
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module network.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_path.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/values.mojom";
import "sandbox/policy/mojom/context.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/address_list.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_network_service_observer.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/cert_verifier_service.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/clear_data_filter.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/client_security_state.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/cookie_access_observer.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/cookie_encryption_provider.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/cookie_manager.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/cookie_setting_overrides.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/cors_origin_pattern.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/cross_origin_embedder_policy.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/default_credentials.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/devtools_observer.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/restricted_udp_socket.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/fetch_api.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/first_party_sets_access_delegate.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/host_resolver.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/http_cache_backend_file_operations.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/http_request_headers.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/ip_address.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/ip_endpoint.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/ip_address_space.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/mdns_responder.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/mutable_network_traffic_annotation_tag.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/net_log.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_isolation_key.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_anonymization_key.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/oblivious_http_request.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/hash_value.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/isolation_info.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_context_client.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_param.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/parsed_headers.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/proxy_config.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/proxy_config_with_annotation.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/proxy_lookup_client.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/proxy_resolving_socket.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/reporting_service.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/restricted_cookie_manager.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/shared_dictionary_access_observer.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/shared_dictionary_isolation_key.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/shared_dictionary_usage_info.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/site_for_cookies.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/socket_broker.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/ssl_config.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/storage_access_api.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/tcp_socket.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/transferable_directory.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/trust_tokens.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/trust_token_access_observer.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/udp_socket.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_request.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_response_head.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/websocket.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/web_transport.mojom";
import "services/proxy_resolver/public/mojom/proxy_resolver.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

import "services/network/public/mojom/dhcp_wpad_url_client.mojom";

import "services/network/public/mojom/p2p.mojom";

import "services/network/public/mojom/p2p_trusted.mojom";

import "services/proxy_resolver_win/public/mojom/proxy_resolver_win.mojom";

const uint32 kWebSocketOptionNone = 0;
// Disallow the request from sending cookies. Disallow the response from writing
// cookies.
const uint32 kWebSocketOptionBlockAllCookies = 1;
// Similar to |kWebSocketOptionBlockAllCookies|, but only for third party
// cookies.
const uint32 kWebSocketOptionBlockThirdPartyCookies = 2;

// The browser can provide a CustomProxyConfig to a CustomProxyConfigClient
// running in the network service. The network service will use the given proxy
// configuration if a request matches the proxy rules and all the other
// criteria contained within it.
struct CustomProxyConfig {
  // The custom proxy rules to use. Note that ftp:// requests are not
  // supported.
  ProxyRules rules;

  // Whether the custom proxy config should override other sources of proxy
  // configuration. If false, the custom config is ignored if a proxy is set in
  // the operating system, for example.
  bool should_override_existing_config = false;

  // Whether the custom proxy config should apply to requests using
  // non-idempotent methods. Can be true if the proxy is known to handle this
  // case properly.
  bool allow_non_idempotent_methods = false;

  // For tunneled requests (https://, ws://, wss://), these headers are added
  // to the CONNECT request. Headers here will overwrite matching headers on
  // the CONNECT request if a custom proxy is used.
  HttpRequestHeaders connect_tunnel_headers;

// Observer of custom proxy connections, especially for when errors occur.
interface CustomProxyConnectionObserver {
  // Called when use of |bad_proxy| fails due to |net_error|. |net_error| is the
  // network error encountered, if any, and OK if the fallback was for a reason
  // other than a network error (e.g. the proxy service was explicitly directed
  // to skip a proxy).
  OnFallback(ProxyChain bad_chain, int32 net_error);

  // Called when the response headers for the proxy tunnel request have been
  // received.
      ProxyChain proxy_chain,
      uint64 chain_index,
      HttpResponseHeaders response_headers);

// Includes a pipe to a CertVerifierService for usage by the
// NetworkContext.
struct CertVerifierServiceRemoteParams {
  // A pipe to the CertVerifierService.

  // Receives notifications of changes to the CertVerifier.

// Client to update the custom proxy config.
interface CustomProxyConfigClient {
  OnCustomProxyConfigUpdated(CustomProxyConfig proxy_config) => ();

// Sent by TrustedURLLoaderHeaderClient to perform modifications for a request.
interface TrustedHeaderClient {
  // Allows modifying request headers before the request is sent.
  OnBeforeSendHeaders(HttpRequestHeaders headers) =>
      (int32 result, HttpRequestHeaders? headers);

  // Allows modifying response headers, including sensitive headers such as
  // set-cookie. This should only be used from a trusted process.
  // If |preserve_fragment_on_redirect_url| is null, then when the headers
  // indicate a redirect, URL fragments will be handled the standard way: the
  // fragment of the original URL will be copied to the new URL, unless the
  // new URL has a fragment, in which case the new URL's fragment will be
  // used. If |preserve_fragment_on_redirect_url| is populated, and the
  // request is redirected to exactly that URL, then the fragment of the
  // original URL will not be copied to the redirect target URL.
  OnHeadersReceived(string headers, IPEndPoint remote_endpoint) =>
      (int32 result,
       string? headers,
       url.mojom.Url? preserve_fragment_on_redirect_url);

// Interface to allow modifying the full request and response headers. This
// interface exposes sensitive headers such as set-cookie, so should only be
// sent to trusted processes.
interface TrustedURLLoaderHeaderClient {
  // When a new URLLoader is created, this will be called to pass a
  // corresponding |header_client|.
  OnLoaderCreated(int32 request_id,
                  pending_receiver<TrustedHeaderClient> header_client);

  // When a new URLLoader is created for a CORS preflight request, this will
  // be called to pass a corresponding |header_client|.
      URLRequest request,
      pending_receiver<TrustedHeaderClient> header_client);

struct HttpAuthStaticNetworkContextParams {
  // Whether authentication APIs that support fallback to the default account
  // on the system can be used without specifying an account.
  DefaultCredentials allow_default_credentials
     = DefaultCredentials.ALLOW_DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS;

struct CTPolicy {
  array<string> excluded_hosts;
  array<string> excluded_spkis;

struct NetworkContextFilePaths {
  // Points to the shared dictionary directory containing the sqlite database
  // file named "db" for metadata and the disk cache directory named "cache".
  // This field is used only when `shared_dictionary_enabled` field is set to
  // true. If this field is empty, shared dictionaries will be stored in-memory
  // only.
  TransferableDirectory? shared_dictionary_directory;

  // Points to the HTTP cache directory. Ignored if the cache is disabled.
  // If null and the cache is enabled, an in-memory database is used.
  TransferableDirectory? http_cache_directory;

  // Points to a path that contains all the network service files and databases
  // as listed below. If this network context is running inside a sandboxed
  // network service, then this path should contain no other sensitive data
  // since the sandboxed network service will have full access to this path.
  // This should be a different path for each different network context running
  // inside the network service.
  TransferableDirectory data_directory;

  // Points to a path that might contain existing network service data files and
  // databases from network contexts created with the same `data_directory`.
  // This parameter must be specified if `trigger_migration` is set to true.
  // Once migration has been successful (see below), data is no longer read from
  // this path. Data could continue to be read from this path if migration
  // fails, or if `trigger_migration` has never been set to true.
  // If this parameter is specified then the sandbox will be granted access to
  // the `data_directory` specified above.
  // This parameter, along with `trigger_migration` parameter below will be
  // removed in the future, once migration of network context data to the new
  // `data_directory` has been completed. At this point the sandbox will be
  // granted access to `data_directory` unconditionally.
  mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? unsandboxed_data_path;

  // Points to the cookie database file name inside `data_directory`. An
  // in-memory cookie store is used if it's empty, or if `data_directory` is
  // empty.
  mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? cookie_database_name;

  // Points to the Trust Token database file name inside `data_directory`. An
  // in-memory trust token store is used if it's empty, or if `data_directory`
  // is empty, or (through a fallback in the initialization logic; see
  // SQLiteTrustTokenPersister's comments) if initialization fails.
  // Initializing the on-disk database takes place asynchronously, so requests
  // near startup may not support Trust Tokens protocol operations.
  mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? trust_token_database_name;

  // The name of the file to store cached server properties (Like HTTP2 and QUIC
  // support) inside `data_directory`. This information is used as a performance
  // optimization in connection logic. If empty, or if `data_directory` is
  // empty, an in-memory cache will be used instead.
  mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? http_server_properties_file_name;

  // The name of the file to store cached transport security properties (like
  // HSTS) inside `data_directory`. If empty, or `data_directory` is empty, or
  // the file can't be opened, an in-memory store will be used instead.
  mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? transport_security_persister_file_name;

