
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Internal message types that should not be seen outside the protocol
// directory.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package remoting;

// Next Id: 19
message FrameStatsMessage {
  // Frame ID.
  optional uint32 frame_id = 1;

  // Frame size.
  optional int32 frame_size = 2;

  // Id of the last event that was injected before this frame was captured.
  optional int64 latest_event_timestamp = 3;

  // Time from when the last event was injected until capturing has started.
  optional int32 capture_pending_time_ms = 4;

  // Time in milliseconds spent in capturing this video frame.
  optional int32 capture_time_ms = 5;

  // Total overhead time for IPC and threading when capturing frames.
  optional int32 capture_overhead_time_ms = 6;

  // Time between when the frame was captured and when encoding started.
  optional int32 encode_pending_time_ms = 7;

  // Time in milliseconds spent in encoding this video frame.
  optional int32 encode_time_ms = 8;

  // Time for which the frame is blocked until it's sent to the client.
  optional int32 send_pending_time_ms = 9;

  // Current network RTT estimate.
  optional int32 rtt_estimate_ms = 10;

  // Current bandwidth estimate in kb/s.
  optional int32 bandwidth_estimate_kbps = 11;

  // The capturer Id to indicate the implementation of ScreenCapturer that
  // generates this frame.
  optional uint32 capturer_id = 12;

  // A simple indication of the quality of the frame, scored between 0 and 100,
  // with 100 representing a lossless encoded frame.
  optional uint32 frame_quality = 13;

  // The screen ID of the desktop-capturer that captured this frame. The value
  // matches the corresponding field of the VideoTrackLayout for the stream.
  optional int64 screen_id = 14;

  // Codec used to encode the frame.
  enum VideoCodec {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    VP8 = 1;
    VP9 = 2;
    AV1 = 3;
    H264 = 4;
  optional VideoCodec codec = 15 [default = UNKNOWN];

  // Video codec profile.
  optional int32 profile = 16;

  // Estimated width/height of the areas of screen that have changed since
  // last frame.
  optional int32 encoded_rect_width = 17;
  optional int32 encoded_rect_height = 18;