// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module network.mojom;
import "services/network/public/mojom/ip_address.mojom";
// The corresponds to a struct ifaddrmsg sent from the Linux kernel, see
// https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/rtnetlink.7.html.
// Note that there is no way to validate any of these values, and so this should
// normally only be sent from a trusted process.
struct IfAddrMsg {
uint8 ifa_family;
uint8 ifa_prefixlen;
uint8 ifa_flags;
uint8 ifa_scope;
uint32 ifa_index;
// The counterpart to AddressMapOwnerLinux::AddressMap.
struct AddressMap {
// Mapped to an AddressMap.
map<network.mojom.IPAddress, IfAddrMsg> address_map;
// The counterpart to the std::unordered_set<int> of online links maintained in
// AddressMapOwnerLinux.
struct OnlineLinks {
// Mapped to an std::unordered_set<int>.
array<int32> online_links;
// This data is necessary to initialize AddressMapCacheLinux, for example in the
// sandboxed network service where AddressTrackerLinux can't be used instead.
struct InitialAddressMap {
// The initial AddressMap.
AddressMap address_map;
// The initial online interfaces.
OnlineLinks online_links;
// Represents a diff of an AddressMap and a set of online links.
struct NetworkInterfaceChangeParams {
// Maps an IPAddress to null if the IPAddress has been removed from the map.
// Otherwise maps an IPAddress to an IfAddrMsg if the entry has been changed
// or added.
map<network.mojom.IPAddress, IfAddrMsg?> address_map;
// Maps an interface index to true if it has been added to the set, and false
// if it has been removed from the set.
map<int32, bool> online_links;
// Used to listen for changes to the network interfaces (e.g. updates received
// via netlink from the Linux kernel).
interface NetworkInterfaceChangeListener {
// Called when there is a change to the network interfaces.
OnNetworkInterfacesChanged(NetworkInterfaceChangeParams params);