// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module ax.mojom;
import "ui/accessibility/mojom/ax_action_data.mojom";
import "ui/accessibility/mojom/ax_tree_id.mojom";
// Implemented outside of the service, e.g. Chrome OS Ash, Chrome browser
// process, renderers, or other tree sources.
// Called by the accessibility service and automation extension API to enable
// accessibility and perform actions. For example the accessibility service
// might want to do a 'click' because a screen reader requested the default
// action. Then the accessibility service would use
// AutomationClient::PerformAction to pass that back to the client.
interface AutomationClient {
// Enables automation for the client. This will result in the client
// repeatedly calling DispatchAccessibilityEvents() on the Automation
// interface.
// Runs the callback with tree ID for the desktop tree.
Enable() => (ax.mojom.AXTreeID desktop_id);
// Disables automation in the client. This has the effect of turning off
// accessibility tree creation within the client. Calling this method
// without calling Enable or calling it multiple times has no adverse
// effects.
// Enables accessibility for a particular subtree of the client. This will
// result in the client repeatedly calling DispatchAccessibilityEvents()
// on the Automation interface.
// Note that in the old automation API this was called only EnableTree.
// Renamed here to be clearer which type of tree this is enabling.
EnableChildTree(ax.mojom.AXTreeID tree_id);
// Forwards the action described by AXActionData to all clients. Actions
// are resolved by each client based on tree id, action type and other
// action data fields.
PerformAction(ax.mojom.AXActionData action_data);