// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module network.mojom;
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
// TrustTokenProtocolVersion enumerates the versions of Trust Token that the
// client knows about. Different versions represent different configuration
// flows, data structure meanings, etc and may require clearing the database
// due to incompatibilities. kPrivateStateTokenV1Pmb, kPrivateStateTokenV1Voprf,
// kTrustTokenV3Pmb, and kTrustTokenV3Voprf can safely be supported at the same
// time, as they use the same underlying data model; they just use different
// cryptosystems to generate tokens' signatures.
// TODO(crbug.com/40722816): Schema versioning needs to be implemented for
// future versions that need to clear the database on schema changes.
// NOTE: When updating this enum, you probably also need to update
// kTrustTokensMajorVersion in trust_token_parameterization.h.
enum TrustTokenProtocolVersion {
// TrustTokenOperationStatus enumerates (an incomplete collection of) outcomes
// for a Trust Tokens protocol operation.
// Each status may be returned in similar cases beyond those listed in its
// comment.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(TrustTokenOperationStatus)
enum TrustTokenOperationStatus {
kOk = 0,
// A client-provided argument was malformed or otherwise invalid.
kInvalidArgument = 1,
// There are no key commitments registered for the issuer.
kMissingIssuerKeys = 2,
// A precondition failed (for instance, there was an error parsing the
// verification keys for an issuer).
kFailedPrecondition = 3,
// No inputs for the given operation available.
kResourceExhausted = 4,
// The operation's result already exists (for instance, a cache was hit).
kAlreadyExists = 5,
// A quota on the operation's outputs would be exceeded.
kResourceLimited = 6,
// The operation was unauthorized due to some sort of policy.
kUnauthorized = 7,
// The server response was malformed or otherwise invalid.
kBadResponse = 8,
// A, usually severe, internal error occurred.
kInternalError = 9,
// The operation failed for some other reason.
kUnknownError = 10,
// The operation was executed by a means other than sending the resource
// request at hand, so there's no response to provide for the request.
kOperationSuccessfullyFulfilledLocally = 11,
// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/net/enums.xml:TrustTokenOperationStatus)
// Trust Tokens operation parameterization
// This file specifies Mojo objects related to Trust Tokens protocol operations
// (https://github.com/wicg/trust-token-api). The operations generally involve
// checking stored state, attaching a request header, and processing a
// corresponding response header. Operation parameters are provided via Fetch
// and other Web Platform APIs.
enum TrustTokenOperationType {
// In "issuance," clients send locally-generated blinded tokens and receive
// tokens signed by an issuing server.
// In "redemption", clients exchange single-use server-signed tokens for
// multi-use Redemption Records.
// The "signing" operation involves attaching Redemption Records to outgoing
// requests, and potentially signing the requests with a key bound to the
// attached RR, to represent trust from the issuer.
// TrustTokenRefreshPolicy specifies, during redemption, whether to respect or
// ignore cached Redemption Records.
enum TrustTokenRefreshPolicy {
// If there's a valid RR already stored, return early and don't attempt to
// redeem a token for a new RR.
// Even there's a valid RR already stored, attempt to redeem a token for a
// new RR, overwriting the stored RR.
// TrustTokenSignRequestData specifies how to construct a request signature (or
// none) during the "redemption record attachment and request signing" protocol
// step.
enum TrustTokenSignRequestData {
// Just attach a Redemption Record (RR), not an additional signature over
// request data.
// In addition to an RR, attach a signature over a canonical request data
// structure comprising a collection of request headers and some additional
// metadata (see the explainer).
// In addition to an RR, attach a signature over a canonical request data
// structure comprising a collection of request headers, some additional
// contents of the request, and some additional metadata (see the explainer).
// Struct TrustTokenParams specifies a requested Trust Tokens protocol
// operation.
struct TrustTokenParams {
// Required.
TrustTokenOperationType operation;
// Required exactly when "operation" is "kRedemption"; specifies whether the
// caller wishes to use a cached Redemption Record (RR) if available or
// redeem a new token, evicting the RR currently stored.
TrustTokenRefreshPolicy refresh_policy = kUseCached;
// "custom_key_commitment" stores a custom key commitment that should be
// used for this operation if set.
string? custom_key_commitment;
// "custom_issuer" specifies what issuer to use for this operation if set.
url.mojom.Origin? custom_issuer;
// The remaining members are used only when "operation" is "kSigning": these
// parameters specify the manner in which the outgoing request should be
// signed, including optionally specifying additional data to add in
// browser-provided request headers (for instance, a timestamp or custom
// client-provided data).
TrustTokenSignRequestData sign_request_data = kOmit;
bool include_timestamp_header = false;
array<url.mojom.Origin> issuers;
array<string> additional_signed_headers;
// "possibly_unsafe_additional_signing_data", which stores the request's
// optional additionalSigningData Trust Tokens parameter, might not be a valid
// HTTP header value; it's the user's responsibility to ensure that it is safe
// to attach as a header prior to adding it to an outgoing request's headers.
string? possibly_unsafe_additional_signing_data;
// Result struct for a HasTrustTokens (see below) call:
struct HasTrustTokensResult {
// See HasTrustTokens's method comment for the possible values.
TrustTokenOperationStatus status;
bool has_trust_tokens;
// Result struct for a HasRedemptionRecord (see below) call:
struct HasRedemptionRecordResult {
TrustTokenOperationStatus status;
bool has_redemption_record;
// This interface is implicitly scoped to a top-level origin that is
// (1) potentially trustworthy and (2) either HTTP or HTTPS. (All Trust Tokens
// state is keyed by origins satisfying those two conditions.)
interface TrustTokenQueryAnswerer {
// Returns whether the user has any trust tokens issued by |issuer|. While
// these tokens' storage is globally- (or, at least, NetworkContext-) scoped,
// the method will only return a yes/no result if |issuer| is associated with
// the top-level origin implicit in this instance of TrustTokenQueryAnswerer.
