// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module media_session.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "services/media_session/public/mojom/media_session.mojom";
// Next MinVersion: 10
// These are the different modes the AudioFocusManager can enforce audio focus.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum EnforcementMode {
// This will default to whatever enforcement mode is configured through
// feature flags.
// This will allow all sessions to play, without the enforcement of a single
// media session.
// This will enforce that all media sessions playing have the same audio
// focus group id. If a session gains focus then all other sessions with
// a different group id will be ducked/paused. Any session with the same
// group id will be ignored.
// This will enforce that only one media session can be playing at any
// one time.
// These are the different types of audio focus that can be requested.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum AudioFocusType {
// Request permanent audio focus when you plan to play audio for the
// foreseeable future (for example, when playing music) and you expect the
// previous holder of audio focus to stop playing.
// Request transient focus with ducking to indicate that you expect to play
// audio for only a short time and that it's OK for the previous focus owner
// to keep playing if it "ducks" (lowers) its audio output.
// Request transient focus when you expect to play audio for only a short
// time and you expect the previous holder to pause playing.
// Request audio focus for playback can be mixed with other types of audio.
// It has no effect on other holders of audio focus.
// Contains information about |MediaSessions| that have requested audio focus
// and their current requested type.
struct AudioFocusRequestState {
MediaSessionInfo session_info;
AudioFocusType audio_focus_type;
[MinVersion=2] string? source_name;
[MinVersion=3] mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? request_id;
[MinVersion=9] mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? source_id;
// The observer for audio focus events.
// Next method id: 2
interface AudioFocusObserver {
// The given |session| gained audio focus.
OnFocusGained@0(AudioFocusRequestState state);
// The given |session| lost audio focus.
OnFocusLost@1(AudioFocusRequestState state);
// The given |request_id| will no longer be used. This is the |request_id|
// attribute of the AudioFocusRequestState struct given in |OnFocusGained()|
// and |OnFocusLost()|.
[MinVersion=8] OnRequestIdReleased@2(
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken request_id);
// Controls audio focus for an associated request.
// Next Method ID: 5
// Deprecated method IDs: 3, 4
interface AudioFocusRequestClient {
// Requests updated audio focus for this request. If the request was granted
// then the callback will resolve.
RequestAudioFocus@0(MediaSessionInfo session_info, AudioFocusType type) => ();
// Abandons audio focus for this request.
// Notifies the audio focus backend when the associated session info changes.
MediaSessionInfoChanged@2(MediaSessionInfo session_info);
// Controls audio focus across the entire system. After binding
// AudioFocusManager clients should call SetSource to identify themselves to
// the media session service.
// Next Method ID: 9
// Deprecated method IDs: 3
[Stable, Uuid="acb554fd-5b45-4759-8e8e-ad4be348fba8"]
interface AudioFocusManager {
// Requests audio focus with |type| for the |session| with |session_info|.
// Media sessions should provide a |request| that will provide an
// AudioFocusRequestClient that can be used to control this request. The
// callback will resolve with the id of the request when audio focus has been
// granted.
RequestAudioFocus@0(pending_receiver<AudioFocusRequestClient> client,
pending_remote<MediaSession> session,
MediaSessionInfo session_info,
AudioFocusType type) =>
(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken request_id);
// Requests audio focus with |type| for the |session| with |session_info|.
// Media sessions should provide a |request| that will provide an
// AudioFocusRequestClient that can be used to control this request.
// |request_id| should be generated by the client and should be unique. If it
// is not valid then the request will fail. |group_id| is used for grouping
// sessions together. This is when a group of sessions will share audio focus.
// Returns whether the request succeeded.
[MinVersion=4] RequestGroupedAudioFocus@4(
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken request_id,
pending_receiver<AudioFocusRequestClient> client,
pending_remote<MediaSession> session,
MediaSessionInfo session_info,
AudioFocusType type,
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken group_id) => (bool success);
// Gets all the information about all |MediaSessions| that have requested
// audio focus and their current requested type.
GetFocusRequests@1() => (array<AudioFocusRequestState> requests);
// Adds observers that receive audio focus events.
AddObserver@2(pending_remote<AudioFocusObserver> observer);
// Associates a source with this binding. This will be associated with all
// audio focus requests made with this binding and we expect that this should
// be called at most once per binding. The |identity| will be used for
// filtering requests from the same context (e.g. profile). The |name| will
// be used for associating metrics to a source. If the source is updated then
// the audio focus requests will retain the previous source name.
[MinVersion=6] SetSource@6(
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken identity, string name);
// Sets the enforcement mode for the Audio Focus Manager.
[MinVersion=5] SetEnforcementMode@5(EnforcementMode mode);
// Adds observers that receive audio focus events only for their associated
// source.
[MinVersion=7] AddSourceObserver@7(
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken source_id,
pending_remote<AudioFocusObserver> observer);
// Gets all the information about all |MediaSessions| that have requested
// audio focus and their current requested type for the given source.
[MinVersion=7] GetSourceFocusRequests@8(
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken source_id)
=> (array<AudioFocusRequestState> requests);
// Informs the AudioFocusManager that the given request ID will no longer be
// used. This is the |request_id| provided by the client in
// |RequestGroupedAudioFocus()|.
[MinVersion=8] RequestIdReleased@9(
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken request_id);
// Provides debug information about audio focus requests.
// Next method id: 1
[Stable, Uuid="c3b8b522-9a66-49cf-881b-c5fd19391b76"]
interface AudioFocusManagerDebug {
// Gets debugging information for a |MediaSession| with |request_id|.
GetDebugInfoForRequest@0(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken request_id)
=> (MediaSessionDebugInfo debug_info);