
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module network.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file_path.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/memory_pressure_level.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/address_list.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/host_resolver.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_change_manager.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_interface_change_listener.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_param.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/network_types.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/http_cache_backend_file_operations.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/ip_endpoint.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/transferable_socket.mojom";

// Maps to net::RuleBasedHostResolverProc::Rule::ResolverType.
// TODO( Deduplicate this enum's definition.
enum ResolverType {

// `dns_aliases` is a list of aliases read from DNS records, e.g. CNAME
// aliases, and is intended to preserve the alias chain in reverse, from
// canonical name (i.e. address record name) through to query name.
struct Rule {
  ResolverType resolver_type;
  string host_pattern;
  string replacement;
  int32 host_resolver_flags;
  array<string> dns_aliases;

// An entry in the "simple" backend of an HTTP cache.
interface SimpleCacheEntry {
  // Writes data into the entry. See disk_cache::Entry::WriteData for details.
  WriteData(int32 index,
            int32 offset,
            array<uint8> data,
            bool truncate) => (int32 result);

  // Reads data from the entry. See disk_cache::Entry::ReadData for details.
  ReadData(int32 index,
           int32 offset,
           uint32 length) => (array<uint8> data, int32 result);

  // Writes data into the entry. See disk_cache::Entry::WriteSparseData for
  // details.
  WriteSparseData(int32 offset, array<uint8> data) => (int32 result);

  // Reads data from the entry. See disk_cache::Entry::ReadSparseData for
  // details.
  ReadSparseData(int32 offset,
                 uint32 length) => (array<uint8> data, int32 result);

  // Closes the entry.
  Close() => ();

// Represents the result of opening an entry.
struct SimpleCacheOpenEntryResult {
  // Represents the status of the open operation.
  int32 error;

  // The key of the entry. This is set if and only if `error` is net::OK.
  string key;

  // An remote pointer to the opened entry. Non-null if and only if `error` is
  // net::OK.
  pending_remote<SimpleCacheEntry>? entry;

// An interface to enumerate entries in a SimpleCache.
interface SimpleCacheEntryEnumerator {
  // Returns the next entry. `result.error` is net::ERR_FAILED at the end of
  // the enumeration.
  GetNext() => (SimpleCacheOpenEntryResult result);

// The "simple" backend of an HTTP cache.
interface SimpleCache {
  // Creates a new entry.
  CreateEntry(string key) =>
    (pending_remote<SimpleCacheEntry>? entry, int32 error);

  // Opens an entry.
  OpenEntry(string key) =>
    (pending_remote<SimpleCacheEntry>? entry, int32 error);

  // Marks the entry for deletion.
  DoomEntry(string key) => (int32 result);

  // Marks all the entries for deletion.
  DoomAllEntries() => (int32 result);

  // Enumerate entries in the backend.
  EnumerateEntries(pending_receiver<SimpleCacheEntryEnumerator> receiver);

  // Detaches the cache backend. Once this is called, no methods can be
  // called in the future. This also flushes tasks in the worker pool.
  // You do NOT need to call this - the cache backend is automatically detached
  // when the remote endpoint is detached. This is to ensure that all the tasks
  // (e.g., writing to the index) are done.
  Detach() => ();

// Testing interface to the network service.
// Methods are sometimes synchronous to avoid race conditions since this test
// interface is on a different pipe than interfaces which are impacted.
interface NetworkServiceTest {
  // Adds the given host resolver rules in the process where the network service
  // is running.
  AddRules(array<Rule> rules) => ();

  // Simulates a network connection type change. The new connection type will be
  // updated to |type| and broadcasts will be sent to
  // NetworkConnectionManagerClient implementations.
  SimulateNetworkChange(ConnectionType type) => ();

  // Simulates a network quality change. The new effective connection type will
  // be updated to |type| and broadcasts will be sent to
  // NetworkQualityEstimatorManagerClient implementations.
  SimulateNetworkQualityChange(EffectiveConnectionType type) => ();

  // Let NetworkQualityEstimator reports NetworkChangeNotifier::CONNECTION_WIFI
  // as EFFECTIVE_CONNECTION_TYPE_SLOW_2G since EffectiveConnectionType and
  // the production receivers doesn't notice Wifi.
  ForceNetworkQualityEstimatorReportWifiAsSlow2G() => ();

  // Crash the process where network service is running.