// Concretely, this method:
// - verifies that |issuer| is HTTP(S) and potentially trustworthy, which are
// preconditions for a Trust Tokens issuer origin, returning kInvalidArgument
// if not;
// - checks if internal storage is initialized, returning kUnavailable if not;
// - attempts to associate |issuer| with the top-level origin to which this
// TrustTokenQueryAnswerer is scoped, returning kResourceExhausted on failure;
// and
// - if all of these conditions pass, returns kOk alongside a boolean
// denoting whether the user possesses any trust tokens issued by |issuer|.
HasTrustTokens(url.mojom.Origin issuer) => (HasTrustTokensResult result);
// Returns whether the user has a redemption record of redemption of an
// |issuer| issued token redeemed by the underlying top level origin.
// This method verifies that |issuer| is HTTP(S) and potentially trustworthy,
// which are preconditions for a Trust Tokens issuer origin, returns
// kInvalidArgument if not. It returns kOk alongside a boolean denoting
// whether the user possesses a valid redemption record issued by |issuer|
// and redeemed from the underlying top level origin.
HasRedemptionRecord(url.mojom.Origin issuer) =>
(HasRedemptionRecordResult result);
// Struct TrustTokenKeyCommitmentResult represents a trust token issuer's
// current key commitments and associated information. These are published via
// the issuer's key commitment endpoint, obtained out of band, and provided to
// the network service through periodic updates (see
// NetworkService::SetTrustTokenKeyCommitments).
struct TrustTokenVerificationKey {
string body;
mojo_base.mojom.Time expiry;
struct TrustTokenKeyCommitmentResult {
// |protocol_version| is the Trust Token version that this key commitment is
// for.
TrustTokenProtocolVersion protocol_version;
// |id| is the ID for this key commitment.
int32 id;
// |batch_size| is the issuer's number of tokens it wishes the client
// to request per Trust Tokens issuance operation.
int32 batch_size;
// |keys| is the collection of the issuer's current trust token verification
// keys.
array<TrustTokenVerificationKey> keys;
// |request_issuance_locally_on| specifies operating systems on which to
// divert issuance requests for this issuer to the system (i.e. to request
// "platform-provided" tokens)
enum Os {
array<Os> request_issuance_locally_on;
// When specifying that the browser should attempt local issuance on at least
// one operating system, issuers could benefit from a couple different
// fallback behaviors depending on their particular requirements.
// |unavailable_local_operation_fallback|'s value specifies what action to
// take when both of the following hold simultaneously:
// (1) local issuance is specified on at least one OS (i.e.
// |request_issuance_locally_on| is nonempty) and
// (2) we're not on any of the specified OSes.
enum UnavailableLocalOperationFallback {
// If we're not on a matching OS, instead attempt a standard web
// issuance request against the issuance request's destination URL.
// If we're not on a matching OS, just fail the issuance request.
UnavailableLocalOperationFallback unavailable_local_operation_fallback;
// Struct FulfillTrustTokenIssuanceRequest represents a Trust Tokens issuance
// request intended to be satisfied in a manner other than the standard direct
// resource request to the issuer's server. It contains "the same information"
// as a Trust-Tokens-over-HTTP request.
struct FulfillTrustTokenIssuanceRequest {
// |issuer| is the Trust Tokens issuer corresponding to this Trust Tokens
// issuance operation. Like all Trust Tokens issuer origins, this should be
// both
// - potentially trustworthy and
// - HTTP or HTTPS.
url.mojom.Origin issuer;
// |request| is a base64-encoded issuance request (in other words, a value
// that could serve as to the Sec-Trust-Token request header in a Trust
// Tokens-over-HTTP issuance request).
string request;
// Struct FulfillTrustTokenIssuanceAnswer represents a Trust Tokens issuance
// response obtained in a manner other than the standard direct resource
// request to the issuer's server. It contains "the same information" as a
// Trust-Tokens-over-HTTP response.
// Note: We can't call this "FulfillTrustTokenIssuanceResponse" if we want a
// "FulfillTrustTokenIssuance" method in C++-to-Java interfaces down the line,
// because the Java bindings append the suffix "Response" when generating
// callback names.
struct FulfillTrustTokenIssuanceAnswer {
// WARNING: Since these values are committed to histograms, please do not
// remove or reorder entries.
enum Status {
// It wasn't possible to route the issuance operation to the specified
// token issuer.
// Some other error occurred.
Status status;
// If |status| is kOk, |response| will contain a value intended to be
// interpreted identically to a Trust Tokens-over-HTTP Sec-Trust-Token
// response header. Otherwise, its value is indeterminate.
string response;
// TrustTokenOperationResult contains all the information required by
// DevTools. Which fields are set depend on |operation| and |status|.
struct TrustTokenOperationResult {
// Required.
TrustTokenOperationType operation;
TrustTokenOperationStatus status;
// Shared among the different operation types.
url.mojom.Origin? issuer;
url.mojom.Origin? top_level_origin;
// In case of TrustTokenOperationType::kIssuance.
int32 issued_token_count = 0;
// Struct StoredTrustTokensForIssuer is used by DevTools to inspect
// the current state of the Trust Token store.
struct StoredTrustTokensForIssuer {
url.mojom.Origin issuer;
int32 count;
// Used by PST Dev UI to store redemption record information per issuer/toplevel
// pair.
struct ToplevelRedemptionRecord {
url.mojom.Origin toplevel_origin;
mojo_base.mojom.Time last_redemption;
// Returned by DeleteStoredTrustTokens method on the NetworkContext.
enum DeleteStoredTrustTokensStatus {