
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module network.mojom;

// Structure used to hold information about a specific pinset.
struct PinSet {
  // Name of the pinset.
  string name;
  // Set of allowed SPKIs hashes.
  array<array<uint8>> static_spki_hashes;
  // Optional set of forbidden SPKIs hashes
  array<array<uint8>> bad_static_spki_hashes;
  // Optional URI to send bad pin reports to.
  string report_uri;

struct PinSetInfo {
  // Hostname this pinset applies to.
  string hostname;
  // Name of the pinset.
  string pinset_name;
  // Whether this pinset applies to subdomains.
  bool include_subdomains;

struct PinList {
  // All known pinsets.
  array<PinSet> pinsets;
  // List of known hosts with pins. Each element represents a different
  // hostname, and includes the name of the pinset that applies to it, and
  // whether it applies to subdomains.
  array<PinSetInfo> host_pins;