  // Points to a sqlite database contained within `data_directory` containing
  // persisted Reporting clients and NEL policies. If Reporting and NEL
  // persistence is disabled, then this field is ignored. If this field is
  // empty, or `data_directory` is empty, then persistence will be disabled
  // regardless. This field should not be used if the ENABLE_REPORTING build
  // flag is false.
  mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? reporting_and_nel_store_database_name;

  // The name of the file to store pending SCT auditing reports inside
  // `data_directory`. If empty, or `data_directory` is empty, or the file can't
  // be opened, pending reports will instead be stored in-memory only.
  mojo_base.mojom.FilePath? sct_auditing_pending_reports_file_name;

  // Specifies whether or not a migration of existing data should occur from
  // `unsandboxed_data_path` to `data_directory`. It is not valid to set this
  // to true if an `unsandboxed_data_path` is not specified.
  // If the migration is successful then network context data will operate from
  // `data_directory`, and the old data will be removed from
  // `unsandboxed_data_path`.
  // If migration is unsuccessful then data will continue to operate from
  // `unsandboxed_data_path` and migration will be re-attempted the next time
  // `trigger_migration` is set to true.
  // Since migration is a one-way operation, setting `trigger_migration` to
  // false does not move the data back to `unsandboxed_data_path`. The network
  // context data will be read from `data_directory` or `unsandboxed_data_path`
  // depending on whether a migration has successfully occurred previously.
  // This parameter, along with `unsandboxed_data_path` parameter above will be
  // removed in the future, once migration of network context data to the new
  // `data_directory` has been completed. At this point the sandbox will be
  // granted access to `data_directory` unconditionally.
  bool trigger_migration = false;

// Socket brokers used by the ClientSocketFactory for client sockets and
// SocketFactory for server sockets.
struct SocketBrokerRemotes {
  pending_remote<SocketBroker> client;
  pending_remote<SocketBroker> server;

// Parameters for constructing a network context.
struct NetworkContextParams {
  // The user agent string.
  string user_agent;

  // String to send as the Accept-Language header. This can be changed later
  // by calling SetAcceptLanguage on the NetworkContext. If empty, the header
  // will not be added.
  string accept_language;

  // Whether Brotli content-encoding should be enabled for HTTPS responses.
  bool enable_brotli = true;

  // Whether Zstd content-encoding should be enabled for HTTPS responses.
  bool enable_zstd = false;

  // If false, the referrer of requests is never populated.
  bool enable_referrers = true;

  // If true, requests initiated with referrers that don't match their referrer
  // policy will fail.
  bool validate_referrer_policy_on_initial_request = true;

  // Handles PAC script execution. If not populated, will attempt to use
  // platform implementation to execute PAC scripts, if available (Only
  // available on Windows and Mac).

  // Handles all proxy resolution logic if the current proxy config comes from
  // the operating system. Otherwise, or if this is not populated, proxy
  // resolution is handled by Chrome as normal.

  // Retrieves the PAC script URL set via DHCP from the browser process. Only
  // used if |proxy_resolver_factory| is set. Note: optional because some tests
  // build their own NetworkContextParams and don't need a DHCP WPAD client.
  pending_remote<DhcpWpadUrlClient>? dhcp_wpad_url_client;

  // If true, cookies will be stored encrypted.
  bool enable_encrypted_cookies = true;

  // On Windows, whether or not the cookie database should be opened with
  // the sqlite3 flag `exclusive=true` which asks the sqlite VFS to open them
  // without file sharing enabled. This has the consequence that other processes
  // should not be able to open the cookie database file.
  bool enable_locking_cookie_database = false;

  // If the cookie file is given, this controls whether previously written
  // session cookies are restored. Otherwise it should be false.
  bool restore_old_session_cookies = false;

  // If the cookie file is given, this controls whether to persist session
  // cookies. Otherwise it should be false.
  bool persist_session_cookies = false;

  // True if an HTTP cache should be used.
  bool http_cache_enabled = true;
  // Maximum size of the HTTP cache. 0 means to use the default size.
  // Ignored if the cache is disabled.
  int32 http_cache_max_size = 0;

  // A factory to broker file operations needed for the HTTP cache on some
  // platforms (depending on the sandboxing mechanism the platform provides).

  // Enabled protocols. Note that these apply to all fetches, including those
  // used to fetch PAC scripts. Note that currently data URLs are always enabled
  // and file URLs are always disabled.

  // Whether or not to check the Android platform's cleartext policy for
  // requests. Under some conditions, Android may advise us to block cleartext
  // traffic.
  bool check_clear_text_permitted = false;

  // If true, idle sockets won't be closed when memory pressure happens.
  bool disable_idle_sockets_close_on_memory_pressure = false;

  // SSL configuration. |initial_proxy_config| is the initial SSL configuration
  // to use. If nullptr, uses the default configuration. Updated SSL
  // configurations can be passed in via |ssl_config_client_receiver|.
  SSLConfig? initial_ssl_config;
  pending_receiver<SSLConfigClient>? ssl_config_client_receiver;

  // Proxy configuration. If |initial_proxy_config| is set, it's the initial
  // proxy configuration. Updated proxy configuration can be passed in via
  // |proxy_config_client_request|. If |initial_proxy_config| is not set,
  // proxy lookups will be deferred until a configuration is received via
  // |proxy_config_client_request|.
  // If both are null, the NetworkContext will not use a proxy.
  ProxyConfigWithAnnotation? initial_proxy_config;
  pending_receiver<ProxyConfigClient>? proxy_config_client_receiver;

  // If |custom_proxy_config_client_receiver| is set, this context will listen
  // for updates to the custom proxy config, and use it if applicable for URL
  // requests.
  // |initial_custom_proxy_config| is the initial config settings.
  CustomProxyConfig? initial_custom_proxy_config;

  // If |initial_custom_proxy_config| or |custom_proxy_config_client_receiver|
  // is set, information about custom proxy connections will be reported to this
  // observer.

  // If |proxy_config_client_request| is non-null, this is called during
  // periods of network activity, and can be used as a signal for polling-based
  // logic to determine the proxy config.
  // TODO(mmenke): Can the consumer piggy back on other network events through
  // other channels (navigation, issuing requests, etc)? Or can
  // ProxyConfigServices be modified not to need this notification?
  pending_remote<ProxyConfigPollerClient>? proxy_config_poller_client;

  // Optional client that will be notified of errors related to the proxy
  // settings.
  pending_remote<ProxyErrorClient>? proxy_error_client;

  // Broker used by the network service sandbox to create sockets in
  // the browser. Set when the sandbox is enabled on Windows.
  SocketBrokerRemotes? socket_brokers;

  // A service to fetch blind-signed auth tokens and proxy configuration info
  // for IP protection. If this is not set, then either this NetworkContext
  // doesn't have its traffic proxied by IP Protection or the feature has been
  // disabled (and can't be re-enabled until the browser is restarted).
  pending_remote<IpProtectionConfigGetter>? ip_protection_config_getter;

  // A receiver for sending notifications from the browser process to the IP
  // Protection ProxyDelegate in the network service. This is set in the same
  // cases as `ip_protection_config_getter`.
  pending_receiver<IpProtectionProxyDelegate>? ip_protection_proxy_delegate;

  // Whether the IP Protection feature is enabled at the time the NetworkContext
  // is created. This setting can change via the
  // `SetIpProtectionEnabled` method of the `IpProtectionProxyDelegate`
  // interface.
  bool enable_ip_protection = false;

  // When PAC quick checking is enabled, DNS lookups for PAC script's host are
  // timed out aggressively. This prevents hanging all network request on DNS
  // lookups that are slow or are blockholed, at the cost of making it more
  // likely that the network service erroneously fails to fetch a PAC file.
  bool pac_quick_check_enabled = true;

  // Enables reporting certain SSL errors, such as HTTP Public Key Pinning, to
  // servers, so they can discover misconfigurations.
  bool enable_certificate_reporting = false;

  // True if the "Certificate Transparency in Chrome" policy (see
  // should
  // be enforced for certificates and connections.
  // See //net/docs/ before setting this flag to
  // true.
  bool enforce_chrome_ct_policy = false;

  // The SCT auditing mode. SCT auditing sends reports for SCTs found in
  // connections made by this network context. Can also be dynamically
  // configured via NetworkContext::SetSCTAuditingMode().
  SCTAuditingMode sct_auditing_mode = SCTAuditingMode.kDisabled;

  // The initial CT policy to be used for requests. See
  // NetworkContext.SetCTPolicy() for more.
  CTPolicy? ct_policy;

  // Contains a pipe to a CertVerifierService.
  CertVerifierServiceRemoteParams cert_verifier_params;

  // Parameters for constructing the cookie manager.
  CookieManagerParams? cookie_manager_params;

  // Binds to the cookie manager associated with this network context, which
  // should only be handed out to trusted processes.
  pending_receiver<CookieManager>? cookie_manager;

