
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "sandbox/linux/services/libc_interceptor.h"

#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <set>
#include <string>

#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/debug/dump_without_crashing.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/pickle.h"
#include "base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h"
#include "base/posix/global_descriptors.h"
#include "base/posix/unix_domain_socket.h"
#include "base/sanitizer_buildflags.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"

// Sanitizers may override certain libc functions with a weak symbol that points
// the real symbol to an interceptor symbol. E.g. getaddrinfo ->
// __interceptor_getaddrinfo. However our own libc overrides below prevent the
// weak symbol from binding, which leads to errors (especially msan errors) when
// the sanitizer interception code doesn't run. So we want to call the
// sanitizer's __interceptor_* version of the symbol if it exists.
// So here, using a weak symbol we can detect whether a sanitizer has overridden
// a libc symbol with its own __interceptor_* function. If it's been
// intercepted, we can call the sanitizer's version instead of the normal
// RTLD_NEXT version.
// Note that in component builds this isn't necessary because our override is in
// a shared object, but the sanitizer interceptor is always in the main
// executable so it is always first in the binding order. That means the
// interceptor will call our override, and calling the interceptor again is
// infinite recursion.
// INTERCEPTOR_DECL declares the weak symbol for the __interceptor_* version and
// REAL(func) should return the address of the __interceptor_* version of |func|
// if it exists, otherwise it returns dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, func).

#define REAL


#define REAL(func)


// When Chrome's interceptors have overridden a libc function but need to call
// the actual libc version, the following macros take care of calling
// dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, func), storing the result, handling failures, and disabling
// CFI checks when calling the resulting pointer. See below for examples.
#define DLSYM_FUNC_DECL(ret_type, func, ...)

#define DLSYM_FUNC_BODY(func, dlsym_failed_return_val, ...)

// Used to call a |func| that's been declared with DLSYM_FUNC_DECL.
#define CALL_FUNC(func, ...)

// A wrapper that calls libc's getaddrinfo().
                const char* node,
                const char* service,
                const struct addrinfo* hints,
                struct addrinfo** res) {}

namespace sandbox {

namespace {

// The global |g_am_zygote_or_renderer| is true iff we are in a zygote or
// renderer process. It's set in ZygoteMain and inherited by the renderers when
// they fork. (This means that it'll be incorrect for global constructor
// functions and before ZygoteMain is called - beware).
bool g_am_zygote_or_renderer =;
int g_backchannel_fd =;

base::LazyInstance<std::set<std::string>>::Leaky g_timezones =;

base::LazyInstance<base::Lock>::Leaky g_timezones_lock =;

bool ReadTimeStruct(base::PickleIterator* iter,
                    struct tm* output,
                    char* timezone_out,
                    size_t timezone_out_len) {}

void WriteTimeStruct(base::Pickle* pickle, const struct tm& time) {}

// See
void ProxyLocaltimeCallToBrowser(time_t input,
                                 struct tm* output,
                                 char* timezone_out,
                                 size_t timezone_out_len) {}

// The other side of this call is ProxyLocaltimeCallToBrowser().
bool HandleLocalTime(int fd,
                     base::PickleIterator iter,
                     const std::vector<base::ScopedFD>& fds) {}

}  // namespace


static pthread_once_t g_libc_localtime_funcs_guard =;
static LocaltimeFunction g_libc_localtime;
static LocaltimeFunction g_libc_localtime64;
static LocaltimeRFunction g_libc_localtime_r;
static LocaltimeRFunction g_libc_localtime64_r;

static void InitLibcLocaltimeFunctionsImpl() {}

// Define localtime_override() function with asm name "localtime", so that all
// references to localtime() will resolve to this function. Notice that we need
// to set visibility attribute to "default" to export the symbol, as it is set
// to "hidden" by default in chrome per build/common.gypi.
__attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) struct tm* localtime_override(
    const time_t* timep) __asm__("localtime");

__attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) struct tm* localtime_override(
    const time_t* timep) {}

// Use same trick to override localtime64(), localtime_r() and localtime64_r().
__attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) struct tm* localtime64_override(
    const time_t* timep) __asm__("localtime64");

__attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) struct tm* localtime64_override(
    const time_t* timep) {}

__attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) struct tm* localtime_r_override(
    const time_t* timep,
    struct tm* result) __asm__("localtime_r");

__attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) struct tm* localtime_r_override(
    const time_t* timep,
    struct tm* result) {}

__attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) struct tm* localtime64_r_override(
    const time_t* timep,
    struct tm* result) __asm__("localtime64_r");

__attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) struct tm* localtime64_r_override(
    const time_t* timep,
    struct tm* result) {}

void SetAmZygoteOrRenderer(bool enable, int backchannel_fd) {}

bool HandleInterceptedCall(int kind,
                           int fd,
                           base::PickleIterator iter,
                           const std::vector<base::ScopedFD>& fds) {}

void InitLibcLocaltimeFunctions() {}

namespace {
std::atomic<bool> g_getaddrinfo_discouraged{};
}  // namespace

extern "C" {
__attribute__((visibility("default"), noinline)) int getaddrinfo(
    const char* node,
    const char* service,
    const struct addrinfo* hints,
    struct addrinfo** res) {}

void DiscourageGetaddrinfo() {}

}  // namespace sandbox