// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "remoting.apis.v1";
package remoting.apis.v1;
import "host_info.proto";
// Requests the deletion of a specific host from the Directory.
message DeleteHostRequest {
// The ID of the host to delete.
optional string host_id = 1;
// The response to a DeleteHostRequest.
message DeleteHostResponse {}
// Request host info for a single Me2Me host. This is typically used when the
// client already has the host list and wants updated host info or if a deeplink
// is used to connect to a specific host.
message GetHostRequest {
// The ID of the host to request info for.
optional string host_id = 1;
// The response to a GetHostRequest.
message GetHostResponse {
// The info for the host_id in the request.
optional HostInfo host_info = 1;
// Requests a list of hosts owned by the user making the request.
message GetHostListRequest {}
// Response to a GetHostListRequest.
message GetHostListResponse {
// The list of users owned by the user.
repeated remoting.apis.v1.HostInfo hosts = 1;
// Legacy Heartbeat sent to update a host's info and online presence.
message HeartbeatRequest {
// Obsolete fields reserved to prevent reuse.
reserved 1, 5;
// Host identity. Normally a UUID.
optional string host_id = 2;
// Current ID for the GoogleTalk service, if applicable.
optional string jabber_id = 3;
// Current ID for the Tachyon service, if applicable.
optional string tachyon_id = 4;
// Version of the Me2Me host software installed.
optional string host_version = 6;
// A reason for the host reporting itself as offline.
optional string host_offline_reason = 7;
// Operating system type the host is running on.
optional string host_os_name = 8;
// Operating system version the host is running on.
optional string host_os_version = 9;
// CPU type of the host machine (e.g. x86 or ARM).
optional string host_cpu_type = 10;
// Indicates whether this request is the first heartbeat from a host instance.
optional bool is_initial_heartbeat = 11;
// Local hostname of the machine.
optional string hostname = 12;
// Sent in response to a HeartbeatRequest.
message HeartbeatResponse {
// Obsolete fields reserved to prevent reuse.
reserved 2;
// The amount of time to wait before the host should send its next update.
optional int32 set_interval_seconds = 1;
// Use the new lightweight heartbeat api for the next heartbeat.
optional bool use_lite_heartbeat = 3;
// The primary email address of the user which is allowed to connect to the
// remote machine.
optional string primary_user_email = 4;
// Identify the host as belonging to a corp user.
optional bool is_corp_user = 5;
// Indicates whether the session authorization service must be used. If unset,
// other authn types may be used (such as PIN).
optional bool require_session_authorization = 6;
// Requests that a new host entry to added to the Directory.
message RegisterHostRequest {
// Host identity. Normally a UUID.
optional string host_id = 1;
// Public key for the host. Must be a 2048-bit RSA key encoded with BASE64.
optional string public_key = 2;
// A readable name shown to the user.
optional string host_name = 3;
// The OAuth client ID for the host.
optional string host_client_id = 4;
// Response to a RegisterHostRequest.
message RegisterHostResponse {
// The Directory entry for the registered host.
optional remoting.apis.v1.HostInfo host_info = 1;
// An auth code nonce which can be exchanged for a new token from Gaia by the
// robot account created for the new host instance.
optional string auth_code = 2;
// Lightweight heartbeat message that just updates the host's timestamp.
message SendHeartbeatRequest {
// Host identity. Normally a UUID.
optional string host_id = 1;
// Sent in response to a SendHeartbeatRequest.
message SendHeartbeatResponse {
// The amount of time to wait before the host should send its next update.
optional int32 wait_interval_seconds = 1;
// Requests an auth_code with updated OAuth scopes. Should only be called by
// robot accounts assigned to a Me2me host.
message UpdateRobotTokenRequest {
// OAuth client ID of the requesting host.
optional string client_id = 1;
// Whether to request offline access.
optional bool offline = 2;
// Response to a UpdateRobotTokenRequest.
message UpdateRobotTokenResponse {
// An auth code nonce which can be exchanged for a new token from Gaia.
optional string auth_code = 1;