
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option java_multiple_files = true;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

option java_package = "remoting.apis.v1";
package remoting.apis.v1;

// Represents a Chrome Remote Desktop host instance.  It includes static data
// from when the host was first registered as well as transient data such as
// the signaling ID and the last heartbeat time.
// Be sure to update the copy of this proto in Google3 when making changes.
message HostInfo {
  // Host identity. Normally a UUID.
  optional string host_id = 1;

  // Public key for the host. Must be a 2048-bit RSA key encoded with BASE64.
  optional string public_key = 2;

  // A readable name shown to the user.
  optional string host_name = 3;

  // Time when the host was created (milliseconds since 01/01/1970 GMT).
  optional int64 created_time = 4;

  // Most recent JabberID.
  optional string jabber_id = 5;

  // JID-like ID of the form [email protected]/chromoting_ftl_<reg ID>.
  optional string ftl_id = 6;

  // Status of the host.
  enum Status {
    // Field was not set.
    // The host is offline.
    OFFLINE = 1;
    // The host is online.
    ONLINE = 2;
  // The current online status of the host based on the last heartbeat seen.
  optional Status status = 7 [default = OFFLINE];

  // Host offline reason.  See also:
  // - chromium/src/remoting/host/heartbeat_sender.h
  // - kHostExitCodeStrings in chromium/src/remoting/host/
  optional string host_offline_reason = 8;

  // Time when the host was last online (milliseconds since 01/01/1970 GMT).
  optional int64 last_seen_time = 9;

  // State of the host registration process.
  enum RegistrationState {
    // Field was not set.
    // The service is waiting for the host to send its signaling ID.
    // The service has timed out waiting for the host to send its signaling ID.
    // The host has sent its signaling ID and completed registration.
  // The registration state of the host.
  optional RegistrationState registration_state = 10;

  // A RegEx used to validate an incoming third-party auth URL from the host.
  repeated string token_url_pattern = 11;

  // Version of the Me2Me/It2Me host software installed on the host.
  optional string host_version = 12;

  // Operating system type of the host.
  optional string host_os_name = 13;

  // Operating system version of the host.
  optional string host_os_version = 14;

  // Hostname of the machine.
  optional string hostname = 15;

  // Indicates whether third_party auth is required.
  optional bool require_third_party_auth = 16;