  // Whether to enable Domain Reliability.
  bool enable_domain_reliability = false;

  // The uploader reporter name to use for Domain Reliability uploads.
  string domain_reliability_upload_reporter;

  // Whether to discard Domain Reliability uploads.
  bool discard_domain_reliablity_uploads = false;

  // When reporting is enabled, this sets the delay between sending reports.
  // When omitted a default value is used.
  mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? reporting_delivery_interval;

  // Whether to bypass the ordinary permission checks for sending reports,
  // rather than calling NetworkContextClient.OnCanSendReportingReports() to
  // decide. This should only be used by tests.
  bool skip_reporting_send_permission_check = false;

  // Specifies the initial set of allowed and blocked origins for the
  // URLLoaderFactory consumers to access beyond the same-origin-policy.
  array<CorsOriginAccessPatterns> cors_origin_access_list;

  // Specifies header keys that are allowed to be used in
  // network::url_request.cors_exempt_headers.
  array<string> cors_exempt_header_list;

  // If true, no checking of cors exempt headers (from the browser) are done.
  // If false, cors_exempt_headers are checked against
  // |cors_exempt_header_list|.
  bool allow_any_cors_exempt_header_for_browser = false;

  // List of single-label hostnames that are exempted from the HSTS upgrade
  // policy.
  array<string> hsts_policy_bypass_list;

  // The params are network context specific which will be merged with
  // the dynamic preference from NetworkService side, to populate
  // HttpAuthPreference.
  HttpAuthStaticNetworkContextParams? http_auth_static_network_context_params;

  // Indicates that the HttpCache back-end should be reset (e.g. when a Finch
  // experiment changes the cache key representation via NetworkIsolationKey).
  // A reset throws out all existing cache content when loading the cache,
  // effectively starting with an empty cache.
  bool reset_http_cache_backend = false;

  // See comments on NetworkContext.SetSplitAuthCacheByNetworkAnonymizationKey.
  bool split_auth_cache_by_network_anonymization_key = false;

  // If true, all requests that can take a NetworkAnonymizationKey
  // or IsolationInfo must be given a non-empty one.
  bool require_network_anonymization_key = false;

  // If true, then the correct permissions have been set on the network service
  // files and sandbox can be enabled for this network context.
  bool win_permissions_set = false;

  // The paths to data files used by this network context, except for the disk
  // cache which is specified by the `http_cache_directory` parameter.
  // If empty then persistent storage for all of the files within this
  // parameter will be disabled for the network context and some data may be
  // stored in memory or disabled. See the above definition of each inner field
  // for details of these behaviors.
  NetworkContextFilePaths? file_paths;

  // Is true, Trust Token operations should be blocked.
  bool block_trust_tokens;

  // Whether "Compression dictionary transport" feature should be enabled.
  bool shared_dictionary_enabled = false;

  // Maximum size of the shared dictionary cache. If this value is 0, the max
  // size will be propagated via SetSharedDictionaryCacheMaxSize message.
  // Ignored if `shared_dictionary_enabled` field is false.
  uint64 shared_dictionary_cache_max_size = 0;

  // Parameters for constructing the FirstPartySetsAccessDelegate.
  // |first_party_sets_access_delegate_params| is the initial configuration to
  // use. If nullptr, uses the default configuration. Updated configurations
  // can be passed in via |first_party_sets_access_delegate_receiver|.
  FirstPartySetsAccessDelegateParams? first_party_sets_access_delegate_params;

  // TODO( This flag is intended to be temporary and to be
  // removed (always enabled) in the future.
  bool acam_preflight_spec_conformant = true;

  // To support 3PCD experimentation, a per-partition `cookie_deprecation_label`
  // will be sent to developers who opt-in to receiving it. This enables server
  // side opt-in to testing without cookies. See:
  // A non defined value indicates that the 3PCD experimentation feature is
  // disabled for this client or that the profile is guest or incognito.
  // A defined and non-empty value indicates that the 3PCD experiment feature is
  // enabled, the client is eligible to it and the profile is not guest or
  // incognito.
  // A defined but empty value indicates that the 3PCD experimentation feature
  // is enabled for the client but the client is not eligible for it or the
  // label value defined by the experiment is empty.
  string? cookie_deprecation_label;

  // Sets the cookie encryption provider to be used by this network context if
  // `enable_encrypted_cookies` is also enabled.
  // If both are set then the `GetEncryptor` method on the supplied
  // `cookie_encryption_provider` is called to obtain a valid set of keys for
  // cookie encryption.
  pending_remote<CookieEncryptionProvider>? cookie_encryption_provider;

  // Enables Device Bound Session Credential for this network context.
  bool device_bound_sessions_enabled = false;

  // Represents a net::handles::NetworkHandle.
  // If != net::handles::kInvalidNetworkHandle (== -1), then the NetworkContext
  // built out of this will own a URLRequestContext bound to that network (refer
  // to net::UrlRequestContextBuilder::bindToNetwork documentation). This
  // effectively means that URLLoaderFactories, returned by the NetworkContext
  // created out of this, will perform all network request using only
  // |bound_network|.
  int64 bound_network = -1;

  // Stores mapping of endpoint name to endpoint url from initial reporting
  // endpoints set by the ReportingEndpoints enterprise policy.
  map<string, url.mojom.Url>? enterprise_reporting_endpoints;

struct NetworkConditions {
  // If set, the offline state is simulated and other fields are ignored.
  bool offline;

  // Channel round-trip latency, i.e. minimum time between request sent and
  // response received.
  mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta latency;

  // Maximal aggregated download throughput (bytes/sec). <=0 disables download
  // throttling.
  double download_throughput;

  // Maximal aggregated upload throughput (bytes/sec). <=0 disables upload
  // throttling.
  double upload_throughput;

  // Packet loss for WebRTC connections (percent, 0 to 100).<= 0 disables
  // packet loss.
  double packet_loss;

  // Packet queue length for WebRTC connections (packet count). <=0 allows for
  // an infinite queue.
  int32 packet_queue_length;

  // Allow packet reordering for WebRTC connections.
  bool packet_reordering;

// Represents a shared dictionary.
// Spec:
struct SharedDictionaryInfo {
  // The "match" value of the Use-As-Dictionary header.
  string match;
  // The "match-dest" value of the Use-As-Dictionary header.
  array<RequestDestination> match_dest;
  // The "id" value of the Use-As-Dictionary header.
  string id;
  // The URL of the dictionary.
  url.mojom.Url dictionary_url;
  // The time when Chrome fetched the dictionary.
  mojo_base.mojom.Time last_fetch_time;
  // The time when Chrome received the dictionary.
  mojo_base.mojom.Time response_time;
  // The time when this dictionary will be unusable.
  mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta expiration;
  // The time when this dictionary was used in the last time.
  mojo_base.mojom.Time last_used_time;
  // The size of the dictionary binary.
  uint64 size;
  // The SHA256 hash of the dictionary binary.
  SHA256HashValue hash;

// An opaque handle that keeps preloaded the preloaded shared dictionaries.
interface PreloadedSharedDictionaryInfoHandle {};

// Represents a signed exchange report.
// Spec:
struct SignedExchangeReport {
  bool success;
  string type;
  url.mojom.Url outer_url;
  url.mojom.Url inner_url;
  url.mojom.Url cert_url;
  string referrer;
  IPAddress server_ip_address;
  string protocol;
  string method;
  int32 status_code;
  mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta elapsed_time;

const int32 kBrowserProcessId = 0;
const int32 kInvalidProcessId = -1;

// URLLoaderFactory made by the network service consists of two layers of
// factories, the "internal" one that directly talks to the //net layer, and
// the "outer" one (which is also called CorsURLLoader) that enforces necessary
// security features such as CORS.
// This struct can be used to specify an alternative "internal"
// URLLoaderFactory so that the requests can still go through the "outer" one
// for security features, but then they are routed to the alternative
// |overriding_factory| rather than the one that talks to //net, which is also
// exposed to the consumer as |overridden_factory_receiver|.
// |overridden_factory_receiver| is useful when the receiver of
// |overriding_factory|| wants to decide which (of the "internal", or the
// "alternative" one) URLLoaderFactory to use on a per-request basis.
struct URLLoaderFactoryOverride {
  // This factory replaces the "internal" factory.
  pending_remote<URLLoaderFactory> overriding_factory;

  // A receiver for the replaced "internal" URLLoaderFactory.
  pending_receiver<URLLoaderFactory>? overridden_factory_receiver;

  // Specifies if we should accept unknown schemes for CORS-enabled requests
  // so that the |overriding_factory| can provide content for custom schemes.
  bool skip_cors_enabled_scheme_check = false;

// Type for verdict on whether to forbid a Trust Tokens operation, based on
// permissions policy of the relevant context.
// (
// kForbid is for requests from subframes with the underlying operation's
// Permissions Policy feature disabled by (1) policies inherited from their
// parents, or (2) the frames' iframe tag attributes.
// Note: Response headers can also disable a Trust Token operation Permissions
// Policy feature. This will not necessarily be reflected in the the enum's
// value. The response headers' value is only available from an untrusted
// source.
// - If the renderer behaves correctly, renderer-side checks guarantee that
// these operations will not be executed in frames with the policy disabled
// via response headers.
// - If the renderer doesn't behave correctly, there's no point in
// propagating the renderer's untrusted report about the response headers'
// value.
enum TrustTokenOperationPolicyVerdict {

enum SCTAuditingMode {
  // SCT auditing is completely disabled.

