
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/test/launcher/unit_test_launcher.h"
#include "base/test/test_suite.h"
#include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
#include "sandbox/win/tests/common/controller.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace sandbox {
// Common function used for timeout with Win APIs like ::WaitForSingleObject().
DWORD SboxTestEventTimeout() {
  if (::IsDebuggerPresent())
    return INFINITE;

  return static_cast<DWORD>(

int wmain(int argc, wchar_t **argv) {
  if (argc >= 2) {
    if (0 == _wcsicmp(argv[1], L"-child") ||
        0 == _wcsicmp(argv[1], L"-child-no-sandbox")) {
      // This inits the current commandline from GetCommandLineW().
      base::CommandLine::Init(0, nullptr);
      // This sets default timeouts.
      // This instance is a child, not the test.
      return sandbox::DispatchCall(argc, argv);

  base::TestSuite test_suite(argc, argv);
  return base::LaunchUnitTests(
      argc, argv, false,
      base::BindOnce(&base::TestSuite::Run, base::Unretained(&test_suite)));