
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto3";

option java_multiple_files = true;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

option java_package = "remoting.apis.v1";
package remoting.apis.v1;

// Represents a service account created for a remote access host instance.
message ServiceAccountInfo {
  // The email address of the remote access host service account.
  string email = 1;

  // An OAuth authorization code generated for the remote access host service
  // account. This code will be exchanged for an access and refresh token by the
  // remote access host instance. The access token will be used for signaling
  // and to communicate status back to the Chrome Remote Desktop backend.
  // `authorization_code` has a limited lifetime (< 10 minutes) so it must be
  // exchanged for a refresh token soon after it is received.
  optional string authorization_code = 2;

// Creates a new remote access host instance in the Directory.
message ProvisionGceInstanceRequest {
  // The email address of the user to associate this instance with.
  string owner_email = 1;

  // This value is used to provide the initial 'display_name' value which is
  // shown in the website client UI.
  string display_name = 2;

  // Public key for the host. Must be a 2048-bit RSA key encoded with Base64.
  bytes public_key = 3;

  // Version of the start_host utility being used for provisioning.
  string version = 4;

  // An optional value which, if provided, is used to remove a previous host
  // instance from the machine. Prior to deleting `existing_directory_id`, the
  // backend will validate the other fields in the request and ensure
  // `owner_email` owns the previous instance as well.
  optional string existing_directory_id = 5;

// The response to a ProvisionGceInstanceRequest request.
message ProvisionGceInstanceResponse {
  // The UUID of the new remote access host instance in the Directory.
  string directory_id = 1;

  // The email address and authorization_code for the service account created
  // for the new remote access host instance.
  ServiceAccountInfo service_account_info = 2;