// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module data_decoder.mojom;
import "device/bluetooth/public/mojom/uuid.mojom";
// This is a parsed version of the BLE advertising packet. The data matches the
// fields defined in the BLE specification.
// https://bit.ly/2DUTnsk
struct ScanRecord {
// Defines the discovery mode and EDR support
int8 advertising_flags;
// The transmit power in dBm
int8 tx_power;
// Device name
string advertisement_name;
// UUIDs for services offered.
array<bluetooth.mojom.UUID> service_uuids;
// Service data: 16-bit service UUID, service data
map<string, array<uint8>> service_data_map;
// Manufacturer data: company code, data
map<uint16, array<uint8>> manufacturer_data_map;
// This interface contains the raw data read from a BLE advertising packet.
interface BleScanParser {
// Parses a scan record. Returns null, if the parsing fails.
Parse(array<uint8> advertising_data) => (ScanRecord? scan_record);