// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module network.mojom;
// Describes the variance of URL query search params for cache matching
// purposes.
// For more information, see:
// https://wicg.github.io/nav-speculation/no-vary-search.html#model
union SearchParamsVariance {
// Query parameters which should be ignored when comparing a request
// to a cached response. This is empty if all query parameters are
// significant.
array<string> no_vary_params;
// Query parameters which should be respected when comparing a request
// to a cached response. This is empty if all query parameters should be
// ignored.
array<string> vary_params;
// The parsed value of the No-Vary-Search header.
// For more information, see:
// https://wicg.github.io/nav-speculation/no-vary-search.html#model
struct NoVarySearch {
// Describes the variance of URL query search params for cache matching
// purposes.
// For more information, see:
// https://wicg.github.io/nav-speculation/no-vary-search.html#model
SearchParamsVariance search_variance;
// If false, parameters with distinct keys can be reordered in order to find a
// cache hit. Defaults to true.
bool vary_on_key_order;
// Parse error encountered when parsing No-Vary-Search header value.
// The values are one to one with the parse error values in
// http_no_vary_search_data.h.
enum NoVarySearchParseError {
kOk, // Parsing is correct. Also returned if there is
// no header.
kDefaultValue, // Parsing is correct but led to default value.
// The header could be removed.
kNotDictionary, // Header value is not a dictionary.
kUnknownDictionaryKey, // Header value contains unknown dictionary keys.
kNonBooleanKeyOrder, // `key-order` is non-boolean.
kParamsNotStringList, // `params` is not a string list.
kExceptNotStringList, // `expect` is not a string list.
kExceptWithoutTrueParams, // `expect` without `params` set to true.
// The parsed value of No-Vary-Search header or the error
// encountered while parsing the header.
union NoVarySearchWithParseError {
NoVarySearch no_vary_search;
NoVarySearchParseError parse_error;