// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module device.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
// Sentinel values to mark invalid data. (WebKit carries companion is_valid
// bools for this purpose; we may eventually follow that approach, but
// sentinels worked OK in the Gears code this is based on.)
const double kBadLatitudeLongitude = 200;
// Lowest point on land is at approximately -400 meters.
const double kBadAltitude = -10000;
const double kBadAccuracy = -1; // Accuracy must be non-negative.
const double kBadHeading = -1; // Heading must be non-negative.
const double kBadSpeed = -1;
// Error messages for GeopositionError.
// TODO(crbug.com/351865287): These can be removed once `error_message` is
// removed from `GeopositionError`.
const string kGeoPermissionDeniedErrorMessage =
"User denied geolocation permission";
const string kGeoPositionUnavailableErrorMessage =
"Position update is unavailable";
// A Geoposition represents a position fix. It was originally derived from:
// http://gears.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/gears/geolocation/geolocation.h
struct Geoposition {
// These properties correspond to those of the JavaScript Position object
// although their types may differ.
// Latitude in decimal degrees north (WGS84 coordinate frame).
double latitude = kBadLatitudeLongitude;
// Longitude in decimal degrees west (WGS84 coordinate frame).
double longitude = kBadLatitudeLongitude;
// Altitude in meters (above WGS84 datum).
double altitude = kBadAltitude;
// Accuracy of horizontal position in meters.
double accuracy = kBadAccuracy;
// Accuracy of altitude in meters.
double altitude_accuracy = kBadAccuracy;
// Heading in decimal degrees clockwise from true north.
double heading = kBadHeading;
// Horizontal component of device velocity in meters per second.
double speed = kBadSpeed;
// Time of position measurement in seconds since the Windows FILETIME epoch
// (1601-01-01 00:00:00 UTC). This is taken from the host computer's system
// clock (i.e. from Time::Now(), not the source device's clock).
mojo_base.mojom.Time timestamp;
// These values follow the W3C geolocation specification and can be returned
// to JavaScript without the need for a conversion.
enum GeopositionErrorCode {
kPermissionDenied = 1,
kPositionUnavailable = 2
// A GeopositionError communicates the reason why the Geolocation service could
// not return a position estimate.
struct GeopositionError {
// Error code, see enum above.
GeopositionErrorCode error_code;
// Human-readable error message.
string error_message;
// Technical detail of the error.
string error_technical;
// The result from querying the Geolocation service for the next position
// estimate. A GeopositionResult contains either a position estimate or an
// error, but not both.
union GeopositionResult {
Geoposition position;
GeopositionError error;