
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module network.mojom;

import "services/network/public/mojom/content_security_policy.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/cross_origin_embedder_policy.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/cross_origin_opener_policy.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/document_isolation_policy.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/link_header.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/no_vary_search.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/supports_loading_mode.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/timing_allow_origin.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/web_client_hints_types.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/x_frame_options.mojom";

enum OriginAgentClusterValue {
  kAbsent,  // No Origin-Agent-Cluster header specified.
  kTrue,  // Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?1.
  kFalse  // Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?0.

// Holds the parsed representation of several security related HTTP headers.
// This struct should only be populated by network::PopulateParsedHeaders().
// ParsedHeaders are used only for navigational requests and for worker and
// serviceworker main requests. They are ignored for subresources.
struct ParsedHeaders {
  // The parsed Content-Security-Policy from the response headers.
  array<ContentSecurityPolicy> content_security_policy;

  // The parsed value of the Allow-CSP-From response header.
  AllowCSPFromHeaderValue? allow_csp_from;

  // The parsed representation of Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy and
  // Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy-Report-Only headers.
  CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy cross_origin_embedder_policy;

  // The parsed value of the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP) and
  // Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy-Report-Only headers.
  CrossOriginOpenerPolicy cross_origin_opener_policy;

  // The parsed value of the Document-Isolation-Policy (DIP) and
  // Document-Isolation-Policy-Report-Only headers.
  DocumentIsolationPolicy document_isolation_policy;

  // The parsed value of the Origin-Agent-Cluster header.
  OriginAgentClusterValue origin_agent_cluster;

  // The parsed Accept-CH from response headers.
  // If this is missing, there is no valid accept-ch header, so client hints
  // handling should not change.
  // If this is present and an empty array, this means that client hints should
  // be disabled (if updating client hint preference is valid in this context).
  array<WebClientHintsType>? accept_ch;

  // The parsed Critical-CH response header.
  // Should be parsed in the same way (i.e. same tokens and grammar) as the
  // Accept-CH header.
  // Indicates that if these headers are missing from the Client Hint
  // preference storage but not otherwise blocked from being sent, the
  // appropriate preferences should be stored and the request should be
  // restarted (with the new client hint preferences taken into account).
  // All hints present in the Critical-CH header SHOULD also be present in the
  // Accept-CH header.
  // An empty list means the headers value was empty (i.e. 'Critical-CH:'). A
  // null value means the header was not present in the response. These are
  // both functionally a no-op.
  // For more information, see:
  array<WebClientHintsType>? critical_ch;

  // If the client hint headers should be ignored due to a Clear-Site-Data
  // header this is true so that when re-parsing the headers from cache we know
  // to keep them cleared. If this field is true but accept_ch or critical_ch
  // contain values, accept_ch and critical_ch should take precedence.
  bool client_hints_ignored_due_to_clear_site_data_header;

  // The parsed value of the X-Frame-Options header.
  XFrameOptionsValue xfo = XFrameOptionsValue.kNone;

  // The parsed Link headers.
  array<LinkHeader> link_headers;

  TimingAllowOrigin? timing_allow_origin;

  // The parsed Supports-Loading-Mode header.
  // For more information, see:
  array<LoadingMode> supports_loading_mode;

  // Parsed mapping of endpoint names to URLs from the Reporting-Endpoints
  // header. Will be null if that header was not present in the response.
  // URLs are represented here as strings, and have not been validated.
  map<string,string>? reporting_endpoints;

  // The parsed Cookie-Indices response header.
  // Lists cookie names which might affect whether this content is cacheable.
  // Responses should not be cached if one of the named cookies has a changed
  // value.
  // This field is populated even if `Vary: Cookie` is not specified (and it
  // would therefore be ineffective).
  array<string>? cookie_indices;

  // The parsed Avail-Language response header.
  // The Avail-Language response header field is the availability hint for
  // content negotiation using the Accept-Language request header field defined
  // in The default
  // language, if provided, will be put in the first language.
  // If Structured Header parsing fails or a member's value does have the
  // structure outlined as defined, the client MUST treat the representation as
  // having no Avail-Language header field.
  // It will only be populated when the kReduceAcceptLanguage feature is
  // enabled.
  // For more information, see:
  array<string>? avail_language;

  // The parsed value of the Content-Language header.
  array<string>? content_language;

  // The parsed value of the No-Vary-Search header including parse error
  // indicator. Null if not present or if No-Vary-Search header represents
  // the default URL search variance.
  // For more information, see:
  NoVarySearchWithParseError? no_vary_search_with_parse_error;

  // The parsed value of the Observe-Browsing-Topics header. See:
  bool observe_browsing_topics;

  // The parsed value of the Allow-Cross-Origin-Event-Reporting header. See:
  bool allow_cross_origin_event_reporting;

  // Please update `CheckParsedHeadersEquals` after adding new fields.