  // The user has opted-in to ESBR, so sampled SCTs are sent to Google.

  // The user is not opted-in to ESBR, and hashdance auditing is enabled.
  // Perform a k-anonymous prefix query for sampled SCTs, and upload only if the
  // SCT is not present in a log.

struct URLLoaderFactoryParams {
  // Process that will be using the URLLoaderFactory to initiate HTTP requests.
  // (This is *not* necessarily the same process that creates the factory,
  // since only the Browser process should be able to call
  // NetworkContext::CreateURLLoaderFactory.)
  // Set to kBrowserProcessId to indicate the browser process.
  // SECURITY NOTE: Factories with kBrowserProcessId should not be sent
  // to untrustworthy processes.
  // Set to RenderProcessHost::GetID() to indicate a renderer process.
  // SECURITY NOTE: Factories should not be shared among multiple renderer
  // processes (e.g. |request_initiator_origin_lock| is specific to a single
  // renderer process).
  int32 process_id = kInvalidProcessId;

  // If specified, then |request_initiator_origin_lock| locks
  // |ResourceRequest::request_initiator| to the specified origin.
  // SECURITY NOTE: |request_initiator_origin_lock| should be present in all
  // factories that may be vended to a Renderer process.
  // |request_initiator_origin_lock| may be missing only in factories used by
  // the Browser process.
  url.mojom.Origin? request_initiator_origin_lock;

  // Opaque Response Blocking (ORB) configuration.
  bool is_orb_enabled = true;

  // Whether |isolated_world_origin| from network::ResourceRequest should be
  // ignored.  Set |ignore_isolated_world_origin| to |false| to allow isolated
  // worlds to bypass CORS security checks via OriginAccessList.
  // TODO( Remove the `ignore_isolated_world_origin`
  // field once Chrome Platform Apps are gone.
  bool ignore_isolated_world_origin = true;

  // Indicate whether a request is not from web page ( probably from chrome
  // extension background page ).
  bool unsafe_non_webby_initiator = false;

  // If `true`, this factory is being created for a context that isn't
  // considered to be of the web. "Site"-based features, like Fetch
  // Metadata's `Sec-Fetch-Site` header will treat all requests from
  // this factory as initiated by the user agent itself, not from any
  // particular page.
  bool disable_web_security = false;

  // If this is set, requests with the kURLLoadOptionUseHeaderClient option will
  // callback to the |header_client|, allowing the Cookie/Referrer request
  // headers and Cookie response headers to be modified. This has a performance
  // impact because of the extra process hops, so use should be minimized.
  pending_remote<TrustedURLLoaderHeaderClient>? header_client;

  // Information used restrict access to identity information (like SameSite
  // cookies) and to shard network resources, like the cache. If set, takes
  // precedence over ResourceRequest::TrustedParams::IsolationInfo field
  // of individual requests.
  IsolationInfo isolation_info;

  // Whether secure DNS should be disabled for requests.
  bool disable_secure_dns = false;

  // True if this is for exclusive use by a trusted consumer. Only trusted
  // consumers can issue requests with ResourceRequest::trusted_params
  // populated.
  bool is_trusted = false;

  // If true, a cookie-less IsolationInfo is automatically assigned to
  // URLLoaders based on the URL being requested. The IsolaitonInfo will
  // have an empty SiteForCookies. If this is true, |isolation_info| must be
  // null. ResourceRequest::TrustedParams::IsolationInfo, if non-empty, will
  // take precedence over automatically assigning an IsolationInfo.
  bool automatically_assign_isolation_info = false;

  // Whether URLLoaders created by this factory need to call
  // URLLoaderNetworkServiceObserver::OnLoadingStateUpdate.
  bool provide_loading_state_updates = false;

  // An identifier for toplevel frame. This is used for resource accounting
  // for keepalive requests. When this factory is for a dedicated worker,
  // the identifier for the toplevel frame of the ancestor's frame is given.
  // When this factory is for a shared/service worker, null is given.
  mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? top_frame_id;

  // Replaces the "internal" factory used by security features such as CORS.
  URLLoaderFactoryOverride? factory_override;

  // Used to enforce security properties on the requests loaded by the
  // URLLoader based on the Fetch client state.
  ClientSecurityState? client_security_state;

  // Used to report CORP violations caused by COEP.
  pending_remote<CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyReporter>? coep_reporter;

  // Used to notify clients about cookie reads or writes.
  pending_remote<CookieAccessObserver>? cookie_observer;

  // Used to notify clients about Trust Token accesses.
  pending_remote<TrustTokenAccessObserver>? trust_token_observer;

  // Used to notify clients about shared dictionary reads or writes.
  pending_remote<SharedDictionaryAccessObserver>? shared_dictionary_observer;

  // Used to notify clients about authentication and certificate events.
  pending_remote<URLLoaderNetworkServiceObserver>? url_loader_network_observer;

  // Used to notify devtools about events.
  pending_remote<DevToolsObserver>? devtools_observer;

  // If this equals kForbid, the context to which this loader is bound does not
  // allow Trust Tokens ( issuance
  // operation.
  // TODO( Once Permissions Policy headers are available from
  // a trusted source, it would be good to set this depending on the headers'
  // values, too.
      trust_token_issuance_policy = kPotentiallyPermit;

  // If this equals kForbid, the context to which this loader is bound does not
  // allow any Trust Tokens (
  // redemption or signing operations.
  // TODO( Once Permissions Policy headers are available from
  // a trusted source, it would be good to set this depending on the headers'
  // values, too.
      trust_token_redemption_policy = kPotentiallyPermit;

  // TODO(lukasza): Consider removing this
  // diagnostic aid once the bug is understood.
  string debug_tag = "";

  // Lists all the cookie setting overrides that should be specified on
  // each URLRequest.
  CookieSettingOverrides cookie_setting_overrides;

  // If `require_cross_site_request_for_cookies` is specified, then all
  // loaded requests must have an empty site_for_cookies to ensure only
  // SameSite=None cookies can be attached to the request.
  // For context on usage see:
  bool require_cross_site_request_for_cookies = false;

// A GeoHint represents a course location of a user. Values are based on
// RFC 8805 geolocation.
struct GeoHint {
  // Country code of the geo. Example: "US".
  string country_code;

  // ISO region of the geo. Example: "US-CA".
  string iso_region;

  // City name of the geo. Example: "MOUNTAIN VIEW".
  string city_name;

// A blind-signed auth token, suitable for use with IP protection proxies.
struct BlindSignedAuthToken {
  // The token value, for inclusion in a header.
  string token;

  // The expiration time of this token.
  mojo_base.mojom.Time expiration;

  // The GeoHint which specifies the coarse geolocation of the token.
  GeoHint geo_hint;

// The proxy layer to fetch batches of tokens for.
enum IpProtectionProxyLayer {kProxyA, kProxyB};

// A source for IP protection information from the browser process.
interface IpProtectionConfigGetter {
  // Try to get a batch of new tokens.
  // This may take some time, if external network requests are required. If no
  // tokens are available, it will return nullopt for `bsa_tokens` and
  // `try_again_after` will contain the time after which the getter suggests
  // trying again, as a form of backoff.
  // It is forbidden for two calls to this method to be outstanding at the same
  // time.
  TryGetAuthTokens(uint32 batch_size, IpProtectionProxyLayer proxy_layer) =>
    (array<BlindSignedAuthToken>? bsa_tokens,
     mojo_base.mojom.Time? try_again_after);

  // Get the list of IP Protection proxy chains. The list contains lists of
  // proxy chain hostnames, in order of preference. Callers should prefer
  // the first proxy, falling back to later proxies in the list. All proxies
  // are implicitly HTTPS.
  // This method will return an up-to-date list, possibly fetching that list
  // remotely before returning it.
  GetProxyList() => (array<ProxyChain>? proxy_list, GeoHint? geo_hint);

// Access to the IP Protection ProxyDelegate in the network service process.
interface IpProtectionProxyDelegate {
  // Used to facilitate cross-process testing of the IP Protection feature. This
  // method will:
  //  - Disable active cache management and reset the IP Protection cache to a
  //    no-tokens and no-cooldown state, and,
  //  - Return the current cooldown if one has been set, or,
  //  - Initiate an IP Protection token request to the browser process and
  //    return either a returned token or the returned cooldown time
      => (BlindSignedAuthToken? bsa_token,
          mojo_base.mojom.Time? try_again_after);

  // Indicates that the IP Protection config cache in the Network Service should
  // no longer wait before requesting tokens from the browser process (called in
  // response to user account status changes that allow IP Protection to start
  // working as expected).

