// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package remoting.protocol;
// Composite message type for messages sent over the url-forwarder-control data
// channel.
// Next ID: 5
message UrlForwarderControl {
// Message sent by the client requesting the host for the current
// configuration state. The host will respond with a QueryConfigStateResponse.
// Next ID: 1
message QueryConfigStateRequest {}
// Message sent by the host reporting the current configuration state.
// Next ID: 2
message QueryConfigStateResponse {
// Indicates whether the URL forwarder has been properly set up.
optional bool is_url_forwarder_set_up = 1;
// Message sent by the client requesting the host to set up the URL forwarder.
// The host will respond with one or more SetUpUrlForwarderResponse(s).
// Next ID: 1
message SetUpUrlForwarderRequest {}
// Message sent by the host reporting the current state of the URL forwarder
// setup process.
// Next ID: 2
message SetUpUrlForwarderResponse {
// Next ID: 4
enum State {
// The setup process has been completed successfully.
// The setup process has failed.
// The setup process requires user intervention. The host will send
// another SetUpUrlForwarderResponse once the setup process becomes
// completed or failed.
optional State state = 1;
oneof message {
QueryConfigStateRequest query_config_state_request = 1;
QueryConfigStateResponse query_config_state_response = 2;
SetUpUrlForwarderRequest set_up_url_forwarder_request = 3;
SetUpUrlForwarderResponse set_up_url_forwarder_response = 4;