
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "services/network/public/cpp/features.h"

#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/system/sys_info.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "components/miracle_parameter/common/public/miracle_parameter.h"
#include "net/base/mime_sniffer.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"

namespace network::features {

// Enables the Accept-CH support disabler. If this feature is activated, Chrome
// ignore Accept-CH response headers for a site that is specified in the
// following kBlockAcceptClientHintsBlockedSite. This is used to compare Chrome
// performance with a dedicated site.
const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kBlockAcceptClientHintsBlockedSite{};

bool ShouldBlockAcceptClientHintsFor(const url::Origin& origin) {}



// Based on the field trial parameters, this feature will override the value of
// the maximum number of delayable requests allowed in flight. The number of
// delayable requests allowed in flight will be based on the network's
// effective connection type ranges and the
// corresponding number of delayable requests in flight specified in the
// experiment configuration. Based on field trial parameters, this experiment
// may also throttle delayable requests based on the number of non-delayable
// requests in-flight times a weighting factor.

// When kPriorityRequestsDelayableOnSlowConnections is enabled, HTTP
// requests fetched from a SPDY/QUIC/H2 proxies can be delayed by the
// ResourceScheduler just as HTTP/1.1 resources are. However, requests from such
// servers are not subject to kMaxNumDelayableRequestsPerHostPerClient limit.

// When kPauseBrowserInitiatedHeavyTrafficForP2P is enabled, then a subset of
// the browser initiated traffic may be paused if there is at least one active
// P2P connection and the network is estimated to be congested. This feature is
// intended to throttle only the browser initiated traffic that is expected to
// be heavy (has large request/response sizes) when real time content might be
// streaming over an active P2P connection.

// When kProactivelyThrottleLowPriorityRequests is enabled,
// resource scheduler proactively throttles low priority requests to avoid
// network contention with high priority requests that may arrive soon.

// Enables Cross-Origin Opener Policy (COOP).
// Currently this feature is enabled for all platforms except WebView.

// Shift's COOP's default from `unsafe-none` to `same-origin-allow-popups`.

// Enables the "noopener-allow-popups" COOP value, which lets a document to
// severe its opener relationship with the document that opened it.

// Introduce a new COOP value: restrict-properties. It restricts window
// properties that can be accessed by other pages. This also grants
// crossOriginIsolated if coupled with an appropriate COEP header.
// This used solely for testing the process model and should not be enabled in
// any production code. See

// Enables the origin trial for COOP: restrict-properties. We need a new feature
// because token validation is not possible in the network process. This also
// allows us to keep using CoopRestrictProperties to enable COOP: RP for WPTs.

// Enables or defaults splittup up server (not proxy) entries in the
// HttpAuthCache.

// Enable usage of hardcoded DoH upgrade mapping for use in automatic mode.

// When enabled, the requests in a third party context to domains included in
// the Masked Domain List Component will use the Privacy Proxy to shield the
// client's IP.

// When set, only resources in the MDL that are part of the experiment group
// will be loaded into the proxy's allow list.
const base::FeatureParam<int> kMaskedDomainListExperimentGroup{};

// Used to build the MDL component's installer attributes and possibly control
// which release version is retrieved.
// Altering this value via Finch does not have any effect for WebView.
const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kMaskedDomainListExperimentalVersion{};

// If this feature is enabled, the mDNS responder service responds to queries
// for TXT records associated with
// "Generated-Names._mdns_name_generator._udp.local" with a list of generated
// mDNS names (random UUIDs) in the TXT record data.

// Treat ORB blocked responses to script-initiated fetches as errors too.
// Complements ORB v0.2, which exempts script-initiated fetches.
// Implementing ORB in Chromium is tracked in

// Gate access to Attribution Reporting cross app and web APIs that allow
// registering with a native attribution API.

// Enables preprocessing requests with the Private State Tokens API Fetch flags
// set, and handling their responses, according to the protocol.
// (See

// Secondary flag used by the FLEDGE ads experiment in the interim before
// PSTs are fully rolled out to stable.

// Determines which Trust Tokens operations require the TrustTokens origin trial
// active in order to be used. This is runtime-configurable so that the Trust
// Tokens operations of issuance, redemption, and signing are compatible with
// both standard origin trials and third-party origin trials:
// - For standard origin trials, set kOnlyIssuanceRequiresOriginTrial. In Blink,
// all of the interface will be enabled (so long as the base::Feature is!), and
// issuance operations will check at runtime if the origin trial is enabled,
// returning an error if it is not.
// - For third-party origin trials, set kAllOperationsRequireOriginTrial. In
// Blink, the interface will be enabled exactly when the origin trial is present
// in the executing context (so long as the base::Feature is present).
// For testing, set kOriginTrialNotRequired. With this option, although all
// operations will still only be available if the base::Feature is enabled, none
// will additionally require that the origin trial be active.
const base::FeatureParam<TrustTokenOriginTrialSpec>::Option
    kTrustTokenOriginTrialParamOptions[] =;
const base::FeatureParam<TrustTokenOriginTrialSpec>