  // Indicates that the state of the IP Protection feature has changed and the
  // network service should update it's state accordingly (including tearing
  // down existing proxied connections, if `value` is false).
  SetIpProtectionEnabled(bool value);

  // Returns the Network Service's state regarding whether IP Protection is
  // enabled, for testing.
  IsIpProtectionEnabledForTesting() => (bool value);

// Represents a distinct context for making network requests, with its own
// storage (e.g. cookies and cache).
// NetworkContext is implemented by the network service. It is a trusted
// interface that must not be sent to an untrusted process like a renderer
// process. Only the browser process or privileged utilities should have access
// to it.
interface NetworkContext {
  // Sets a client for this network context.
  SetClient(pending_remote<NetworkContextClient> client);

  // Creates a new URLLoaderFactory with the given |params|.
  CreateURLLoaderFactory(pending_receiver<URLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
                         URLLoaderFactoryParams params);

  // Destroys all URLLoaderFactory bindings, which should then be regenerated.
  // This should be called if there is a change to the proxies which should be
  // used on URLLoaders.

  // Uses Oblivious HTTP to indirectly perform the request. Specification at
  GetViaObliviousHttp(ObliviousHttpRequest request,
                      pending_remote<ObliviousHttpClient> client);

  // Gets the CookieManager associated with this network context.
  // The CookieManager must only be passed to trusted processes. Whenever
  // possible, a RestrictedCookieManager should be handed out instead.
  GetCookieManager(pending_receiver<CookieManager> cookie_manager);

  // Gets a RestrictedCookieManager scoped to a given origin, and applying
  // settings configured on the CookieManager associated with this domain.
  // |origin| represents the domain for which the RestrictedCookieManager can
  // access cookies. It could either be a frame origin when |role| is
  // RestrictedCookieManagerRole::SCRIPT (a script scoped to a particular
  // document's frame)), or a request origin when |role| is
  // RestrictedCookieManagerRole::NETWORK (a network request).
  // |isolation_info| contains info for SameSite cookie queries.
  // Must be fully populated.
  // If |role| == SCRIPT, this interface can be safely handed out to a process
  // that is known to represent the given origin, such as a renderer process.
      pending_receiver<RestrictedCookieManager> restricted_cookie_manager,
      RestrictedCookieManagerRole role,
      url.mojom.Origin origin,
      IsolationInfo isolation_info,
      CookieSettingOverrides cookie_setting_overrides,
      pending_remote<CookieAccessObserver>? cookie_observer);

  // Provides a TrustTokenQueryAnswerer scoped to the given top-frame origin
  // (subsequent calls to its HasTrustTokens(issuer) and
  // HasRedemptionRecord(issuer) methods will attempt to
  // associate |issuer| with |top_frame_origin|, in the sense of
  // TrustTokenStore::SetAssociation, and reject if |top_frame_origin| is
  // already at its number-of-associated-issuers limit).
  // The caller must ensure (enforced by ReportBadMessage) that
  // |top_frame_origin| is both
  // (1) potentially trustworthy and
  // (2) either HTTP or HTTPS.
  // The first is a general security requirement; the second is in order to
  // ensure that the origin has a unique serialization (and, consequently, is
  // suitable for keying persistent Trust Tokens state).
      pending_receiver<TrustTokenQueryAnswerer> trust_token_query_answerer,
      url.mojom.Origin top_frame_origin);

  // Clears persistent Trust Tokens data keyed by the origins in |filter|, and
  // by origins corresponding to the domains in |filter|.
  // A null |filter| indicates that all Trust Tokens data should be cleared.
  ClearTrustTokenData(ClearDataFilter? filter) => ();

  // Clears session only Trust Tokens data. Depends on CookieSettings
  // at determining which data is session only.
  ClearTrustTokenSessionOnlyData() => (bool any_data_deleted);

  // Returns the number of signed-but-not-spent Trust Tokens.
      => (array<StoredTrustTokensForIssuer> tokens);

  // Returns map of issuer to list of toplevel/last redemption pairs.
      => (map<url.mojom.Origin, array<ToplevelRedemptionRecord>>

  // Deletes all Trust Tokens issued by |issuer|.
  // This method is narrower as ClearTrustTokenData. ClearTrustTokenData
  // also clears out Redemption Records.
  DeleteStoredTrustTokens(url.mojom.Origin issuer)
      => (DeleteStoredTrustTokensStatus status);

  // Set Trust Token blocking to |block|.
  SetBlockTrustTokens(bool block);

  // Clears network objects with implicit URL history information. Data related
  // to events that happened prior to |start_time| and after |end_time| may be
  // retained. Only applies to network objects without more specific methods
  // (Cookies, and the cache have, or will have, their own clearing APIs). This
  // currently only covers server properties and transport security state.
  // The callback will be invoked once the data has been deleted.
  ClearNetworkingHistoryBetween(mojo_base.mojom.Time start_time,
                                mojo_base.mojom.Time end_time) => ();

  // Clears content from the HTTP cache. A specific range of time can be
  // specified with `start_time` and `end_time`. This supports unbounded deletes
  // in either direction by using null Time values for either argument.
  // If a non-null |filter| is specified, will clear only entries matching the
  // filter.
  ClearHttpCache(mojo_base.mojom.Time start_time,
                 mojo_base.mojom.Time end_time,
                 ClearDataFilter? filter) => ();

  // Computes the size of cache objects last accessed between |start_time| and
  // |end_time|.
  // If you don't want a lower bound, pass base::Time() for |start_time|.
  // If you don't want an upper bound, pass base::Time::Max()
  // |upper_bound| will be returned as true if the implementation had to
  // overestimate; this may be as bad as giving the size of the entire cache.
  // |size_or_error|, if non-negative, is the result in bytes; and a net error
  // code if negative.
  ComputeHttpCacheSize(mojo_base.mojom.Time start_time,
                       mojo_base.mojom.Time end_time)
      => (bool is_upper_bound, int64 size_or_error);

  // Notifies the HttpCache of a renderer-level cache hit with `url`
  // and `http_method`, with the network isolation key `key` and
  // `include_credentials` used when calculating the corresponding cache
  // partition. Note that this assumes that the cache hits being recorded are
  // for resources and not for navigations.
  // This is being proxied by the browser because the renderer is unable to
  // directly interact with NetworkContext.
  NotifyExternalCacheHit(url.mojom.Url url, string http_method,
                         NetworkIsolationKey key,
                         bool include_credentials);

  // Clears the host cache. This will affect all NetworkContexts that share the
  // same HostResolved as the NetworkContext this is called on.
  // If a non-null |filter| is specified, will clear only entries for domains
  // matching the filter. Filtering by origins is not supported. If |filter| is
  // non-null, || must be empty.
  ClearHostCache(ClearDataFilter? filter) => ();

  // Clears all entries from the HTTP Auth cache that were between |start_time|
  // and |end_time|, with |start_time| being inclusive and |end_time| exclusive.
  // If a non-null |filter| is specified, ClearHttpAuthCache will clear only
  // AuthCache entries for URLs matching the filter. Filtering by both origins
  // and domains is supported. If |filter| is non-null, you must provide either
  // || or ||, or both to define the filtering.
  ClearHttpAuthCache(mojo_base.mojom.Time start_time,
                     mojo_base.mojom.Time end_time,
                     ClearDataFilter? filter) => ();

  // Clears entries from the Preflight Cache according to the specified filter.
  // Clear browsing history supports time ranges for the last 1hr, 24hr, 7d, 4w,
  // and all time.
  // Chrome caps the Access-Control-Max-Age header value for CORS-preflight
  // responses to 2hrs.
  // We opted for not to implement time range removal of entries from the
  // PreflightCache, as it will just serve the 1hr. period. Instead, we always
  // perform an "all-time" removal.
  // Clears all entries if |filter| isn't specified
  ClearCorsPreflightCache(ClearDataFilter? filter) => ();

  // Clears all report entries from the reporting cache. This has no effect if
  // the ENABLE_REPORTING build flag is false.
  // If a non-null |filter| is specified, will clear only entries matching the
  // filter.
  ClearReportingCacheReports(ClearDataFilter? filter) => ();

