
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module network.mojom;

import "services/network/public/mojom/source_location.mojom";

enum CoopAccessReportType {

// Reports potential COOP violations. Implemented in the browser process.
interface CrossOriginOpenerPolicyReporter {
  // Sends a report when two browsing contexts from different virtual browsing
  // context groups tries to access each other.
  // - |property| is the name of the access property (postMessage, open, ...).
  // - |source_location| represents the line of code that triggered the access.
  // - |reported_window_url| the sanitized URL of the second window. Empty when
  //   cross-origin with the reporting window.
  QueueAccessReport(CoopAccessReportType report_type, string property,
                    SourceLocation source_location,
                    string reported_window_url);

// Used to configure AccessMonitors in the renderer process that will report
// accesses to a CrossOriginOpenerPolicyReporter.
struct CrossOriginOpenerPolicyReporterParams {
  // The type of report generated by the reporter.
  network.mojom.CoopAccessReportType report_type;

  // The interface used to queue reports.
  pending_remote<network.mojom.CrossOriginOpenerPolicyReporter> reporter;

  // Whether the COOP header has at least defines one endpoint defined. When
  // there are none, no ReportingObserver event will be emitted since the
  // developer of the document is likely not interested in receiving them.
  bool endpoint_defined;

  // The reported window's sanitized URL. This corresponds to openerURL,
  // openeeURL or otherDocumentURL depending on the |report_type|.
  string reported_window_url;

// Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy enum representing parsed values.
enum CrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue {
  // No restriction is applied, the relationship is kept with openers and
  // opened documents.

  // Severs the opener relationship with openers that are not same-origin while
  // keeping the relationship with opened documents, provided they don't have a
  // Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy themselves.

  // Severs the opener relationship with openers/opened documents that are not
  // same-origin.

  // COOP: same-origin with a COEP value compatible with crossOriginIsolation.

  // Restrict which window properties other pages can interact with and vice
  // versa. Access of "closed" and "postMessage" remains possible across
  // openers.

  // COOP: restrict-properties with a COEP value compatible with
  // crossOriginIsolation.

  // COOP: noopener-allow-popups severs the opener relationship with any opener.

// Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy enum representing parsed values.
// Following spec draft:
struct CrossOriginOpenerPolicy {
    // The value of the policy.
    CrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue value =
    // The reporting endpoint for the policy.
    string? reporting_endpoint;
    // The value for the "report only" mode.
    CrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue report_only_value =
    // The reporting endpoint for the "report only" mode.
    string? report_only_reporting_endpoint;
    // The value of the policy when the default value of COOP is
    // same-origin-allow-popups.
    CrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue soap_by_default_value =