
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module network.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/big_buffer.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/early_hints.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/http_request_headers.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/request_priority.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_completion_status.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_response_head.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

struct URLRequestRedirectInfo;

// URLLoader is an interface for performing a single request to a URL.
// Destroying a URLLoader will cancel the associated request.
// A URLLoader is normally created and started using
// URLLoaderFactory::CreateLoaderAndStart(). The result of the load is
// communicated to the URLLoaderClient provided to that function.
interface URLLoader {
  // If a disconnection is initiated by the client side, it may send the
  // following disconnection reason, along with an application-defined string
  // description, to notify the service side.
  const uint32 kClientDisconnectReason = 1;

  // Upon receiving a redirect through |URLLoaderClient::OnReceiveRedirect|,
  // |FollowRedirect| may be called to load the URL indicated by the redirect.
  // |removed_headers| can be used to remove existing headers for the redirect.
  // This parameter is before |modified_headers| since removing headers is
  // applied first in the URLLoader::FollowRedirect().
  // |modified_headers| can be used to add or override existing headers for the
  // redirect. |modified_cors_exempt_headers| can be used to modify
  // |cors_exempt_headers| in the URLRequest. See
  // NetworkContextParams::cors_exempt_header_list and
  // URLRequest::cors_exempt_headers for details.
  // If |new_url| is specified, then the request will be made to it instead of
  // the redirected URL. |new_url| must be same-origin to the redirected URL.
  FollowRedirect(array<string> removed_headers,
                 network.mojom.HttpRequestHeaders modified_headers,
                 network.mojom.HttpRequestHeaders modified_cors_exempt_headers,
                 url.mojom.Url? new_url);

  // Sets the request priority.
  // |intra_priority_value| is a lesser priority which is used to prioritize
  // requests within a given priority level. If -1 is passed, the existing
  // intra priority value is maintained.
  SetPriority(RequestPriority priority, int32 intra_priority_value);

  // If the resource is being fetched from the network,
  // PauseReadingBodyFromNet() pauses fetching the response body. It is okay to
  // call this method before fetching the body starts, too.
  // ResumeReadingBodyFromNet() resumes fetching the body if it has been paused.
  // Note that PauseReadingBodyFromNet() is asynchronous and only gurantees to
  // pause if the response body is fetched from the network. This means:
  // - any data in flight before PauseReadingBodyFromNet() is processed will
  //   still be passed to the client data pipe.
  // - a response body not from the network, e.g. from blob, may not be paused
  //   at all.
  // Redundant calls to these methods are ingored. It is not required to match
  // pause and resume calls. It is not an error to resume a non-paused request,
  // or pause a request multiple times.

// Receives messages from a single URLLoader.
interface URLLoaderClient {
  // Called when a 103 Early Hints response is received.
  OnReceiveEarlyHints(EarlyHints early_hints);

  // Called when the response head is received.
  // The loader is expected to close its end of the pipe after finishing
  // writing the body, so that the client knows when it is done reading.
  // Optionally, the response can contain cached metadata, such as a V8 code
  // cache.
  OnReceiveResponse(URLResponseHead head,
                    handle<data_pipe_consumer>? body,
                    mojo_base.mojom.BigBuffer? cached_metadata);

  // Called when the request has been redirected. The receiver is expected to
  // call FollowRedirect or cancel the request.
  OnReceiveRedirect(URLRequestRedirectInfo redirect_info, URLResponseHead head);

  // Called when the service made some progress on the file upload. This is
  // called only when the request has an upload data.
  // The implementation should call the response closure when the client is
  // ready to receive the next upload progress.
  OnUploadProgress(int64 current_position, int64 total_size) => ();

  // Called when the transfer size is updated. This is only called if
  // |report_raw_headers| is set or the renderer has permission to read the
  // request. The transfer size is the length of the response (including both
  // headers and the body) over the network. |transfer_size_diff| is the
  // difference from the value previously reported one (including the one in
  // OnReceiveResponse and OnReceiveRedirect). It must be positive.
  // TODO(yhirano): Dispatch this notification even when |download_to_file| is
  // set.
  // TODO(yhirano): Consider using an unsigned type.
  // TODO(rajendrant): Consider reporting the transfer size directly to browser
  // process from net service, and not pass it via renderer process. This can be
  // done after the upcoming network servicification work.
  OnTransferSizeUpdated(int32 transfer_size_diff);

  // Called when the loading completes. No notification will be dispatched for
  // this client after this message arrives. |status| has its |ssl_info| field
  // set only when |kURLLoadOptionsSendSSLInfoForCertificateError| was set.
  // The loader should only call this after it has finished the load or
  // errored, as the client could potentially close the Mojo connection upon
  // receiving this which may delete the loader. For example, if it passed a
  // data pipe to OnReceiveResponse(), the loader should only call
  // OnComplete() after it has finished writing to the data pipe (or errored).
  // Note that the client might not have finished reading the body by the time
  // it receives this message, and only knows it is done when the data pipe is
  // closed.
  OnComplete(URLLoaderCompletionStatus status);

// Convenient struct that groups the two communication endpoints most
// implementations of URLLoaderClient use to communicate with their URLLoader.
struct URLLoaderClientEndpoints {
  pending_remote<URLLoader> url_loader;
  pending_receiver<URLLoaderClient> url_loader_client;