  // These methods mirror the net::MockCertVerifier interface.
  MockCertVerifierSetDefaultResult(int32 default_result) => ();

      X509Certificate cert,
      string host_pattern,
      CertVerifyResult verify_result,
      int32 rv) => ();

  // Set the global transport security state preloaded static data source to
  // the unittest_default source, with the reporting URIs rewritten to use
  // |reporting_port|.  If |reporting_port| is 0, the source will be reset to
  // the default.
  SetTransportSecurityStateSource(uint16 reporting_port) => ();

  // Allow host resolutions to reach the network. Since going to the network
  // can be a source of flakiness, this should only be called in tests that
  // can tolerate this, such as those run manually or on an FYI bot.
  SetAllowNetworkAccessToHostResolutions() => ();

  // Replace the system DNS configuration with a basic, single-server,
  // localhost-only configuration and ignore any future changes to the real
  // configuration.
  ReplaceSystemDnsConfig() => ();

  // Set the DoH configuration to be used during tests.
  SetTestDohConfig(SecureDnsMode secure_dns_mode,
                   DnsOverHttpsConfig doh_config) => ();

  // Causes the next host resolve to the given hostname to crash the process.
  CrashOnResolveHost(string host);

  // Causes the next CookieManager::GetCookieList call to crash.

  // Gets the latest memory pressure level reported by the
  // MemoryPressureListener.
      => (mojo_base.mojom.MemoryPressureLevel memory_pressure_level);

  // Gets the current count of peer to peer connections that may require low
  // latency.
      => (uint32 connection_count);

  // Returns the value of an environment variable in the network service's
  // process, or an empty string if it's not set.
  GetEnvironmentVariableValue(string name) => (string value);

  // Logs the given string in the network service. This is used to test log
  // redirection.
  Log(string message) => ();

  // Activates the specified field trial. Intended for use verifying that the
  // network service informs the main process when a field trial is activated.
  ActivateFieldTrial(string field_trial_name);

  // Set how long of an initial delay should be used for exponential backoff in
  // SCT auditing retries. Setting the delay to nullopt will reset to the
  // default.
  SetSCTAuditingRetryDelay(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? delay) => ();

  // Opens a file with the given `path`, and returns whether it is valid.
  OpenFile(mojo_base.mojom.FilePath path) => (bool result);

  // Enumerate files in the specified directory.
  EnumerateFiles(mojo_base.mojom.FilePath path,
                 pending_remote<HttpCacheBackendFileOperationsFactory> factory)
      => (array<FileEnumerationEntry> entries, bool error);

  // Creates a "simple" backend for an HTTP cache.
  // Returns the created cache if succeeded, and null otherwise. When `reset` is
  // true, this cleans up the cache directory before creating a cache backend.
      pending_remote<HttpCacheBackendFileOperationsFactory> factory,
      mojo_base.mojom.FilePath path,
      bool reset)
      => (pending_remote<SimpleCache>? backend);

  // Make a HTTP 1.0 GET request for / to `endpoint` using connected socket `s`.
  // Returns true if request was successfully sent. Intended for use verifying
  // that a TransferableSocket can be transferred between processes.
  MakeRequestToServer(TransferableSocket s, IPEndPoint endpoint)
      => (bool result);

  // Resolves the machine's own hostname with net::HostResolverSystemTask.
      => (network.mojom.AddressList addr_list, int32 os_error, int32 net_error);

  // Sets the last IPv6 probe result.
  SetIPv6ProbeResult(bool success) => ();

  // Get the network service's cached AddressMap, which contains a list of
  // network interfaces on the user's machine.
  [Sync, EnableIf=use_network_interface_change_listener]
      => (network.mojom.AddressMap addr_map, network.mojom.OnlineLinks links);

  // Returns true if the network service is allowed to load a GSSAPI library.
  // Only relevant on ChromeOS and Linux.
  AllowsGSSAPILibraryLoad() => (bool allow_gssapi_library_load);