  // Clears all client entries from the reporting cache. This has no effect if
  // the ENABLE_REPORTING build flag is false.
  // If a non-null |filter| is specified, will clear only entries matching the
  // filter.
  ClearReportingCacheClients(ClearDataFilter? filter) => ();

  // Clears policy entries from the NetworkErrorLoggingService. This has no
  // effect if the ENABLE_REPORTING build flag is false.
  // If a non-null |filter| is specified, will clear only entries matching the
  // filter.
  ClearNetworkErrorLogging(ClearDataFilter? filter) => ();

  // Mirror of domain_reliability::DomainReliabilityClearMode.
  enum DomainReliabilityClearMode {CLEAR_CONTEXTS, CLEAR_BEACONS};
  // Clears Domain Reliability entries, specified by |mode|.
  ClearDomainReliability(ClearDataFilter? filter,
                         DomainReliabilityClearMode mode) => ();

  // Clears dictionaries from the shared dictionary cache. A specific range of
  // time can be specified with `start_time` and `end_time`. This supports
  // unbounded deletes in either direction by using null Time values for either
  // argument. If a non-null |filter| is specified, will clear only entries
  // matching the filter.
  ClearSharedDictionaryCache(mojo_base.mojom.Time start_time,
                             mojo_base.mojom.Time end_time,
                             ClearDataFilter? filter) => ();

  // Clears dictionaries registered for `isolation_key` from the shared
  // dictionary cache.
      SharedDictionaryIsolationKey isolation_key) => ();

  // Configures per-resource reporting endpoints set with the
  // Reporting-Endpoints header.
  // |reporting_source| is a token which identifies the document or worker with
  // which the header was received. The endpoints configured by this method are
  // only used to deliver reports which are queued by that same source.
  // |isolation_info| is used when creating the endpoints in the ReportingCache
  // and when determining which credentials to send with uploaded reports. Its
  // network isolation key will need to match the key sent when reports are
  // queued, in order for these reporting endpoints to be considered for
  // delivery, although this should always be the case when reports are queued
  // by the same source which configured the endpoints.
  // |endpoints| is a mapping of endpoint name to URL (URLs here are represented
  // as strings, and will be rejected if they fail to parse or are not secure).
  // Spec:
      mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken reporting_source,
      url.mojom.Origin origin, IsolationInfo isolation_info,
      map<string,string> endpoints);

  // Configures reporting endpoints set by the ReportingEndpoints enterprise
  // policy.
  // `endpoints` is a mapping of endpoint name to URL (URLs will be rejected if
  // they fail to parse or are not secure).
      map<string,url.mojom.Url> endpoints);

  // Queues any outstanding reports for a single |reporting_source| (which
  // must not be empty), and removes the reporting endpoint configuration for
  // that source. This is called when the reporting source (document or worker)
  // is destroyed.
      mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken reporting_source);

  // Queues a report via the Reporting API. `type` describes the type of report
  // (as well as what data will contained in `body`). |group| specifies the
  // endpoint group that the report will be delivered to. `url` indicates the
  // URL of the resource that the report describes. `body` holds the contents
  // of the report.
  // `reporting_source` and `network_anonymization_key` are used both for
  // looking up the appropriately scoped reporting information and for sending
  // the report. `network_anonymization_key` indicates the
  // NetworkAnonymizationKey associated with the request, while
  // `reporting_source`, if not empty, identifies the specific document or
  // worker instance causing the report to be queued. If `reporting_source` is
  // not empty, then it will be used to look up reporting endpoints set with
  // the SetDocumentReportingEndpoints method first, and if no matching
  // endpoint is found, it will fall back to looking up a matching endpoint
  // group configured for the origin and `network_anonymization_key`.
  // Note that this queued report will never be delivered if no reporting
  // endpoint is registered for this `url` or `reporting_source` with the
  // provided `network_anonymization_key`.
  // Spec:
  QueueReport(string type,
              string group,
              url.mojom.Url url,
              mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? reporting_source,
              NetworkAnonymizationKey network_anonymization_key,
              mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue body);

  QueueEnterpriseReport(string type,
              string group,
              url.mojom.Url url,
              mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue body);

  // Queues a signed exchange report.
  // Note that this queued report will never be delivered if no reporting
  // endpoint matching is registered for with the provided
  // `network_anonymization_key`.
  QueueSignedExchangeReport(SignedExchangeReport report,
                            NetworkAnonymizationKey network_anonymization_key);

  // Closes all open connections within this context.
  CloseAllConnections() => ();

  // Close all idle connections for the HTTP network session used by
  // this context.
  CloseIdleConnections() => ();

  // Configures network conditions for the specified throttling profile.
  // The throttling will be applied only to requests that have matching
  // throttling_profile_id.
  // Passing null NetworkConditions disables the throttling.
  SetNetworkConditions(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken throttling_profile_id,
                       NetworkConditions? conditions);

  // Updates the Accept-Language header to be used for requests.
  SetAcceptLanguage(string new_accept_language);

  // If false, the referrer of requests is never populated.
  SetEnableReferrers(bool enable_referrers);

  // Updates the CT policy to be used for requests. Only applies if the
  // NetworkContextParams set enforce_chrome_ct_policy to true.
  // TODO(rsleevi): Remove this once Chrome-specific policies are moved out
  // of the network service.
  SetCTPolicy(CTPolicy ct_policy);

  // Creates a UDP socket. Caller can supply a |listener| interface pointer
  // to listen for incoming datagrams. A null |listener| is acceptable if caller
  // is not interested in incoming data.
  // Any sockets that are created but are yet to be destroyed will be destroyed
  // when NetworkContext goes away.
  CreateUDPSocket(pending_receiver<UDPSocket> receiver,
                  pending_remote<UDPSocketListener>? listener);

  // Creates a Restricted UDP socket that wraps an internal UDP Socket connected
  // or bound to |addr| with |params| depending on the provided |mode|.
  // The socket created can only be used for the purpose specified in
  // |traffic_annotation|, and cannot be re-used for other purposes.
  // Caller can supply a |listener| interface pointer to listen for incoming
  // datagrams. A null |listener| is acceptable if caller is not interested in
  // incoming data.
  // On success, the resulting local address will be written to |local_addr_out|
  // and |result| is net::OK. On failure, |result| is a network error code.
  // Any sockets that are created but are yet to be destroyed will be destroyed
  // when NetworkContext goes away.
      IPEndPoint addr,
      RestrictedUDPSocketMode mode,
      MutableNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation,
      RestrictedUDPSocketParams? params,
      pending_receiver<RestrictedUDPSocket> receiver,
      pending_remote<UDPSocketListener>? listener)
      => (int32 result, IPEndPoint? local_addr_out);

  // Creates a TCP server socket that listens on |local_addr|. The socket
  // created can only be used for the purpose specified in |traffic_annotation|,
  // and cannot be re-used for other purposes. Caller must specify an address
  // family in |local_addr| to be either IPv4 or IPv6. If port in |local_addr|
  // is 0, the OS will pick an available port. If address bytes are 0, the OS
  // will pick a local address of the specified address family.
  // On success, the resulting local address will be written to |local_addr_out|
  // and |result| is net::OK. On failure, |result| is a network error code.
  // Any sockets that are created but are yet to be destroyed will be destroyed
  // when NetworkContext goes away.
  CreateTCPServerSocket(IPEndPoint local_addr,
                        TCPServerSocketOptions options,
                        MutableNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation,
                        pending_receiver<TCPServerSocket> socket)
      => (int32 result, IPEndPoint? local_addr_out);

  // Creates a TCP socket connected to |remote_addr|. |observer| if non-null
  // will be used to listen for any network connection error on the newly
  // established connection. The socket created can only be used for the purpose
  // specified in |traffic_annotation|, and cannot be re-used for other
  // purposes. |local_addr| should be set to null unless the caller wants to
  // bind the socket to a specific address and port. On success, |result| is
  // net::OK. Caller is to use |send_stream| to send data and |receive_stream|
  // to receive data over the connection. On failure, |result| is a network
  // error code.
  // If the client closes |socket| before this completes, the callback will be
  // invoked with net::ERR_ABORTED.
  // Any sockets that are created but are yet to be destroyed will be destroyed
  // when NetworkContext goes away.
      IPEndPoint? local_addr,
      AddressList remote_addr_list,
      TCPConnectedSocketOptions? tcp_connected_socket_options,
      MutableNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation,
      pending_receiver<TCPConnectedSocket> socket,
      pending_remote<SocketObserver>? observer)
      => (int32 result,
          IPEndPoint? local_addr,
          IPEndPoint? peer_addr,
          handle<data_pipe_consumer>? receive_stream,
          handle<data_pipe_producer>? send_stream);

