
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module network.mojom;

// An interface that can vend a data pipe multiple times. You can think of it
// as backed by content like a Blob that can be read multiple times.
interface DataPipeGetter {
  // Reads all the content, writing into |pipe|. Calls the callback with |size|
  // once the size of the content is known.  The callback must be invoked before
  // writing to |pipe|, since the size needs to be known to generate the
  // Content-Length request header. If an error occurred before the size was
  // known, the callback is instead called with the net::Error |status|.
  Read(handle<data_pipe_producer> pipe) => (int32 status, uint64 size);

  // Makes a clone so there can be multiple handles to this interface. This
  // doesn't imply the data itself is cloned: this can be an inexpensive
  // operation.
  Clone(pending_receiver<DataPipeGetter> receiver);