
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "services/network/chunked_data_pipe_upload_data_stream.h"

#include <stdint.h>

#include <limits>
#include <memory>

#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/data_pipe.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/data_pipe_utils.h"
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/resource_request_body.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/chunked_data_pipe_getter.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/test_chunked_data_pipe_getter.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

// Most tests of this class are at the URLLoader layer. These tests focus on
// things too difficult to cover with integration tests.

namespace network {

namespace {

net::CompletionOnceCallback NoCallback() {}

class ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest : public testing::Test {};

// Test just reading through the response body once, where reads are initiated
// before data is received.
TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, ReadBeforeDataReady) {}

// Test just reading through the response body once, where reads are initiated
// after data has been received.
TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, ReadAfterDataReady) {}

// Test the case where the URLRequest reads through the request body multiple
// times, as can happen in the case of redirects or retries.
TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, MultipleReadThrough) {}

// Test the case where the URLRequest partially reads through the request body
// multiple times, as can happen in the case of retries. The size is known from
// the start.
       MultiplePartialReadThroughWithKnownSize) {}

// Test the case where the URLRequest partially reads through the request body
// multiple times, as can happen in the case of retries. The size isn't known
// until the end.
       MultiplePartialReadThroughSizeNotKnown) {}

// Test where GetSize() is invoked before the upload is initialized.
TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, GetSizeSucceedsBeforeInit) {}

// Test where GetSize() is only invoked after the upload is reset.
TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, GetSizeSucceedsAfterReset) {}

// Test where GetSize() is invoked with an error before the upload is
// initialized.
TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, GetSizeFailsBeforeInit) {}

// Test where GetSize() is only invoked with an error after the upload is reset.
TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, GetSizeFailsAfterReset) {}

// Three variations on when the stream can be closed before a request succeeds.

// Stream is closed, then a read attempted, then the GetSizeCallback is invoked.
// The read should notice the close body pipe, but not report anything until the
// GetSizeCallback is invoked.
TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CloseBodyPipeBeforeSuccess1) {}

// A read attempt, stream is closed, then the GetSizeCallback is invoked. The
// watcher should see the close, but not report anything until the
// GetSizeCallback is invoked.
TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CloseBodyPipeBeforeSuccess2) {}

// The stream is closed, the GetSizeCallback is invoked, and then a read
// attempt. The read attempt should notice the request already successfully
// completed.
TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CloseBodyPipeBeforeSuccess3) {}

// Same cases as above, but the GetSizeCallback indicates the response was
// truncated.

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CloseBodyPipeBeforeTruncation1) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CloseBodyPipeBeforeTruncation2) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CloseBodyPipeBeforeTruncation3) {}

// Same cases as above, but the GetSizeCallback indicates the read failed.

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CloseBodyPipeBeforeFailure1) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CloseBodyPipeBeforeFailure2) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CloseBodyPipeBeforeFailure3) {}

// Same cases as above, but ChunkedBodyGetter pipe is destroyed without invoking
// the GetSizeCallback.

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CloseBodyPipeBeforeCloseGetter1) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CloseBodyPipeBeforeCloseGetter2) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CloseBodyPipeBeforeCloseGetter3) {}

// Test uses same order as CloseBodyPipeBeforeTruncation1, but in this test the
// GetSizeCallback indicates too many bytes were received.
TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, ExtraBytes1) {}

// Extra bytes are received after getting the size notification. No error should
// be reported,
TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, ExtraBytes2) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, ClosePipeGetterBeforeInit) {}

       ClosePipeGetterWithoutCallingGetSizeCallbackNoPendingRead) {}

       ClosePipeGetterWithoutCallingGetSizeCallbackPendingRead) {}

       ClosePipeGetterAfterCallingGetSizeCallback) {}

#define EXPECT_READ(chunked_upload_stream, io_buffer, expected)

#define EXPECT_EOF(chunked_upload_stream, size)

#define WRITE_DATA_SYNC(write_pipe, str)

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CacheNotUsed) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CacheEnableBeforeInit1) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CacheEnableBeforeInit2) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CacheRead) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CacheOverWindowOnce) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CacheOverWindowTwice) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CacheInitBeforeRead) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CacheInitWhileRead) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CacheReadAppendDataBeforeInit) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CacheReadAppendDataAfterInit) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, CacheReadAppendDataDuringRead) {}

TEST_F(ChunkedDataPipeUploadDataStreamTest, ErrorAndDetach) {}

}  // namespace

}  // namespace network