// Enable support for ACCEPT_CH H2/3 frame as part of Client Hint Reliability.
// See:

// Enable

namespace {





// The default Mojo ring buffer size, used to send the content body.
                          512 * 1024)

// The larger ring buffer size, used primarily for network::URLLoader loads.
// This value was optimized via Finch: see
                          2 * 1024 * 1024)

// The max buffer size of NetToMojoPendingBuffer. This buffer size should be
// smaller than the mojo ring buffer size.
                          64 * 1024)

// The maximal number of bytes consumed in a loading task. When there are more
// bytes in the data pipe, they will be consumed in following tasks. Setting too
// small of a number will generate many tasks but setting a too large of a
// number will lead to thread janks. This value was optimized via Finch:
// see
                          1024 * 1024)

}  // namespace

// static
uint32_t GetDataPipeDefaultAllocationSize(DataPipeAllocationSize option) {}

size_t GetNetAdapterMaxBufSize() {}

// static
size_t GetLoaderChunkSize() {}


// Do not send TLS client certificates in CORS preflight. Omit all client certs
// and continue the handshake without sending one if requested.

// Load Pervasive Payloads List for Cache Transparency.

// The list of pervasive payloads. A comma separated list starting with a
// version number, followed one or more pairs of URL and checksum. The version
// number is an integer. The URL is the canonical URL as returned by
// GURL::spec(). The checksum is the SHA-256 of the payload and selected headers
// converted to uppercase hexadecimal.
constexpr base::FeatureParam<std::string> kCacheTransparencyPervasivePayloads{};

// Enables support for the `Variants` response header and reduce
// accept-language.

const base::FeatureParam<base::TimeDelta> kReduceAcceptLanguageCacheDuration{};

// Reduce PNA preflight response waiting time to 200ms.
// See:

// Allow potentially trustworthy same origin local network requests without
// preflights.

// When kPrivateNetworkAccessPermissionPrompt is enabled, public secure websites
// are allowed to access private insecure subresources with user's permission.


// If enabled, then the network service will parse the Cookie-Indices header.
// This does not currently control changing cache behavior according to the
// value of this header.

// Enables the backend of the compression dictionary transport feature.
// When this feature is enabled, the following will happen:
//   * The network service loads the metadata database.
//   * If there is a matching dictionary for a sending request, it adds the
//     `sec-available-dictionary` header.
//   * And if the `content-encoding` header of the response is `dcb`, it
//     decompresses the response body using the dictionary.

// When both this feature and the kCompressionDictionaryTransportBackend feature
// are enabled, the following will happen:
//   * A <link rel=compression-dictionary> HTML tag and a
//     `Link: rel=compression-dictionary` HTTP header will trigger dictionary
//     download.
//   * HTMLLinkElement.relList.supports('compression-dictionary') will return
//     true.
//   * The network service may register a HTTP response as a dictionary if the
//     response header contains a `use-as-dictionary` header.
// This feature can be enabled by an Origin Trial token in Blink. To propagate
// the enabled state to the network service, Blink sets the
// `shared_dictionary_writer_enabled` flag in resource requests.

// When this feature is enabled, preloaded dictionaries will not be used for
// network requests if the binary has not yet been preloaded.



// This feature will reduce TransferSizeUpdated IPC from the network service.
// When enabled, the network service will send the IPC only when DevTools is
// attached or the request is for an ad request.

// This feature allows skipping TPCD mitigation checks when the cookie access
// is tagged as being used for advertising purposes. This means that cookies
// will continue to be blocked for cookie accesses on ad requests even if the
// 3PC mitigations would otherwise allow the access.
// Controls whether we ignore opener heuristic grants for 3PC accesses.
const base::FeatureParam<bool> kSkipTpcdMitigationsForAdsHeuristics{};
// Controls whether we ignore checks on the metadata allowlist for 3PC cookies.
const base::FeatureParam<bool> kSkipTpcdMitigationsForAdsMetadata{};
// Controls whether we ignore checks on the deprecation trial for 3PC.
const base::FeatureParam<bool> kSkipTpcdMitigationsForAdsTrial{};
// Controls whether we ignore checks on the top-level deprecation trial for 3PC.
const base::FeatureParam<bool> kSkipTpcdMitigationsForAdsTopLevelTrial{};

// Avoids copying ResourceRequest when possible.

// Enables Document-Isolation-Policy (DIP).

// This feature enables the Prefetch() method on the NetworkContext, and the
// PrefetchMatchingURLLoaderFactory.
// How many prefetches should be cached before old ones are evicted. This
// provides rough control over the overall memory used by prefetches.
const base::FeatureParam<int> kNetworkContextPrefetchMaxLoaders{};

// This feature enables treating as the public address space instead
// of private or local. This is a killswitch for a tightening of a loophole in
// Private Network Access. See

}  // namespace network::features