
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module network.mojom;

import "services/network/public/mojom/mutable_network_traffic_annotation_tag.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/proxy_config.mojom";

// These fields mirror those of net::ProxyConfigWithAnnotation.
struct ProxyConfigWithAnnotation {
  ProxyConfig value;
  MutableNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation;

// Interface for pushing proxy configuration updates to a NetworkContext.
interface ProxyConfigClient {
  OnProxyConfigUpdated(ProxyConfigWithAnnotation proxy_config);

  // Flush the ProxyConfig
  FlushProxyConfig() => ();

// Called periodically when the current ProxyConfig is in use, as a hint that
// it might be a good time to double-check the proxy configuration.
interface ProxyConfigPollerClient {

// Called to notify error related to the configured proxy settings.
interface ProxyErrorClient {
  // Called when the PAC script being used by the NetworkContext throws a
  // JavaScript error or fails to execute. This error is not necessarily
  // fatal for URL loading, since by default errors in a PAC script
  // result in a fallback to DIRECT connections.
  OnPACScriptError(int32 line_number, string details);

  // This is a best effort notification that a URL request failed due to
  // a problem with the proxy settings. |net_error| is the error code that the
  // request failed with.
  // This only surfaces failures for an entire URL load, and not from
  // individual proxy servers. For instance if a PAC script returned 4 proxy
  // servers, and sending the request through the first three failed before
  // successfully sending through the fourth, this method is NOT called.
  // There is some ambiguity with how errors are classified as being a
  // "proxy error". The current implementation includes a mix of
  // connection and protocol errors.
  OnRequestMaybeFailedDueToProxySettings(int32 net_error);