  // Creates a TCPSocket bound to |local_addr|. The socket created can only be
  // used for the purpose specified in |traffic_annotation|, and cannot be
  // re-used for other purposes. |local_addr| is treated the same as in
  // CreateTCPServerSocket().
  // On success, the resulting local address will be written to |local_addr_out|
  // and |result| is net::OK. On failure, |result| is a network error code.
  // It's recommended consumers use CreateTCPServerSocket() or
  // CreateTCPConnectedSocket(). This method is just provided so legacy
  // consumers can mimic Berkeley sockets semantics.
  CreateTCPBoundSocket(IPEndPoint local_addr,
                       MutableNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation,
                       pending_receiver<TCPBoundSocket> socket)
      => (int32 result, IPEndPoint? local_addr);

  // Creates a ProxyResolvingSocketFactory that shares some configuration params
  // with this NetworkContext, but uses separate socket pools.
  // Any sockets that are created but are yet to be destroyed will be destroyed
  // when NetworkContext goes away.
      pending_receiver<ProxyResolvingSocketFactory> factory);

  // Looks up what proxy to use for a particular URL.
  // `network_anonymization_key` is used to partition the DNS cache in the case
  // a PAC script is used, and should match the NAK of the frame the lookup is
  // for use with.
  LookUpProxyForURL(url.mojom.Url url,
                    NetworkAnonymizationKey network_anonymization_key,
                    pending_remote<ProxyLookupClient> proxy_lookup_client);

  // Forces refetching the proxy configuration, and applying it.
  ForceReloadProxyConfig() => ();

  // Clears the list of bad proxy servers that has been cached.
  ClearBadProxiesCache() => ();

  // Creates a WebSocket connection to |url|. |requested_protocols| is a
  // list of tokens identifying sub-protocols the renderer would like to use,
  // as described in RFC6455 "Subprotocols Using the WebSocket Protocol".
  // |additional_headers| are miscellaneous HTTP headers to be added to the
  // request. Headers semantically relevant to the WebSocket handshake such
  // as "sec-websocket-protocol" and "origin" are handled separately, (e.g.,
  // "sec-websocket-protocol" is constructed from  |requested_protocols| in this
  // message). |site_for_cookies| represents the first-party origin for the
  // request. |storage_access_api_status| is used to opt into using a
  // "storage-access" permission grant. |options| may be a combination of the
  // kWebSocketOption* flags.  |isolation_info| includes SiteForCookies, top
  // frame origin, and current frame origin, and is used to isolate shared
  // network stack resources based on the context. It must have
  // RediredMode::kUpdateNothing. Currently, |isolation_info|'s SiteForCookies
  // field is ignored, but it will eventually replace the |site_for_cookies|
  // parameter.
  // If |header_client| is set, requests with the kURLLoadOptionUseHeaderClient
  // option will callback to the |header_client|, allowing the Cookie/Referrer
  // request headers and Cookie response headers to be modified. This has a
  // performance impact because of the extra process hops, so use should be
  // minimized.
  // Requests from a system context should set |process_id| to
  // |kBrowserProcessId|. In that case |render_frame_id| MUST be zero. These
  // values will still be passed to |OnSSLCertificateError| as needed but no
  // throttling will be performed for such WebSockets.
  // Detect mojo connection errors on |handshake_client| until the connection
  // is established.
  // Do *NOT* interpret mojo connection errors on |auth_handler| and
  // |header_client| as WebSocket connection errors. They are disconnected when
  // the connection is established, and due to message ordering uncertainty we
  // cannot know what happened.
  // |throttling_profile_id| can be provided to allow network conditions
  // emulation for this web socket connection. Emulated network conditions
  // can be set by calling SetNetworkConditions with a matching throttling
  // profile id.
      url.mojom.Url url,
      array<string> requested_protocols,
      SiteForCookies site_for_cookies,
      StorageAccessApiStatus storage_access_api_status,
      IsolationInfo isolation_info,
      array<HttpHeader> additional_headers,
      int32 process_id,
      url.mojom.Origin origin,
      uint32 options,
      MutableNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation,
      pending_remote<WebSocketHandshakeClient> handshake_client,
      pending_remote<URLLoaderNetworkServiceObserver>? url_loader_network_observer,
      pending_remote<WebSocketAuthenticationHandler>? auth_handler,
      pending_remote<TrustedHeaderClient>? header_client,
      mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? throttling_profile_id);

  // Creates a WebTransport connection to |url|. |origin| is used for the
  // client indication - see
  // .
  // When |fingerprints| is not empty, it is used to verify the certificate.
  // It is recommended to detect mojo connection errors on |handshake_client|.
        url.mojom.Url url,
        url.mojom.Origin origin,
        NetworkAnonymizationKey network_anonymization_key,
        array<WebTransportCertificateFingerprint> fingerprints,
        pending_remote<WebTransportHandshakeClient> handshake_client);

  // Create a NetLogExporter, which helps export NetLog to an existing file.
  // Note that the log is generally global, including all NetworkContexts
  // managed by the same NetworkService. The particular NetworkContext this is
  // called on will determine which NetworkContext gets its information and
  // configuration summary written out at the end of the log.
  CreateNetLogExporter(pending_receiver<NetLogExporter> receiver);

  // Tries to preconnect to |url|. |num_streams| may be used to request more
  // than one connection be established in parallel.
  // The sockets will only be used for requests which share the same values for
  // |credentials_mode| and |network_anonymization_key|.
  PreconnectSockets(uint32 num_streams,
                    url.mojom.Url url,
                    network.mojom.CredentialsMode credentials_mode,
                    NetworkAnonymizationKey network_anonymization_key);

  // Creates a P2PSocketManager instance, used for WebRTC.
  // `network_anonymization_key` is the network cache shard to associate with
  // the P2PSocketManager instance, and affects DNS cache shard used and proxy
  // connection sharing.
      NetworkAnonymizationKey network_anonymization_key,
      pending_remote<P2PTrustedSocketManagerClient> client,
      pending_receiver<P2PTrustedSocketManager> trusted_socket_manager,
      pending_receiver<P2PSocketManager> socket_manager);

  // Creates an MdnsResponder instance.
  CreateMdnsResponder(pending_receiver<MdnsResponder> responder_receiver);

  // Resolves the given hostname (or IP address literal). See documentation at
  // HostResolver::ResolveHost.
  // All outstanding requests are cancelled if the NetworkContext is destroyed.
  // Such requests will receive ERR_FAILED via `response_client`.
  // When `host` is a SchemeHostPort, behaves under the assumption that the
  // resolution is being done for the purpose of making a connection with the
  // specified scheme to the specified host and port. This could result in
  // scheme-specific DNS queries, e.g. for HTTPS resource records, and special
  // errors if DNS indicates a connection should not be made using the
  // specified scheme, e.g. ERR_DNS_NAME_HTTPS_ONLY indicates that a connection
  // should not be made without first redirecting an http or ws request to an
  // https or wss request.
  ResolveHost(HostResolverHost host,
              NetworkAnonymizationKey network_anonymization_key,
              ResolveHostParameters? optional_parameters,
              pending_remote<ResolveHostClient> response_client);

  // Creates a HostResolver interface that can be passed to code/processes
  // without direct access to NetworkContext to make ResolveHost requests.
  // If set, |config_overrides| will override configuration read from the system
  // DNS configuration when resolution is performed using the built-in resolver
  // (which can be forced using ResolveHostParameters::source = Source.DNS).
  // If this NetworkContext is destroyed, all outstanding requests from child
  // HostResolvers will be cancelled. Such requests will receive ERR_FAILED via
  // |response_client|.
  // TODO( If necessary as usage and functionality is added to
  // the contained ResolveHost method, consider adding the ability for this to
  // be a restricted resolver with some functionality disabled (eg maybe MDNS).
  CreateHostResolver(DnsConfigOverrides? config_overrides,
                     pending_receiver<HostResolver> host_resolver);

  // Checks the given certificate against the CertVerifier and CTVerifier. This
  // implementation is currently specific for use by Signed Exchange.
  VerifyCertForSignedExchange(X509Certificate certificate,
                              url.mojom.Url url,
                              string ocsp_response,
                              string sct_list) => (int32 error_code,
                                                   CertVerifyResult cv_result,
                                                   bool pkp_bypassed);

  // Adds explicitly-specified data as if it was processed from an
  // HSTS header. Used by tests and implementation of chrome://net-internals.
  AddHSTS(string host, mojo_base.mojom.Time expiry,
          bool include_subdomains) => ();

  // Returns true if it is known that |host| has requested to always be
  // accessed via HTTPS.
  IsHSTSActiveForHost(string host) => (bool result);

