
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module network.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/version.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/schemeful_site.mojom";

// This struct should match net::FirstPartySetEntry::SiteIndex in
// //net/first_party_sets/first_party_set_entry.h
struct SiteIndex {
  uint32 value;

// This enum should match //net/first_party_sets/first_party_set_entry.h.
enum SiteType {

// This struct should match //net/first_party_sets/first_party_set_entry.h.
struct FirstPartySetEntry {
  SchemefulSite primary;
  SiteType site_type;
  SiteIndex? site_index;

// This struct must match the class fields defined in
// //net/first_party_sets/first_party_set_metadata.h.
struct FirstPartySetMetadata {
  // std::nullopt indicates that the frame's site is not associated with any
  // First-Party Set.
  FirstPartySetEntry? frame_entry;
  // std::nullopt indicates that the top frame's site is not associated with
  // any First-Party Set.
  FirstPartySetEntry? top_frame_entry;

struct FirstPartySetEntryOverride {
  // If `entry` is null, that means the site is considered deleted from the
  // existing First-Party Sets, for the given context. Otherwise, the site is
  // considered re-mapped to a potentially different/new First-Party Set, using
  // the given entry.
  FirstPartySetEntry? entry;

// This struct must match the class fields defined in
// //net/first_party_sets/first_party_sets_context_config.h.
struct FirstPartySetsContextConfig {
  // This map must be computed against the public First-Party Sets, where the
  // keys are member sites and the values are the ultimate entries of the final
  // First-Party Sets combining the public sets and the modifications.
  map<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntryOverride> customizations;

// This struct must match the class fields defined in
// //net/first_party_sets/first_party_sets_cache_filter.h.
struct FirstPartySetsCacheFilter {
  // The filter used to bypass cache. The key is site may be bypassed for
  // cache access, the value indicates the browser run of which the site
  // was marked to be cleared.
  map<SchemefulSite, int64> filter;

  // The id of the current browser run, to mark the cache entry when persisting.
  // The cache filter should be no-op if this is 0.
  // TODO( Make this optional.
  int64 browser_run_id = 0;

// This struct must match the class fields defined in
// //net/first_party_sets/global_first_party_sets.h.
struct GlobalFirstPartySets {
  // The version of the public sets component. This may be invalid if the
  // "First-Party Sets" component has not been installed yet, or has been
  // corrupted. Entries and aliases from invalid components are ignored.
  mojo_base.mojom.Version public_sets_version;

  // The mapping from site to FPS entry from public sets.
  map<SchemefulSite, FirstPartySetEntry> sets;

  // The mapping from site alias to canonical site from public sets.
  map<SchemefulSite, SchemefulSite> aliases;

  // The config induced by the manually-supplied set. This config contains all
  // relevant ccTLD aliases.
  FirstPartySetsContextConfig manual_config;

  // The aliases contained in the manually-supplied set.
  map<SchemefulSite, SchemefulSite> manual_aliases;