
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Defines a test API with no other mojom dependencies that can be used to
// verify the behavior of the Mojom implementation for the Accessibility
// Service.

module axtest.mojom;

// A structure with some Mojom types.
struct TestStruct {
  bool is_structy;
  int32 num;
  string name;

// An enum type.
enum TestEnum {

// A test interface with a method that takes an enum.
interface TestInterface {
    // A method that takes an enum.
    TestMethod(TestEnum num);

// An interface which can allow for binding to the TestInterface
// and also has methods to signal when the test is completed.
interface TestBindingInterface {
    // Returns a PendingReceiver to the TestInterface, which can be used
    // to receive testMethod calls.
    AddTestInterface() => (pending_receiver<TestInterface> interface_receiver);

    // Returns a value asynchronously through a callback.
    GetTestStruct(int32 num, string name) => (TestStruct result);

    // Requests that the TestBindingInterface send the enum to TestInterface,
    // if bound.
    SendEnumToTestInterface(TestEnum num);

    // Disconnected the pipe from the TestBindingInterface implementation.

    // Called when the test is complete indicating if the test was successful
    // or failed.
    TestComplete(bool success);

    // Log a statement to the terminal.
    Log(string log_string);

    // Signals to C++ that the checkpoint `checkpoint_identifier` has been
    // reached during test execution.
    CheckpointReached(string checkpoint_identifier);