  // Retrieve values from the HSTS state from the associated contexts
  // transport security state.
  GetHSTSState(string domain)
      => (mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue state);

  // Sets allowed and blocked origins respectively for the URLLoaderFactory
  // consumers to access beyond the same-origin policy. The list is managed per
  // each |source_origin|, and each call will flash old set lists for the
  // |source_origin|. The passed |patterns| will be set instead. If an empty
  // array is given for |allow_patterns| and/or |block_patterns|, the
  // |source_origin|'s origin list for each is set to empty respectively.
  // TODO( Eventually, we want to stop using per-context
  // access lists, and use only per-factory access lists, or stop managing the
  // list in the NetworkService completely.
      url.mojom.Origin source_origin, array<CorsOriginPattern> allow_patterns,
      array<CorsOriginPattern> block_patterns) => ();

  // Deletes any dynamic data stored for |host| from the transport
  // security state. Returns true iff an entry was deleted.
  // See net::TransportSecurityState::DeleteDynamicDataForHost for more detail.
  DeleteDynamicDataForHost(string host) => (bool result);

  // Sets whether the HTTP auth cache will be split the NetworkAnonymizationKey.
  // Only affects server (not proxy) credentials. Whenever the effective value
  // is changed, all cached server auth credentials will be cleared.
      bool split_auth_cache_by_network_anonymization_key);

  // Copies the proxy entries of this NetworkContext's auth cache and
  // returns a key that can be used by LoadHttpAuthCache to load them into
  // another NetworkContext's auth cache. The data referenced by the
  // returned key is not associated with this NetworkContext, so will outlast
  // its destruction. If there is no corresponding LoadHttpAuthCache call, the
  // saved HttpAuthCache data will leak.
  // TODO( Return a scoped handle that can automatically
  // free the cache when it goes out of scope.
      => (mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken cache_key);

  // Loads auth cache entries previously saved by SaveHttpAuthCacheProxyEntries,
  // and copies them into this NetworkContext's HttpAuthCache. This may only be
  // called once for each token returned by SaveHttpAuthCacheProxyEntries().
  LoadHttpAuthCacheProxyEntries(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken cache_key)
      => ();

  // Adds an entry to the HttpAuthCache. `network_anonymization_key` is the
  // NetworkAnonymizationKey to restrict the credentials to, and is only
  // respected for server (not proxy) HTTP auth and only when the NetworkService
  // was configured to split the auth cache by NetworkAnonymizationKey.
  // `challenge` may not necessarily contain a stateful challenge that requires
  // a persistent connection, allowing the cache to be pre-populated.
  AddAuthCacheEntry(AuthChallengeInfo challenge,
                    NetworkAnonymizationKey network_anonymization_key,
                    AuthCredentials credentials) => ();

  // Sets whether
  // is
  // supported in this network context.
  SetCorsNonWildcardRequestHeadersSupport(bool value);

  // Looks up credentials in the HttpAuthCache using the origin and path from
  // |url|. Only supports basic auth scheme. Only looks up server (not proxy)
  // auth credentials, and only those that are usable in the scope of
  // |network_anonymization_key|.
  LookupServerBasicAuthCredentials(url.mojom.Url url,
      NetworkAnonymizationKey network_anonymization_key)
      => (AuthCredentials? credentials);

  // Looks up the proxy authentication credentials associated with
  // |proxy_server|, |auth_scheme| and |realm| in the HttpAuthCache.
  // |auth_scheme| is the authentication scheme of the challenge and it's
  // specified as a case-insensitive string. Unlike server credentials, proxy
  // credentials are not keyed on NetworkAnonymizationKey.
  LookupProxyAuthCredentials(ProxyServer proxy_server,
      string auth_scheme, string realm)
      => (AuthCredentials? credentials);

  // Enables the checking of static PKP records.
  EnableStaticKeyPinningForTesting() => ();

  // Verifies the given certificate using the context's CertVerifier.
  VerifyCertificateForTesting(X509Certificate certificate,
                              string hostname,
                              string ocsp_response,
                              string sct_list) => (int32 error_code);

  // Adds a Domain Reliability Context.
    url.mojom.Origin origin, url.mojom.Url upload_url) => ();

  // Forces all pending Domain Reliability uploads to run now, even if their
  // minimum delay has not yet passed.
  ForceDomainReliabilityUploadsForTesting() => ();

  // Set the SCT auditing mode for this NetworkContext.
  SetSCTAuditingMode(SCTAuditingMode mode);

  // Adds an observer that will receive Reporting Service callbacks. Generates
  // events for Reporting API reports currently stored in the reporting service.
  AddReportingApiObserver(pending_remote<ReportingApiObserver> observer);

  // Get the usage information of shared dictionaries.
      => (array<SharedDictionaryUsageInfo> usage_info);

  // Get shared dictionaries information for `isolation_key`.
  GetSharedDictionaryInfo(SharedDictionaryIsolationKey isolation_key)
      => (array<SharedDictionaryInfo> dictionaries);

  // Get a list of origins where shared dictionaries are registered. A specific
  // range of time can be specified with `start_time` and `end_time`.
  GetSharedDictionaryOriginsBetween(mojo_base.mojom.Time start_time,
                                    mojo_base.mojom.Time end_time)
      => (array<url.mojom.Origin> origins);

  // Sets maximum size of the shared dictionary cache.
  SetSharedDictionaryCacheMaxSize(uint64 cache_max_size);

  // Preloads matching dictionaries for loading documents of the `urls`.
      array<url.mojom.Url> urls,
      pending_receiver<PreloadedSharedDictionaryInfoHandle> preload_handle);
  // Check if there is a preloaded shared dictionary info.
  HasPreloadedSharedDictionaryInfoForTesting() => (bool value);

  // Called when visibility of ResourceSchedulerClient has changed.
  // `client_token` identifies which client has changed its visibility.
      mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken client_token, bool visible);

  // Will flush cached client certificate for `host` if `certificate`
  // doesn't match the corresponding cached certificate.
  FlushCachedClientCertIfNeeded(HostPortPair host, X509Certificate certificate);

  // Flushes a cached client certificate preference if `certificate` matches
  // the cached certificate.
  FlushMatchingCachedClientCert(X509Certificate certificate);

  // Sets cookie deprecation label.
  SetCookieDeprecationLabel(string? label);

  // Clients should revoke network access for nonces using
  // `StoragePartitionImpl::RevokeNetworkForNoncesInNetworkContext` instead of
  // this function. This is because `RevokeNetworkForNoncesInNetworkContext`
  // replicates the nonces so that they can be restored in case of a
  // `NetworkService` crash.
  // Register that all network requests with nonces in `nonces` as their
  // partition nonce should be blocked. Used for fenced frames network
  // revocation:
  // Each fenced frame tree primarily uses one "fenced frame nonce" for
  // requests that originate from it, but requests from credentialless iframes
  // within the fenced frame tree use a different "credentialless iframes
  // nonce". Currently these are the two nonces passed in `nonces`.
  RevokeNetworkForNonces(array<mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken> nonces) => ();

  // Clients should clear nonces tagged for network revocation using
  // `StoragePartitionImpl::ClearNoncesInNetworkContextAfterDelay` instead of
  // this function. This is because `StoragePartitionImpl` also handles clearing
  // the nonces in the browser-side replication data structure, which will
  // ensure that stale nonces aren't re-added to the `NetworkContext` after a
  // `NetworkService` crash. Note that this will only clear nonces specified
  // previously in `RevokeNetworkForNonces`, and should only be called when
  // those nonces are no longer relevant (for instance, after the corresponding
  // fenced frame is destroyed).
  ClearNonces(array<mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken> nonces);

  // Register that network requests operating under the nonce `nonce` whose url
  // without filename is `exempted_url` should be exempt from network
  // revocation. This can be called before network is revoked for `nonce` with
  // `RevokeNetworkForNonce`, and it will store the exemption so that it can
  // take effect afterwards.
      url.mojom.Url exempted_url, mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken nonce) => ();

  // Request that `request` be performed and cached as a prefetch. If a matching
  // request is subseqently received from a render process, the prefetch will
  // be consumed. `request_id`, `options` and `traffic_annotation` will be
  // passed to the CreateLoaderAndStart() method of CorsURLLoaderFactory when
  // the request is started.
  Prefetch(int32 request_id,
           uint32 options,
           URLRequest request,
           MutableNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation);

  // Returns whether this NetworkContext was bound to a network.
  // `bound_network` represents a net::handles::NetworkHandle,
  // `bound_network` == -1 means that this NetworkContext is not bound to any
  // network. Refer to NetworkContextParams::bound_network for more info.
  GetBoundNetworkForTesting() => (int64 bound_network);