt to reconnect if the connection
// is dropped.
optional bool allow_reconnections = 2;
// Indicates whether to show the file transfer section in the client UI.
optional bool allow_file_transfer = 3;