
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include <array>
#include <limits>
#include "services/audio/mixing_graph.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace audio {
// Test fixture to verify the functionality of the mixing graph inputs.
class MixingGraphInputTest : public ::testing::Test {};

// Simple audio source callback where a sample value is the value of the
// previous sample plus |increment|. When using stereo the values of the right
// channel will be the values of the left channel plus |increment|.
class SampleCounter : public media::AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback {};

// Simple audio source callback where all samples are set to the same value.
// The value is incremented by |increment| for each callback.
class CallbackCounter : public media::AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback {};

// Simple audio source callback where all samples are set to a specified value.
class ConstantInput : public media::AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback {};

class GlitchInfoCounter : public media::AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback {};

// Verifies that the mixing graph outputs zeros when no inputs have been added.
TEST_F(MixingGraphInputTest, NoInputs) {}

// Verifies the output of a single input with the same parameters as the mixing
// graph.
TEST_F(MixingGraphInputTest, SingleInput) {}

// Verifies the output of the mixing graph when adding multiple inputs.
TEST_F(MixingGraphInputTest, MultipleInputs) {}

// Verifies the mixing graph output when adding an input in need of channel
// mixing.
TEST_F(MixingGraphInputTest, ChannelMixing) {}

// Verifies the mixing graph output when adding an input in need of resampling.
TEST_F(MixingGraphInputTest, Resampling) {}

// Verifies the use of FIFO when an input produces less data per call than
// requested by the mixing graph.
TEST_F(MixingGraphInputTest, Buffering1) {}

// Verifies the use of FIFO when an input produces more data per call than
// requested by the mixing graph.
TEST_F(MixingGraphInputTest, Buffering2) {}

// Verifies that no left-over samples from the FIFO are pulled after stopping
// and restarting the input.
TEST_F(MixingGraphInputTest, BufferClearedAtRestart) {}

// Verifies the output of the mixing graph when adding and removing inputs on
// the fly.
TEST_F(MixingGraphInputTest, AddingAndRemovingInputs) {}

// Verifies that the volume is applied correctly.
TEST_F(MixingGraphInputTest, SetVolume) {}

// Verifies that out-of-range output values are sanitized.
TEST_F(MixingGraphInputTest, OutOfRange) {}

// Verifies that invalid input is sanitized.
TEST_F(MixingGraphInputTest, InvalidInput) {}

// Verifies that the graph propagates glitch info to all inputs.
TEST_F(MixingGraphInputTest, PropagatesGlitchInfo) {}
}  // namespace audio